Jonie Blinman – Tales of New York – S1 E43

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Season 01
Jonie Blinman - Tales of New York - S1 E43

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 43

Brrr… It’s time for snow, but I could really use a little spring.

First off, to everyone who came out for the Marianarchy Winter Ball 2011 , we can’t thank you enough. It was a great turnout and a great show. More on that during the podcast.

Jonie B - can i please go now


December is here and it’s time for birthdays and holidays and time with the family and not quite having enought time or money to have fun but for some reason we generally have great memories of it and can’t wait to do it again even though last year we said it was the last time we did this nonsense. *gasp* However, it does mean that we are going to take a little break. This is the second to last show of the year for us – the next should be out the week before Christmas, so stay tuned!

Jonie Blinman and Kristin Pitman were tricked into happy to come on the show with us this week. If you don’t know who Jonie is, you should – she has been a vital part of the Reno music scene in the past decade, including founding Songwriters in the Round (SITR). Kristin is no slouch either, a talented violinist and guitarer in her own right. She’s also a baker!

Kristin Pitman - these guys are creepy

brought to you by the letter K

They left our fair city at the end of last year to cut their teeth on NYC. But the Biggest Little Black Hole in the Universe dragged them back, however willingly. They regale us with some stories, some tragic, some funny, some bizzare – but nothing that kept them there. We laughed, we gasped, we almost cried. We’re happy to have them back and hang out on our show!

Enjoy your prelude to the holidays; as I always say, don’t get so high that you can’t understand the anti-drug commercial.
And thanks for listening!


The Proof is in the Rigor! – S1 E42

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Season 01
The Proof is in the Rigor! - S1 E42

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 42

Adam Landis of Rigorous Proof


Time keeps marching on and so do the days counting down towards the  Marianarchy Winter Ball. I am very honored to be returning as the host and emcee, along with some backup from Nick, Chewie and Rick, and really hope to see as many of you as can make it down for either day of the event. I will, of course, be there all day BOTH days. Stop by, say hi, BRING ME COFFEE!! (vanilla-caramel creamer and 3 tbsp brown sugar in that, please)


Wesley Forster

Just call him "Ensign Crusher"

To the show! We talk about how a lot of Reno bands stay togetehr just long enough for people to like then and cut a CD; then they break up. Rigorous Proof is the phoenix that has arisen from the ashes of the Madorians (among others). If you know these boys, you know they switch lineups more often than they change underwear or get haircuts. Hell they broke up at least twice on the show, kicked out the bassist and let him back in, AND changed their name a few times. Kids these days!


Johnny Bailey of Rigorous Proof
Johnny Bravo


Currrently, the Rigorous Proof consists of Johnny Bailey (vox/git), Wes Forester (drums), Adam Landis (keys) and Jesse Gaddis (bass). Jesse had to show up late, so in the beginning of the show we have some intense 3-piece adaptations of some of their new songs. Finally though, at the end he adds his fat tones to the mix for their final live performance of the show. They sound really good, despite being recorded by tin cans hooked up to a wire.


The show starts off a little shakey, I admit, but by the time we hit the two hour mark, you’ll be glad you ‘tuned in’. I’ve got to go deal witha sick munchkin, so until next week, ladies and gents: Thanks for listening!

Jesse Gaddis of Rigorous Proof

The Straggler


The Secrets of Red Mercury – S1 E41

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Season 01
The Secrets of Red Mercury - S1 E41

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 41

This is easily our most offensive episode yet. Like that-time-I-faked-a-miscarriage-for-Halloween motherfuckerbulldogcheeksshitcuntfartbloody stoolsnottyshlongtwogirlsonecupcockbastardmeatpursedonkeypunch offensive.

Tom McInturf ...the smart one...

I’d like to start by acknowledging that we make mistakes. Yes, I know, it’s hard to believe, but we fuck up sometimes. Like my grandfather’s name is “Ed” not “Gerald” or whatever it was I said(see Ep.39). The most glaring mistakes in this show are the date for the Ditch the Pilot benefit show, (Dec. 8 ) since they house got burnt down, and the fact that this is our 41st episode, not our 40th. But anyways….

Mike Adragna ...the pretty one...

