worst little podcast in the world
Infecto Skeletons – Refined, Relaxed and Retarded – S3 E27

Hey, did you know we actually still do a show?
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – 2013 09 09
Hey boys and girls!!! Did you miss us? We missed you!!! We all had a great vacation this past August and are ready to hit the back third of the year with some awesome shows! Fist up to bat, we have the Infecto Skeletons, recent staple of the ReNO punk rock music market. These guys were out there a lot this spring and summer, smashing old skool punk rock into audience’s ears. Infecto Skeletons even just got off of a So-Cal mini-tour, branching out from Mother Reno.
We had a good time with them at the house and on the show. Maybe went a little overboard on the pre-party… we talked too much and then didn’t have anything to say on the show that was coherent. Go figure! On THIS show? But the boys in Infecto Skeletons put down some killer tracks that had me wishing I was drunk and at Shea’s with Felix or something, so I could blindly and drunkenly crash around the room to their dulcet tones.
Infecto Skeletons are Justin Minyard (vocals), Andrew Hockenberry (drums), Rash Kader (bass) and Mike Read (guitar). Aside from being a lot of fun to hang out with andd playing some great Reno punk rock music, they … uh… well, that’s about it really. I didn’t get that far in the interview – got distracted by the Worst Little Quiz and the epic battle for Last Place.
If you’re looking for something fun to do this weekend, we have really only two events we want to draw your attention to (Infecto Skeletons is playing at neither of them). First is on Friday at the Public House – Lend Jimi Damone a Hand – more info on the event to help Jimi Damone who recently suffered a debilitating accident in the show and on the event page. You can also donate to the cause at the Jimi Damone GiveForward page, where they have raised nearly 1/3 of their goal.
Also Sunday, please join Nick Ramirez at the Artist’s Lofts for a fundraiser for his cat, Loopy Lupe – listen and read, people, listen and read.
And don’t forget the Blazing Mics every Monday at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, brought to you by the Worst Little Podcast!
As always, my friends, Thanks For Listening – see you next week!
Prescription – Wholesome Boys – S3 E23

And, we’re back!
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E21
Hey, Everybody! Thanks for being patient with us while on our vacation.
This week, we have on Prescription, a great Reno band that’s been around for about a year. Reverend Rory caught them a few times and knew they HAD to be on the show. Nick and Dick were dutifully impressed. Their layered, raw wall of sound is like unto a natural force, like a tidal wave. Their sound is pretty structured, despite the chaos around them.
The guys in the band – Donovan, Jarren, Josh, Justin and Shane – were totally pro too. Despite the heat and some technical glitches, they showed up with gear, on time, and ready to rock. They hammered down four songs that will get stuck in your head. You have plenty of chances to check out Prescription. Lincoln Lounge on 8/9 with the Vague Choir; The Urban Roots Farm Brew-grass festival on 8/10, in Nevada City on 8/24 and at Moonrocks on 8/30.
Part of our difficulties was that this was our first week without Executive Fluffer, Bryce who is joining the Navy to be surrounded by seamen leaving us for better things. We wish him well and curse him for not sticking around hope he comes back to visit when he can.
We also have a quick phoner with Reno comedian, Jenny PezDeSpencer, at the top of the show – for her show that opens tonight! Chekkitout!
I hate to tell you this, but August is going to be a little spotty too. We’re just going to record every other week, due to scheduling and the fucking heat! ugh! That studio is a nightmare – we can’t run the AC, cause it makes a buzzing noise. But have no fear, we will be putting up content on the weeks off – maybe footage from open mics or a show – you’ll just have to see what Nick and I get up to this month!
Don’t forget to check out the Rocky Horror Artown Extravaganza with Pinky Polanski and Thee Reverend Rory Dowd at Cargo in Whitney Peak (formerly CommRow). Also – Blazing Mics every week at Jub Jub’s!
As always, Thanks for Listening!
Hellbilly Bandits: Piss and Vinegar – S3 E16

