…And We’re Back! Season 2 – S2 E1

The Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link < – S02 Ep01
So, this episode was supposed to be number 2 of the new season. Episode 1 was supposed to be an audio of our live show. Unfortunately there was some sort of computer malfunction after the fact and the entire show was lost. So yeah. To make it up to you we thought we’d have some drugs for our first show of season 2 – Miracle Drugs!
Well, we have 3/4 of Miracle Drugs, anyway. Zac Damon (Zoinks!, Screeching Weasel, Squirtgun, Crushstory, Big In Japan), Shane Forester and Tim ‘A.J.’ Blake (local bands you’ve never heard of) were able to join us in the Dogwater Studios. Drummer and token non-Frenchie, Pierre Marche (Screeching Weasel, Sucka Punch), has listened to the podcast before and politely declined the appearance. Contrastingly, as you can tell by his sincere-est smile in the picture, Zac was super excited to come do the show!
Miracle Drugs have been polluting the air with their peppy poppy toe-tappy happy music for a while now. You might want to check them out. You might really really like them. Their next show is Friday Feb 3, 2012 – Punk Rock Prom at The Alley in Sparks!
This first episode of the new year is a real class act; there is nothing overtly sexual or graphoc within the first 15 minutes of the episode. Not at all. Guest host Layla James certainly doesn’t put up or condone any of that nonsense. She keeps us on-point and in-line from the get-go! Thanks Layla, you’re a loudmouthed bitch peach!
Well, I’m out of words again. We’ll try to be more consistent this season. No, really!
Thanks for listening.
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