Christy Lynn – Dork Diva – S2 E4

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Season 02
Christy Lynn - Dork Diva - S2 E4

Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S02 E03

This show is about as boring as fireworks. And BOOM! goes the dynamite!

Yeah. Fireworks. Which I happen to think are pretty bitchin’. Yeah “Bitchin'”,  which is a pretty rad word. And “rad” is so hella cool that those are my daughter’s initials. As you might be able to tell, I’m a little tipsy at the moment, it being Mardis Gras. Laissez les bon temps rouler! Yeah, I speak a smattering of Cajun if Google translate is handy. Word up to anyone in Lafayette, LA listening, but you’re not – you don’t care! Anyway…. Christy Lynn!!!

Our very good friend, Christy Lynn graced us with her presence  this week. She is such a blast. And if her father is reading this – don’t listen – she swears like a sailor and stuff. Really. You don’t wanna know. BUT! She really is a lot of fun. She is an active part of the music community in Reno, sparking up open mics and starting bands and plaing in jams all over town the last couple years. The fact that she’s got a sultry and pretty damn sexy blues voice doesn’t hurt either. You can catch her every W-F at Toast and Jam at the Studio on 4th. She’ll also be appearing with Blunderbusst and Candyshoppe (next week’s guests… hope that doen’t jinx it!) at The Treehouse Lounge this Saturday at 8pm.

And we can’t forget to mention OUR MOST SPECIUAL GUEST this week: Mister! Darin! Onoroff! *polite applause* Nick’s boyhood friend and … distant?… associate of the show had his birthday again this year. He had one birthday wish and one birthday wish only – to be on the mother frakking podcast. Although, I’m not sure why because he didn’t really seem to be in the same room with us, but whatever… it’s his birthday!!!  Yay!!! Happy Birthday Darin!  (get what I mean by “special” guest?)

At any rate – super awesome funtime show this week. I had a blast and everyone seemed happy in the end.
Isn’t that what we’re all really looking for?? ok…. besides a sack of money….


Thanks for Listening.

P.S. YES! I know “There’ss” is spelled wrong in the damn picture! Shaddup!


Broken Hearts, Lonely Hearts – S2 E3

Hello future test subjects!

Unfortunately, there is no show this week! Again! As much as we love him, Dogwater Dick is not superhuman or immune to disease. He gets sick like normal people. It just always  seems to happen at the same time as something important… like my wedding! Or for the Mary Jane Rocket show! Don’t worry though; he’ll be all fixed in a jiffy and we’ll get them rescheduled right quick! And I didn’t end up standing in the middle of the street flipping him off, again.

I’m sure we all had wonderful weekends and lots of terribly exciting things happened. What does Nick’s Journal have to say? Will Chewie ever be funny? Tune in next week for those answers and more amazing topics! In the meanwhile, Happy Valentines Day! Remember: It’s not about how much you love some one, but how hard you hit them…

…and thanks for listening!

Rollin’ With a Couple of Sixes – The Hardways – S2 E2

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Season 02
Rollin' With a Couple of Sixes - The Hardways - S2 E2

The Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S02 Ep02

I didn’t want to get out of bed today. But then I would have missed this awesome show.

Jesse Easter


We almost had a GREAT show. But once again Matty didn’t answer the phone when we tried to make a What’s Matty Drinking call. Ruined the whole show. Sorry. As a consolation prize we are pleased to be offering free bro-jobs the musical stylings of The Hardways! Jesse Easter, Spike McGuire, Tyson Schroeder and Stephen Sperber visit the slum that passes for Rick’s house fabulously hi-tech Dogwater Studios for some good times and cheap beers.

Spike McGuire

Um, what were we just talking about?

As is our wont, we had them play some songs for us (why else do you listen?) that blew us away. Don’t let the vacant stares and mullets fool you – these guys are effing RIPPERS. And a bunch of foulmouthed bastards the friendliest gents you could ever bring home to meet the parents, ladies – especially that Tyson. He sure is a smooth talker!

