Countress – Drunk Metal – S3 E28

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Season 03
Countress - Drunk Metal - S3 E28

If you cannot heat this broadcast, please contact the program director!

Hey boys and girls! Sorry about the late podcast (and a big apology to Countress). The gods of technology and the internet conspired against us last week, pushing this post out a bit. We still love you and everything’s fine!!!!!

Miles Lundahl, singer for Countress - a Reno NV metal/hardcore band

The chaos at the heart of the storm

This week, we have the good men of Countress in the studio! Countress is a metal band in the Reno music scene that has been tearing it up for about a year. Their sound edges into punk and hardcore, but the boys maintain they’re nothing but a dirty metal band – you be the judge!

Ryan YOung, guitarist for Countress - a Reno NV metal/hardcore band


Countress has a busy schedule coming up here in the fall, so you have plenty of chances to check them out live. But if this podcast isn’t enough for you you can check them out on bandcamp and soundcloud.

Alex Garcia, guitarist for Countress in Reno NV

Just… Done.

Well, this week has been a shit show – I hope you enjoy THIS SHOW however. But I’m done. Glad to be back.

Joe Kuster, bass, and Jesse Johnson, drums, for Countress - a Reno NV metal/hardcore band.

Rhythm Section Wanted

Thanks For Listening!


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