Infecto Skeletons – Refined, Relaxed and Retarded – S3 E27

Hey, did you know we actually still do a show?
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – 2013 09 09
Hey boys and girls!!! Did you miss us? We missed you!!! We all had a great vacation this past August and are ready to hit the back third of the year with some awesome shows! Fist up to bat, we have the Infecto Skeletons, recent staple of the ReNO punk rock music market. These guys were out there a lot this spring and summer, smashing old skool punk rock into audience’s ears. Infecto Skeletons even just got off of a So-Cal mini-tour, branching out from Mother Reno.
We had a good time with them at the house and on the show. Maybe went a little overboard on the pre-party… we talked too much and then didn’t have anything to say on the show that was coherent. Go figure! On THIS show? But the boys in Infecto Skeletons put down some killer tracks that had me wishing I was drunk and at Shea’s with Felix or something, so I could blindly and drunkenly crash around the room to their dulcet tones.
Infecto Skeletons are Justin Minyard (vocals), Andrew Hockenberry (drums), Rash Kader (bass) and Mike Read (guitar). Aside from being a lot of fun to hang out with andd playing some great Reno punk rock music, they … uh… well, that’s about it really. I didn’t get that far in the interview – got distracted by the Worst Little Quiz and the epic battle for Last Place.
If you’re looking for something fun to do this weekend, we have really only two events we want to draw your attention to (Infecto Skeletons is playing at neither of them). First is on Friday at the Public House – Lend Jimi Damone a Hand – more info on the event to help Jimi Damone who recently suffered a debilitating accident in the show and on the event page. You can also donate to the cause at the Jimi Damone GiveForward page, where they have raised nearly 1/3 of their goal.
Also Sunday, please join Nick Ramirez at the Artist’s Lofts for a fundraiser for his cat, Loopy Lupe – listen and read, people, listen and read.
And don’t forget the Blazing Mics every Monday at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, brought to you by the Worst Little Podcast!
As always, my friends, Thanks For Listening – see you next week!
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