Prescription – Wholesome Boys – S3 E23
And, we’re back!
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E21
Hey, Everybody! Thanks for being patient with us while on our vacation.
This week, we have on Prescription, a great Reno band that’s been around for about a year. Reverend Rory caught them a few times and knew they HAD to be on the show. Nick and Dick were dutifully impressed. Their layered, raw wall of sound is like unto a natural force, like a tidal wave. Their sound is pretty structured, despite the chaos around them.
The guys in the band – Donovan, Jarren, Josh, Justin and Shane – were totally pro too. Despite the heat and some technical glitches, they showed up with gear, on time, and ready to rock. They hammered down four songs that will get stuck in your head. You have plenty of chances to check out Prescription. Lincoln Lounge on 8/9 with the Vague Choir; The Urban Roots Farm Brew-grass festival on 8/10, in Nevada City on 8/24 and at Moonrocks on 8/30.
Part of our difficulties was that this was our first week without Executive Fluffer, Bryce who is joining the Navy to be surrounded by seamen leaving us for better things. We wish him well and curse him for not sticking around hope he comes back to visit when he can.
We also have a quick phoner with Reno comedian, Jenny PezDeSpencer, at the top of the show – for her show that opens tonight! Chekkitout!
I hate to tell you this, but August is going to be a little spotty too. We’re just going to record every other week, due to scheduling and the fucking heat! ugh! That studio is a nightmare – we can’t run the AC, cause it makes a buzzing noise. But have no fear, we will be putting up content on the weeks off – maybe footage from open mics or a show – you’ll just have to see what Nick and I get up to this month!
Don’t forget to check out the Rocky Horror Artown Extravaganza with Pinky Polanski and Thee Reverend Rory Dowd at Cargo in Whitney Peak (formerly CommRow). Also – Blazing Mics every week at Jub Jub’s!
As always, Thanks for Listening!
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