Morning, campers!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E15
Thanks for bearing with us in the week off – Reverend Rory pulled a “Don Geronimo” and fell off the stage at Jub Jub’s during Marianarchy 2013, and the show left us all exhausted and spent. It was a killer time and we want to personally thank everyone that came out to the show that weekend. We would not be able to do this for the last nine years without your support. We raised a bit more than $3,100 this year! Thank you, thank you, thank you, from all of us at WLP and the family of Dale Kellams.
This week, we’ve got some fast drinking and hard partying Reno rockers in the studio. The Hellbilly Bandits got in touch with us and then proceeded to invade the studio. Srsly – they brought an entourage and everything (note to future guests – NO!). It was a bit of madness at the Chez Dogwater this week, but totally worth it. The Hellbilly Bandits are cusséd, dirty shitkickers and they’ve got the music to prove it!
There is a tearful reunion of Wally and Chewbacca that you don’t want to miss. These childhood buddies hadn’t seen each other in years and have a touching, tender moment on the show. Have a hanky ready.
Really though – they are a blast. The music is killer, about topics near and dear to Reno, like hookers and meth! It’s a boot to the face and a smack on the ass. You do not want to miss them live. Their next show is this Friday at Davidson’s Distillery – where Wally runs the open mic on Mondays.
Coming up this weekend, plesase come on out to Jub’s for the Damntrack fundraiser. Speical appearances by Spike and jackson, Lighter Theif, Sam Ashlock and many more!
Thanks again to Wally, Nathan, Bill and Bobby from the Hellbilly Bandits! We had a great time andd hope you do too.
Thanks for listening!
Josiah Knight: Come for the Fail, Stay for the WIN! – S3 E14

“It’s not the guest’s fault – it’s all mine.” – Reverend Rory
The Worst Little Podcast – DOWNLOAD LINK – S03 E13
WARNING: I want to start this post with a warning. I, Reverend Rory Dowd, am a big bucket of fail this week. Right out of the gate, I faceplant into a brick wall, every joke I tell and bit of information I say in the first 30 min of the show is wrong wrong wrong WRONG! I apologize in advance. But I was SAVED-uh! Josiah Knight, Reno singer/songwriter, comes in and plays some really killer tunes for us, picking the show right back up. This guy is a new-ish friend to all of us (within the last 365, at least), and a welcome addition to our music scene.
We are also saved early on in the show by a fun interview with Dustin Kaufman of the Weediculous Comedy Tour. He and three other LA area comics are travelling around the country in a minivan, filming a documentary about their tour and the state of marijuana culture in the US today. Many of their stops are in dispensaries and cafes, but here in Reno – we got them coming down to the Shea’s Tavern!! Thursday night, 5/9 (today for most of you) at 9pm he and his cohort will be kicking it off – filming it live for a documentary that should be up on Netflix … at some point. (As we know from Nowhere Nevada, a movie is only finished when it’s done!) Opening up for them are Reno Comedians, Jenny PezDeSpencer and Brandon Lara! Good times….
Before I ruin anything else, I’m going to sign off.
Thanks for Listening!
Kelly Ogilvie and Jarrod Evans: Twice A Day – S3 E9

And BAM! just like that, people come through!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E9
Hello all you fine people out there in internet land! Since nothing goes off without a hitch around here, we had some scheduling problems because Reverend Rory is an asshole. But our good friend Jarrod Evans, bassist from Slut Fungus, was able to come in and throw down some acoustic tracks with us. Thanks for coming through, mang!
Also in the studio is Reno artist Kelly Ogilvie. She has a show that will be closing at Reno Art Works on April 25. Her show, Well Red, will be on display until then. Ogilvie is a painter and fiber artist, meaning she makes art from fibers and materials. I’ve also seen her do a little spot welding here and there – follow the hyperlink on her name to find her FB page and check out some of her art there. As talented as she is adorable, Kelly kinda keeps quiet until the quiz. THEN the gloves really come off and we all fall in love with her.
Also want to mention that there is a great show this weekend at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club in the Pioneer Underground with Frankie Quinones. Would have had a phoner, but for the aforementioned scheduling issues, it didn’t happen. However, personally, Frankie seems like a pretty cool guy, so you should go support him and Reno Comedy at the club this Friday or Saturday night!
And if you’re looking for something do do, don’t forget about Stregapalooza this Friday night, hosted by Reverend Rory (who will play a set as well) and featuring THREE of Nick’s bands. Saturday, Rev. Rory will also be at A Salon 7 for their 9th annual White Party Fundraiser. All obvious jokes aside (like the ones we make on the episode), this is another really great benefit – this year it will be going to FOUR separate charities. Pretty killer.
Anyway…. Thanks for listening!!!
Dale Kellams: One Complicated Life – S3 E8