We cover a lot of ground in this nearly 2 hour episode. Mike Adragna, Morgan Hough and Tom McInturf of Red Mercury are this week’s victims are a bunch of really fun guys. They got the vibe of the show right away and rolled with it. I think I even blushed  a couple of times (AND I tell an awful, awful joke I made up and promised teh Wifey I wouldn’t repeat. But, ssshhh – don’t tell her.) Red Mercury plays a few really fucking awesome live songs and some tracks off of their fairly new CD; in the interview, they really let their hair down, but… we already talked about that.

Morgan Hough ...the funny one...

We also touch on the Caughlin Fire, Movember, Marianarchy, football (Raiders suck, Go Pack!), how busy Rick is and much much more.  Well, not really MUCH, much more, but some other things, and postulations and theorems waxing upon life. And bad jokes. Lots of those.

And as always, my Unseen Audience: Thanks for listening.


7 Seconds with Zomboo – S1 E40

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Season 01
7 Seconds with Zomboo - S1 E40

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 40

Hey kids, do you like scaaaaary podcasts? Good! Because Zomboo, everybody’s favorite late night zombie/vampire stops by the Dogwater Studios for a bite and some laughs. I cannot begin to tell you how excited we all were to have him on. Pretty much our biggest guest, in-studio. Really – you can hear the delight and awe in our voices as we kiss his ass to death we were so pleased to be able to have him on. We talk about his show, charity work, his out look on life and everything that makes him our favorite spook all around the year!

To Rick - How do you like scaaary movies? -your old pal Zomboo

We all got autographs!!! We were like schoolgirls.

Chewie came back this week, from his paternity leave, with a lovely musical selection. This week’s entertainment comes from a little garage band from Reno Nevada in the 1980’s. A passing footnote in a history, you may or may not have heard of:  7 EFFING Seconds! That’s right; the biggest band to ever come out of this two-horse town generously let us play some of their old songs.  Nick, being the name dropper rockstar that he is promised a phoner with Steve Young Youth, but FAILED to deliver. It surely must have been Nick’s fault and miscommunication, since 7 Seconds are a bunch of upstanding boy scouts and fine citizens that would never just flake on an esteemed broadcast as ours… Stay tuned – we may be able to get them on another episode somewhere in the future.

We also talk about last week, what we did and what we’re gonna do and junk. But whatever – we had ZOMBOO on or show! Fuck yeah!!!

This post could totally be longer, but … I just got Skyrim and I need to go crack out on a video game now. Later…

… and thanks for listening!

Season of the Moustache – S1 E39

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Season 01
Season of the Moustache - S1 E39

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 39

Alison Jasmine Martin

Warning – Chewbacca has progeny!

First of all, we’d like to congratulate Josh and Christina and welcome their beautiful daughter Alison into the world. We wish her a wonderful life, brains, beauty, grace (take after yo momma, little girl!) and that she finds joy in all that she does. HOWEVER, it’s a pretty convenient excuse for Chewie to have to miss the show again. Once again, he proves his unreliability as a co-host and off-air personality. But, whatevs….

On the show this week we have the pleasure of hanging out with Shane Whitecloud, Mike Reynolds and Ernie Anthony from Seasons of Insanity. I’ll be honest – didn’t know if these guys were going to be cool or not. They TOTALLY flaked on us a few episodes back (remember, the last time Layla was here? The friends of hers that made her look bad on the noted Worst Little Podcast? And then we all sang ‘Kumbaya’? remember?), and ALMOST forgot about us this time. But they came through! At the buzzer! And it was good. Very good, in fact. So good, in fact, that I urge all of you to catch their show on December 10th. I think it’s at the Knit, but you’ll just have to listen to the whole show to find out. In fact.

(F.Y.I. – Worst Little Podcast EXCLUSIVE never-before heard acoustic versions of “Unsung Heroes” and “Gallon of Homey Wine”  by Seasons of Insanity,

Seasons of Insanity, Movember and the Skatehouse with Nick and Rory from the Worst Little Podcast

one take. done.

But WAIT! There’s MORE!
Also on this week’s episode, Jacob Carnahan, captain of Team MoFoxy, came in to talk about the international fundraiser, MOvember, promoting men’s health. Why? Because we like balls. We even heart balls. We heart MOvember. And fundraising. Jacob, and many Team MoFoxy members can be found at the Foxy Olive. Gothere and give them money. They won’t spend all of it on booze. They’ll spend it on balls. Reverend Rory and Nick are also on the team – donate money to them!

