Jade Moschino – Vagazzled – S12 E17

NSFW to the max. Continuing our long running tradition of bringing you all sides of the Reno music scene, we have probably one of the MOST NSFW episodes we have ever published. The trigger warnings have trigger warnings. Two Live Crew would blush at some of these songs; ODB would make his children leave the room when these tracks come on.

Behind the raunchy lyrics is Jade Moschino, a Reno-based drag queen and rapper. She has six years into the rap game, and I can honestly say, I’ve never heard anything like her. As our first episode for pride month, Jade is like a brick through a plate-glass window – unexpected and devastating. Jade is joined by friend and hype man, Joshua. Strong an silent, he holds back a little on the show, but opens up more during the quiz.

Coming up this weekend is a world of fun in the Reno scene including Mixed Bill Friday at Davidsons’ Distillery, the opening weekend of Clue – On Stage at Bruka, and Mentally ILL -SE Comedy at Alturas
Thanks for Listening!