Tyson Schroeder

Hey, ladies! I'm single!

If you want to catch The Hardways at a theater near you, you’re going to have to wait until March. To tide you over, check out their first album, Perpetual Motion on the iTunes store. It should keep your toes tapping until you go see them live. If you’re looking for a really great show right now – check out the Winter Music Series at The Alley, on Thursday night. This week is the ‘Nick Ramirez Spectacular’, featuring Candyshoppe, Hella A Cappella Reno, Na Na Nonchalant, Present & The LetDowns. It should be a pretty bitchin’ show. I’m going to be there. Nick probably will be there. It would be nice to see you!

Steven Sperber

Yo, check yo'self before I hug the SHIT out of you!

Nick’s Journal is strangely quiet this week (thank gawd…); Rick is swamped with recording bands; and Chewie, well, he’s been busy being a dad. Me? Rory? Well, I’m here with you one the innerwebz trying to make sense of my life. I hope you have a great week.

Ans thanks for listening.

…And We’re Back! Season 2 – S2 E1

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Season 02
...And We're Back! Season 2 - S2 E1

The Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link < – S02 Ep01

"They all want cake." - Wilford B.


So, this episode was supposed to be number 2 of the new season. Episode 1 was supposed to be an audio of our live show. Unfortunately there was some sort of computer malfunction after the fact and the entire show was lost. So yeah. To make it up to you we thought we’d have some drugs for our first show of season 2 – Miracle Drugs!

Zac Damon

Buddy Zac

Well, we have 3/4 of Miracle Drugs, anyway. Zac Damon (Zoinks!, Screeching Weasel, Squirtgun, Crushstory, Big In Japan), Shane Forester and Tim ‘A.J.’ Blake (local bands you’ve never heard of) were able to join us in the Dogwater Studios. Drummer and token non-Frenchie, Pierre Marche (Screeching Weasel, Sucka Punch), has listened to the podcast before and politely declined the appearance. Contrastingly, as you can tell by his sincere-est smile in the picture, Zac was super excited to come do the show!

Miracle Drugs have been polluting the air with their peppy poppy toe-tappy happy music for a while now. You might want to check them out. You might really really like them. Their next show is Friday Feb 3, 2012  – Punk Rock Prom at The Alley in Sparks!


Shane Forster and Tim Blake

Is it just me or do they look like they have the 'Free Candy' van?

This first episode of the new year is a real class act; there is nothing overtly sexual or graphoc within the first 15 minutes of the episode. Not at all. Guest host Layla James certainly doesn’t put up or condone any of that nonsense. She keeps us on-point and in-line from the get-go! Thanks Layla, you’re a loudmouthed bitch peach!

Layla and Roxie!

Well, I’m out of words again. We’ll try to be more consistent this season. No, really!
Thanks for listening.

Trever Crow – And So the Crow Flies – S1 E47

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Season 01
Trever Crow - And So the Crow Flies - S1 E47

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 47

DON’T FORGET THE LIVE SHOW!!!! FRIDAY 1/20!!!! Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor!!!! 8pm!!!!!
AVERSION THERAPY!!!!!! Prizes!!!!! Reno whores!!!!! Art-fags galore!!!! THE SHAMES!!!!

And now back to the show:

Trever Crow, Reno hip hop emcee

This week: Rick records bands! Nick is in bands! Rory pretends he knows! Chewie makes snarky comments!

We step out of our comfort zone this week and get some hip hop up in this studio that Dick built. Reno hip hop emcee and spoken word performer Trever Crow is making things happen around Reno, Sparks and the greater Washoe Valley. For starters he’s bringing back hip hop nights at The Alley in Sparks starting on January 27. This is all-ages and will be happening every month. On the show, we get some live Trevercrow backed up by beatboxing from the Nick Ramirez. Chekkit.