Fuckyourdeath: The 2013 Edition
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E8
This past Sunday morning, we lost an important part of the Reno scene – guitarist, songwriter and frontman Dale Kellams gave up the ghost in his fight with cancer. It fuckin’ sucks. Dale was a good friend to many people and a seminal influence on the music of Reno since the ’90s. We pay tribute to Dale this episode by playing a bunch of SPROUT songs and talking about his goofy ass.
We also have in the studio, the ever filthy and inappropriate, Jenny PezDespencer. Not only was she a very close friend to Dale, but she was also originally booked to come on and promote A Salon 7’s 9th Annual White Party Fundraiser. With her is our new friend Phillip Brown. The two of them are dirty, dirty birds and should be spanked. Repeatedly. Slowly. 😉
After the weekend recap, we get a call in from Dave Masud of The Vampirates, who are just having the craziest tour out on the East Coast. Currently in Florida, they’ll be back in time for Marianarchy 2013: A Benefit for Dale Kellams. We look forward to more updates from the road.
That’s about all I have for this week. Pour one down for Dale, enjoy the show and memories and we’ll see you later.
Thanks for listening.
Six Mile Station: Face-Melting Folk – S3 E7

Another seamless performance!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E7
Drummers? They Don’t need no stinking drummer – they’s the Six Mile Station and they’ve got a ton of strings! Six Mile Station is prety killer. Spike McGuire on guitar and vocals, Tyson Schroeder on the stand up bass and backing vocals, Alán Burtón on mandolin and vocals, and Nathan Carter on the fiddle, all to kick your ASS with folk music. When it comes to catchy and harmony, they don’t fuck around. They play three songs for us and sneak a peek at a track from their new album.
In other news, comedian Justin Rupple will be returning to the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club in the Pioneer Underground this weekend. Please check him out – funny guy, funny impressions, funny lookin’. Chewie is with us again, but relegated to the back room because of the awesome of Six Mile Station. The Rev is clueless, Nick the voice of reason, and Dogwater Dick: still gay.
We had a lot of fun this week. Thanks for listening!
Lawrence Coleman III and James Dilworth: Sierra Nevada Serendipity – S3 E6

I love it when a lack of planning comes together.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E6
I had rescheduled and rescheduled both of the guests this week, Lawrence Coleman III and James Dilworth. Finally, we got the dates set. Then “Larry” decides to bring an entourage with him – seriously, like 2 extra people! AND we had the Bryce the intern and Spencer the PA there. It was a goddamn circus. But, like the circus, creepily entertaining.
Lawrence Coleman III is the guitarist for Livitz Livitz, but he comes in and throws down a few original tunes that he’s been working on. He brought accompaniment, but his chauffeur, Johnny Mo, is a chauffeur, not a percussionist. No instead, Lawrence picks up a drummer, this awesome guy, Marcello, out of the damn ether and brings him in for a jam session on the show!!! And quietly, in the background is loyal listener Nicole! She got a behind the scenes tour of her favorite Reno podcast… and at least said she had a good time. I guess there are benefits to being friends with Lawrence Coleman III. (I’m not convinced)
James Dilworth is a Reno filmmaker, poet, translator, instructor and writer about town. Currently he is showing a series of four short films that he has written and directed. The next showing will be on March 23 – listen to the show to find out where!
We also field a call from the Vampirates on the show! Chris and Dave check in with us minutes before taking the stage in Albequerque. They have a FUCKED up story about getting to the Bay Area that you should really listen to.
Really great show this week – we get really disgusting and bawdy; Larry does a great Max Volume impersonation; spent a lot of time on the State of the Scene; met the awesomely talented and funny Marcello; busted Johnny Mo’s chops endlessly. Good times.
Don’t forget to check out the Blazing Mics at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor this week with host Chris “Puddin'” Hart. It’s always a good time and remember – every performer gets a free drink, $25 bar tab for the best performance, AND there are ALWAYS $1 Monkey Juice shots!
Thanks for Listening!
Elgin Alway and Bishop: The Trouble With Troubadors – S3 E5

