reno hip hop

NULYPHE and Willie Puchert – We Are Community – S13 E12

Season 13
Season 13
NULYPHE and Willie Puchert - We Are Community - S13 E12

This weeks theme is community: We are stoked to catch up with hip hop artist N.U.L.Y.P.H.E. and hear his most triumphant story starting from his last appearance on WLP, just one year ago. On a mission to teach hip hop and pay homage to the pioneers, N.U.L.Y.P.H.E.’s journey has led him to real support from the community and realizing his dream. It’s a great ride. He also provided today’s beats and live performance. We’re grateful for him and his work.

A man seated behind a microphone, wearing a tan Boys and Girls Club of the Truckee Meadows hoodie and camouflage baseball hat, making the shape of a heart with his hands.

We also have dear friend and local icon, Willie Puchert. Willie grew up in Reno so we do get a bit nostalgic, reminiscing the biggest little city in the 80’s. Willie is also of the President of the Board of Directors of The Sons and Daughters of Erin (SADOE), a Irish/Celtic community group and cultural organization here in Reno. SADOE is reviving their annual festival in a different iteration and are unveiling a new Celtic music event coming up: Northern Nevada Celtic Ceilidh (pron. kay-lee), complete with fiddles, mandolins, harps, bagpipes, and everything! Listen or follow the link for details.

a person in a green shirt with quilted vest, wearing glasses, headphones and a scalley cap seated behind a microphone
Willie Puchert

Speaking of celebrations: Kadillac Kim has of course turned her 40th birthday hootenanny into a fundraiser for Family Soup, a community non-profit out there feeding hungry people. The event is at 40 Mile Saloon on Wednesday April 19th featuring Kelly Proud, Rigorous Proof, Josiah Knight, and (the highly sexual) Grimedog! $5 bux at the door.

Flyer for event that looks similar to a Campbell's soup can
Full Party Mode Engaged

We have a quiz and dish the 411 on some great local shows.

Life is short and we love you.

Please throw us a like or a follow and think about becoming a Patreon supporter.
Thanks for listening.

Jade Moschino – Vagazzled – S12 E17

Season 12
Season 12
Jade Moschino - Vagazzled - S12 E17

NSFW to the max. Continuing our long running tradition of bringing you all sides of the Reno music scene, we have probably one of the MOST NSFW episodes we have ever published. The trigger warnings have trigger warnings. Two Live Crew would blush at some of these songs; ODB would make his children leave the room when these tracks come on.

Jade Moschino in a camisole with hearts that read "fuck" sewn over each nipple.
Jade Moschino

Behind the raunchy lyrics is Jade Moschino, a Reno-based drag queen and rapper. She has six years into the rap game, and I can honestly say, I’ve never heard anything like her. As our first episode for pride month, Jade is like a brick through a plate-glass window – unexpected and devastating. Jade is joined by friend and hype man, Joshua. Strong an silent, he holds back a little on the show, but opens up more during the quiz.

Joshua, the hype man, in a patterned red. gold, and black shirt

Coming up this weekend is a world of fun in the Reno scene including Mixed Bill Friday at Davidsons’ Distillery, the opening weekend of Clue – On Stage at Bruka, and Mentally ILL -SE Comedy at Alturas

Thanks for Listening!

Franc Friday – This Isn’t Even My Final Form – S11 E15

Season 11
Season 11
Franc Friday - This Isn't Even My Final Form - S11 E15

The turn of a season, the promise of a turn in the tide: this the stage is set for this week’s guest, Franc Friday. New and unexpected things from this quadrant – like many, Franc spent the past year getting his experimental introspection on . Instead of plying his wordsmithing to his beats, he dropped a full solo album, “Once More Lost in the Post,” with vocals and songwriting recently. It’s a real treat, so I don’t want to spoil too much for you, but I think without giving anything away, we can tell you that it is darkly evocative music that calls you to follow it, each song to the next.

Franc in a black facemask, black backwards ball cap and pointing at the viewer with two fingers on a black-gloved hand
Franc Friday

Frank Friday (aka Evynn Tyler) is more than just a rapper and musician though., He’s also a pretty face. I kid – Evynn is a talented writer and professional committed to human and civil rights and literacy initiatives (but he’s totally been a model too) You can check out his more erudite creative outputs over at

So! In the interests of jump starting this live music and entertainment thing, we were thinking it would be cool to have a central place for people to find out what’s happening around town… like a grid or something like that… So, here’s your first Installment of: The Worst Little Grid

Thanks For Listening.

A graphic format of upcoming events
Worst Little Grid – Week of 05/14-04/20/21

*REPOST* Redfield Clipper – Introspective Explosion – S11 E11

Season 11
Season 11
*REPOST* Redfield Clipper - Introspective Explosion - S11 E11

The Year of COVID has been transformative for a lot of people. This week’s guest, Redfield Clipper, talks a lot about his own transformation into a new style of music, composing an album largely online and grappling with death. It’s a pretty heavy episode…

Redfield Clipper, Reno musician and songwriter, smiling proudly.

It’s also a really fun episode! Redfield regales us with stories of creating the music for the album “Death Anxiety” and the many projects he’s been involved with (like “Say Their Names” With Lily Baran). His own musical journey sees him drifting away from the hip-hop beats and more into the jazzy-jam realms of R&B. It’s a lot about growth and transformation, when we get down to it. (Bonus: Rick calls out Sir Paul McCartney’s bad songwriting.)

Thanks for listening! Make a wish!

Trever Crow – And So the Crow Flies – S1 E47

large worst little podcast logo - b/w/r
Season 01
Trever Crow - And So the Crow Flies - S1 E47



The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 47

DON’T FORGET THE LIVE SHOW!!!! FRIDAY 1/20!!!! Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor!!!! 8pm!!!!!
AVERSION THERAPY!!!!!! Prizes!!!!! Reno whores!!!!! Art-fags galore!!!! THE SHAMES!!!!

And now back to the show:

Trever Crow, Reno hip hop emcee

This week: Rick records bands! Nick is in bands! Rory pretends he knows! Chewie makes snarky comments!

We step out of our comfort zone this week and get some hip hop up in this studio that Dick built. Reno hip hop emcee and spoken word performer Trever Crow is making things happen around Reno, Sparks and the greater Washoe Valley. For starters he’s bringing back hip hop nights at The Alley in Sparks starting on January 27. This is all-ages and will be happening every month. On the show, we get some live Trevercrow backed up by beatboxing from the Nick Ramirez. Chekkit.

Also, Dogwater Dick shares with us some ancient Reno hip-hop that is some of the most offensive and literally gayest hip hop I have ever heard. I mean, really. seriously offensive – SRSLY! I’m talking about there-are-some-things-you-can’t-unhear kind of offensive. Artfully,   so, but still. When we say that this show is generally NSFW, this track is NSF ANYWHERE! Eleventy!

So, it’s late. I incoherently ranted some yesterday. Here’s a show.

And thanks for listening.