Also, Dogwater Dick shares with us some ancient Reno hip-hop that is some of the most offensive and literally gayest hip hop I have ever heard. I mean, really. seriously offensive – SRSLY! I’m talking about there-are-some-things-you-can’t-unhear kind of offensive. Artfully,   so, but still. When we say that this show is generally NSFW, this track is NSF ANYWHERE! Eleventy!

So, it’s late. I incoherently ranted some yesterday. Here’s a show.

And thanks for listening.

Censorship Bandwagon

Internet Not Found

Sensationalism? Naaaah.....


So, while we wait for Dogwater Dick to finish dicking around with the audio (yeah, I’m throwing him under the bus – because he’s a fag) I thought I’d take a moment out to talk about censorship and the internet. I would like to preface these comments by stating that I am, in fact, an idiot. Next week Congress will be voting on the passage of two bills relating to internet security and censorship and piracy and e-anarchy and e-policestating and all that kind of stuff. I will not pretend that I am well versed on the topic; what I am well versed in is grandstanding and talking out of my ass.

“Internet censorship” is a scary word. SO scary that it is, in fact, two words. It’s being thrown about a lot and I don’t like that. But should I really be afraid? I am afraid that I won’t be able to look up when Wikpedia and Reddit and Boing-Boing and Mozilla and WordPress (who we couldn’t do this site without) go dark tomorrow. If the internets didn’t have cool shit like that – how would I find all the misinformation that I need to know? What would I do?  Like, be creative or something? Read a book?

The fact is that we live in a brave new reality where the constant flow of information is central to how we interact and have a global perspective, as many cultures. If services were forced to self police or face fines, I’m afraid that most of those services would simply go away – it’s way less of a headache to not have to fix something that never went wrong in the first place. Piracy, like on the high seas, is theft; I think we’d all agree. Unlike the high seas, however, it is less overtly homoerotic violent; I’d way rather my apartment was invaded by a bunch of guys who would leave updated OS and smoothly running pre-release movies in their wake.

But I digress. You should do yourself a favor and get more informed that I have led you to believe you might here,
Try out these links:

Maybe even do something:

But don’t try to look it up on Wikipedia – they’re not home.
WLP? Eh… we’ll have that post up as soon as we can.


Hella Reno. Hella Good. Hella A Capella. – S1 E46

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Season 01
Hella Reno. Hella Good. Hella A Capella. - S1 E46

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 46

Monica Reed, Nick Ramirez and Chas Dawes of Hella A Capella on the Worst Little Podcast

No competition. They're that good.

OMFG – sometimes I hate this website. It’s taken me 90 freaking minutes to get the picture above to save to the post. No idea of why. Anyway….

Hey everybody! I’m quitting smoking and I hate you all!! I hope you had a great week, free of anxiety and/or misfortune. It was a fine week here at the WLP Ranch where we raise little podcasts into biguns. Nothing but the finest free-range podcasts, raised on digital nipples for ye, the fathful listeners. Speaking of biguns, we had a dinosaur of the Reno scene in on the show with us this week. Plus, Hella A Capella showed up to sing with Nick too!

In addition to Nick, Hella A Capella is Chas Dawes, Monica Reed and Diana Marx, three of the kindest people in the whole scene. They really are very huggable and stuff – it was almost like interviewing plushies. They are also pretty good song-ers too, hitting us with covers that ranged from odd acapella tunes from the Bobs to rock classics including Alice In Chains’ seminal “Man in the Box”.  As I say in the ‘cast – it’s a lot more intense sitting in the room with singers belting it out at you than it is in a bar with a shitty soundguy (hi, Mike LaPrarie!!!!)

Diana Ekins-Marx of Hella A Capella on the Worst Little Podcast at Dogwater Studios

Diana Marx, the Queen of Hearts

Don’t forget we have our Worst Live Podcast 2011 happening at Jub Jubs on January 20, 2012. 8pm starts the reindeer games. Then we’ll have some music by Aversion Therapy and our VERY special guests, The Shames!!!!  It’s going to be a great kickass time, but we need an audience – you guys!!!

