#553 S14E18 FATHER’S DAY! With Johnny Bailey, Max Volume, Nick & Quinn Ramirez

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This week we’re celebrating Dads! Nicks dad Nick and Nicks grown kid Quinn Ramirez, joined by KOZZ’s star DJ, Max Volume (Glenn Bailey) and his son, our friend Johnny Bailey of the ripping rock group Rigorous Proof shoot the shit about rock musicians, cars, podcasts, family upbringing and of course what being a dad means.

We are graced with some awesome live songs via Johnny and his slick new guitar. Johnny has such a cool voice and bleeds rock & roll. Even on an acoustic.

It was a great hangout, full of laughs and love.
If you’re lucky enough to be able to, call your dad, see each other, whatever you can do. Have a happy Father’s Day this weekend. Congratulations to the grads! Thank you to the dads! Life is short and we love you!
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