Darin Honorof, longtime friend of Nick, also stopped by to throw some love out to a new project in South Lake Tahoe – the Skatehouse. It’s an indoor skatepark that wants to help develop and promote young kids into skating or boarding or all of those things that I would break my neck doing cause I’m an old man. Visit the website, visit the park!

Ok… I’m out of steam. It’s an awesome show. I think you’ll like it.


Oh, yes…. and thanks for listening.

Last Halloween – S1 E38

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Season 01
Last Halloween - S1 E38

Download Link —> The Worst Little Podcast – Episode 38


Nick Ramirez and one of the Chris's from the Vampirates

Happiness and fear on 'Halloween'

Happy Halloween from the Worst Little Podcast!!!!

I hope you had a spook-tacular weekend. We had a great time at the Candyshoppe/Rocky Horror Pinky show, Zombie Crawl, Discovery museum and lots of other events around town. What a blast! If this town does any one holiday right, it’s Halloween! Especially when the weather is as warm as it was the past week! I’d say it’s probably been atlesast 7 or 8 years since Halloween night was that temparate. Slow year though – last year I ran out of candy by 8pm; this year, I was giving out handfuls of the junk and still had some left at 9pm!

The pumkin carving and CD release last thursday at Dogwater Studios was awesome. Even though the Worst Little Podcast studio was taken over by punkin’s and tables, the house was full of good cheer and horrific creativity. The Notorious RAD kept leaving the room when there was a “movie that’s immapropriate for little kids” came on the TV. The little trooper was a peach and stayed up late with us drunks.

DaKodiak and Dave Masud

I'm pretty sure both of these guys know a bit about liver scars.


On the show this week, wehave Reno’s own horror-rockers, the Vampirates, combining ghouls and zombies with punk rock and violence. Just towards each other, mind you. They’re “public service punk rock” and not here to harsh your good time. Chris and Dave sit down with us and talk about their most recent tour, drinking, and um, Halloween?? Yeah – LIVE! from the recent past. Just like always. Also in studio are Dogwater Studio’s very own Cody “Kodiak” and nevada trucker, Regis Mankey. Who, IMHO, is a moron. That’s right I said it. I’m callin you out, you redneck loser! I doubt you really even listen to this show.

Anyway, check your candy for cyanide (tastes like almonds) and razorblades (tastes like stabby).

And thanks for listening!

Big Remote – Are We There Yet? – S1 E37

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Season 01
Big Remote - Are We There Yet? - S1 E37

Download Link: Worst Little Podcast – Episode 37


Big remote and the entire gang at worst little podcast

What the room sorta really looks like.

Why are these things so much more complicated than they should be?

My apologies for being a day late with this – I know, you’re crushed. First, everyone was late; then it took forever to get started; then there was a delay in post; then I asked Rick to chop up the picture he sent me. THEN I kind of spaced it. And finally, the website was a little slow this morning and I ended up using the really awesome photo by Rick anyway. Ugh! Anyways, welcome to another thrilling episode of The Worst Little Podcast in the World! Since it was such a crazy episode we skipped right over a bunch of things we did last week that were fun and I’m not going to tell you about here either. Suffice to say, we are older, wiser and stronger.

On the show we are treated to a number of LIVE SONGS by Reno favorite, Big Remote! Jon Cornell, Eric Foreman, Don Morrison and Steve Larkins sit in and are right at home talking out of their ass with us. We talk a littl about the trials and tribulations of recording an album as they are looking forward to releasing their first album, “Jenkins”. As a band, Big Remote is tight, melodic and layered; as an interview, Big Remote is somewhat more… chaotic. The quiz gets heated as they all deliver some big answeres for big points, but what else do you expect from a bunch of guys compensating so hard that they had to pt ‘BIG’ in their band name. And let’s not even get into the symbolic meaning and imagery of a remote, much less a big one. At least their wives and girlfriends are nice.

One last thing we forgot to mention on the show  – CAPTURED! BY ROBOTS!!!!! They will be appearing at Jub Jub’s on Thursday, 10/27 for J-BOT’S Birthday. But before you go to that, don’t forget to stop by Dogwater Studios for the Annual Punkin’ Carving Party and Great (Un)Discovered CD Release party!!!!!

Thanks for listening!

Occupy My Podcast! – S1 E36

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Season 01
Occupy My Podcast! - S1 E36

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 36

Tom L. from Occupy Reno on The Worst Little Podcast

Tom didn't really know what he was bargaining for when he agreed to come on the show...