So this week, sit back and enjoy this weeks raucuous fun, sans instrumentation. Raise a glass and pass the koolaid…. get a tattoo from Stingray Tattoo

….and thanks for listening.


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Season 01

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 45

It’s a Brand New Year, but the Same Dumb Show!

Hi there! Did you miss us? We missed our pre show circle-jerks and all of you listeners over the holiday break. It was a great Christmas and Holiday and New Year’s season for everyone. And how about that weather? Huh? Pretty freaking nice if you ask me. I’ll take clouds and 60/70 degree weather over snow and grey skies every Christmas. But a little snow this year would be nice. It’s pretty to look at from inside. Where it’s warm. Anyway…

In the studio this week are our favorite Carson City duo, Blunderbusst! Jen Scaffidi and Carolyn Gates are always super fun to talk to, and totally on the ball, and super rad musicians. They did not disappoint; we all had a great time and they hammered out three lives songs for us. Great first show of the year, clocking in at about 2 hours. But the mouths on these women! Holy shit! They’d make a sailor’s tattoos blush!

Carolyn Gates on the Worst Little Podcast

Carolyn "Dance Party" Gates

We also hop on the phone with Stacey Tolle, currently with Austin’s ‘The People VS. De La Rosa’, but more importantly formerly of Reno’s #1 all time best band (according to our listener poll) Gunshot Licker! She’s been back in town for the holidays and *gasp* IS PLAYING GUNSHOT LICKER REUNION SHOW ON FRIDAY, 1/6!!!! It’s a benefit for the Rev. Gary Setzer with the Shames, The Gunner’s Daughter and Blunderbusst at Davidson’s Distillery. It’s going to be pretty fantastic and fun and you should all come out. Seriously, if you live within 200 miles of Reno and haven’t seen Gunshot Licker, you NEED to come see this show. Shit like this just doesn’t happen very often. Yo.

Also Don’t forget – The Worst Live Podcast in Reno on Jan 20 at  Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor where for the first time we will be recording the show in front of a live bar audience! Contests and games – including a YELLING CONTEST!!! –  prizes for the winners and a bucket of ‘suck it up’ for the losers! I expect to see you all there!

We’ve got a great year ahead of us and can’t wait to share another year’s worth of Reno music, art and culture with you.
Thanks for Listening.

[ I really don’t appreciate whoever is posting these blogs with my edit coreections still in them. Knock it off! – Ed.]

The Worst Little Christmas Podcast – S1 E44

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Season 01
The Worst Little Christmas Podcast - S1 E44

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 44

Welcome to Dogwater!

Welcome to Christmas at Dogwater!

Hello, friends, family, acquaintances and losers of minor note listeners! The warmest felicitations and tidings of the season unto you!!

This is the last show of 2011 and we thought we’d make it special for everyone. Finally, we have the Notorious RAD on the show, after many months of hearing only her vulgar snipes and adorable observations on life (“Felix likes to drink.”); we have some fun and ask her what her favorite parts of Christmas are. And yes, I give her the Worst Quiz Ever; altered, and more saccharine, but a really bad quiz nonetheless. Oh, and my wife, Cheyenne Dowd finally deigns us with her presence, but whatever….

Rikku Claus says, "Don't be naughty, bitches."

Rikku Claus: She sees you when you're sleeping.

All of us at the Worst Little Podcast are glad to call you friend and wish you the best holiday season you can possibly have as well as some kick-ass momentum going into the new year, 2012 – possibly the last year? Evar? We don’t care about that – we just care about delivering you some nice hot podcast-y goodness. Please enjoy this little offering of holiday cheer, including some non-traditional local Christmas tunes. We love you all and stay tuned for us in January when we’ll have BLUNDERBUSST, TREVER CROW, a LIVE SHOW AT JUB JUBS on January 20th with the SHAMES and AVERSION THERAPY, and many more hometown heroes and Reno royalty.

Thanks for Listening!

Happy New Year, from the Worst Little Podcast