Pussy. That’s right. Pussy.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E5
Arguably, the secret to our success (and quasi-failures) rests in the concept of locking musicians entertainers in a small sweaty room and feeding them beer and or coffee for 90 minutes. It’s always a helluva good time – but there are weeks when it really gets… weird… or funny – like clownmeat. Elgin Alway and Bishop getting crazy in the studio! Bishop is the lead singer and guitarist for Formerly Known As, A Tribute to Prince, and Elgin is one of the top rated comedians in Reno (according to him, anyway). They are a volatile mixture behind the mics. Seriously, there was even a total Freaky Friday moment when Elgin’s playing guitar and Bishop’s doing the joke-thing. Bishop and Elgin may have been channeling each other at that point – not sure.
Sponsor Time! Reno Computer Fix is offering $25 off any purchase or service over $100 IF you mention the Worst Little Podcast when you go in. These guys repair and sell refurbished computers of all kinds – it’s a sweet deal. They’ve been totally hooking us up here, so get in on the action!
Nick’s Journal Time (An Unexpected Tale) didn’t go exactly as planned – no one let the guests know that they were supposed to shut the hell up. Rory didn’t quite get to go into his review of Doubt, the current production at Bruka Theater – again, lots of interruptions. And by that point we didn’t even ask Rick what his week was like, not because we don’t really care, no! but because we were distracted by Bishop’s ethereal signifyin’ tirades or Elgin’s attempts to get a good Billy Dee Williams groove going on.
Bishop is keeping pretty tight lipped about his next performance with Formerly Known As, but Elgin will be appearing this weekend at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club’s Roast of Pat Schillito, recent guest and friend of the show, this very weekend – so it should be a blast. Chekkit out!
Nick wanted me to remember to talk about something else…. but it was at the open mic at Jub Jub’s when he told me, so I forgot. This coming week though!!! Blazing Mics will be hosted by the awesome and ripping Michelle Coleman of Scarlet Presence!! $1 off for all performers and a $25 bar tab for the best performance of the night! Come on down!!!
And in a completely unrelated note – The Rocky Horror Pinky Show will be reprising their spectacular performance at this year’s Reno Artown!!! Cargo is bringing us back for two performances on July 27! Rocky Horror with a mostly full cast, a live band playing all the songs and lots of partici….. pation. More details about that in the next few months, but write that down!!! Put it on your phone calendar!!! It’s Rocky Horror like you’ve never seen it before.
Anyway…. thanks for listening. 🙂
The Vampirates: Ten Years of Facemelting – S3 E4

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E4
We had them on with a CD before, but this time we got them live – The Vampirates!!! Dave, Chris, Chris and Pat set up in the studio and blasted us with 10 or 12 songs in our 90 minutes together. They are leaving on their ten year anniversary tour this week and – you can’t even tell how excited they are. I mean, The Vampirates are easily the most laid back band we have ever had in the studio – nothing phases them! Then they kick you in the face with killer, homegrown Reno punk rock.
We also want to send our personal condolences to our friend, Cam Hog, and her family after the tragic loss of her brother, Ashton Pike, in a motorcycle accident last week. If you haven’t been following the story, Pike was a local bartender and single father of a 2-year old daughter. His death was obviously sudden and is leaving a large hole in their lives, especially his daughter. This Friday night, 3/1/2012, Rise Nightclub will be raising money from their cover charge and accepting donations for him and his family. All proceeds of the show (and last weekend’s benefit at 40 Mile Saloon) will go to pay for memorial costs; any remaining funds will go to a trust fund support his young daughter. Please get out and show some Reno love and help take care of our own!
ALSO! We have an exciting offer for avid and regular local listeners. Our fine sponsors, Reno Computer Fix, are offering a special discount for WLP listeners. They have an awesome little laptop for sale with a solid state hard drive (which are suh-WEET, btw!). This laptop is priced at $320 for regular customers, but with the WLP keyword, you the listener can go in and get it for under $275!!! (The deal may actually be better than that, but there was poor communication – so go in and bug them to bring it down.) The way YOU can get the keyword is by – listening to the entire show. It’s there in the last break, so keep listening and then get into Reno Computer Fix ASAP!!! There is only one of these deals per week, so it’s first-come first serve!!!
Back to the Vampirates!!! You can check out their tour dates here – they are meandering across the country on a whirlwind 2 month tour. They should be back in time to play at Marianarchy 2013, which will be killer since they haven’t played that in a few years. They’ll be calling us from the road every few weeks to let us know how the tour is going. They’re also taking some of our stickers to decorate bathrooms in shitty clubs and basements all over the country! Yay!!!!
Lots of good shows happening this weekend. Listen until the end for our picks, the get out and see us!!! Or find your own awesome thing to do – Reno music and art is always happening, yo. Go git ya some!
Thanks for listening!