You have questions. We  have questions. Answers…. meh.

Hello, loyal listeners; yow are ye? We have a pretty interesting show this week, with another Worst Little Podcast first, as is our wont. This week we tackle the realm of politics and have some face time with one of the members of the media committee from Occupy Reno, Tom L. While we attack him with vitriol and annoying questions ask a lot of dumb questions (someone has to), Tom does a pretty admirable job of fielding them and letting us know more about the aims of Occupy Reno. Hand signals, permits and dealing with carpetbagging shills are just some of the insights he brings from the Occupy Reno General Assembly and march.

Comedian Jenny PezDeSpencer on the Worst Little Podcast

Nick approves of this message.

But it’s not all boring politics, no! We have our fair share of toilet humor and biting wit – most of it supplied this week by Reno comedian and entertainment journalist, Jenny PezDeSpencer. And I’ll just say it now: Jenny is a dirty girl. That’s why we love her. Jenny just barely edges out Tom during the Worst Little Quiz, pretty much solely based on her feminine wiles. She does bring her jornalist’s hat to the show and doesn’t let Tom off the hook without trying to interview Occupy Reno. You can catch Jenny’s words in Reno Tahoe Tonight and onstage at Pioneer Underground Comedy Shows .

Chewie and Tom L. of Occupy Reno on the Worst Little Podcast.

"People actually listen to you guys?"

Chewie busts out some old skool tunes for your listening pleasure. Gunshot Likker and Lodestar punch your face in during the first half of the show, then GOB rips your head off in the end. Also, don’t forget to check out the Reno Zombie Crawl website – it’s going to be a great crawl this year!

Once again, ladies, gents and children of a legal drinking age – thanks for listening!

Jenny Pez Despencer on the Worst Little Podcast

Peeling Back the Curtain Before We Burn It. – S1 E35

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Season 01
Peeling Back the Curtain Before We Burn It. - S1 E35

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 35

Cherrybear Records' Jessica at the Dogwater Studios

Special Edition: Cherrybear Records – Behind the Music

We feature a lot of local bands and that gets really old sometimes, so we thought we’d stretch out to the OTHER side of the music scene – production! Jess from Cherrybear Records takes her turn in the hotseat this week. She is promoting the release of the Great Undiscovered 2011 double-CD set and talks about some of the great bands she has helped turning great ideas into CDs, buttons and more. Mostly though, we just bullshit as usual.

We also welcome back Chewie! He’s finally back from laying brick  in Elko, NV and back home to take care of his expectant wife. We should have him until February this time as long as he doesn’t fuck up the show; it’s good to have him back! We didn’t really get into it, but he had a fantastic weekend what with UNR’s crushing defeat over UNLV at the annual battle for Nevada and the Raider’s triumph. Rory is also quite pleased with your 2011 Green Bay Packers. Great weekend for sports – too bad we don’t have a sports show.

cherrybear records

We talk about sex, drugs and rock’n’roll, the Reno Zombie Crawl, tattoos and lots of crazy hi-jinks of the Reno variety. Some days, the conversation flows like water – other times, you get this. Also included for your listening pleasure are some unreleased Courtesy Stitch songs. One of them is “the foulest and dirtiest thing I’ve ever recorded,” according to Dogwater Dick. It’s pretty fucking amazing…if you’re into train wrecks with a good beat.

WLP logo small

Thanks for listening.

Kissing the Gunner’s Daughter – S1 E34

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Season 01
Kissing the Gunner's Daughter - S1 E34

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 34

Scott Loring of The Gunner's Daughter
Some bands are just meant to rock. Others are rippers. The Gunner’s Daughter is one of those bands. We told them that they couldn’t have a full drum kit; they told us they were bringing one anyway. We told them to play live songs live; they cut a live album for us. Tyson Vlahovich, Jake Weatherill and Scott Loring don’t fuck around when it comes to rock and roll.
Tyson Vlahovich of The Gunner's Daughter
Great stuff happening in Reno, including the Zombie Crawl, a Greg Allen art opening and more. Listen to the show or just get your face out from behind a computer and do it! This town is only as great as we make it. Go wash your car, go to the museum, give a dollar to a hopeless cause. It’s all the little details that make Reno a liveable place. Keep it up!

And finally congratulations to Reverend Rory – he’s finished with his graduate coursework and now just needs to sit back and let the job offers roll in!

Scott Loring and Jake Weatherill of The Gunner's Daughter