pinky polanski
Basket of Adorables – S7 E35

S7 E35
Congrats on stumbling upon our humble little podcast! This week our hosts sat down with the Adorables to talk some utter nonsense and hear some really great political folk punk.
The Adorables are a bit of a Reno super-group. All three members have been involved in the Reno music scene for years, with impressive stints in some of Reno’s finest rock bands like Stabby Unicorn, Pinky Polanski and Liver Scars (among others!). The Adorables are playing Marianarchy for the first time this December.

The Adorables – Nick, Felix, and Eric

Nick Ramirez – Don’t ask me about anything going on in this photo…

Felix Danger-mouse

Eric Foreman – Snapchat model
Thanks for being on the show, guys! We can’t wait to hear what comes next for you!
As always, there’s a boat load of crazy good shows happening in Reno this week. Go see some things and report back:
Thursday – See Thee Commons Live at the Saint Thursday night. 21+ 8 p.m. $10/12
For a blast from Reno past, see Keyser Soze Live at the Peppermill’s Terrace Lounge the 16th through the 18th. 21+ 7 p.m. No cover.
Friday – Spike McGuire is leaving town to tour Europe for a month! Let’s send him off right. Spike and Friends are playing at Taste Of Chicago at 9 p.m. Grab a beer and a slice and listen to what’s new. Details here!
Dance Party For Planned Parenthood is happening Friday night at The Holland Project. Show your support! 100% of proceeds goes directly to our local Planned Parenthood clinic. All ages! $5 suggested donation or feminine hygiene products.
Saturday – If you’re trying to avoid downtown like I will be, Head to Davidson’s for Reno, We Have A Problem-Onesie Night Only! 21+ 9 p.m.
Dead Country Gentlemen with Leaving Town are at Pignic Saturday night. 21+ 9 p.m. No cover.
Eddy House Benefit show at the Hideout featuring Haterecorder-Local postcore gods, The Scattering-Metallic thrash fury, sans ami-Skramzy powerviolence. 21+ $2 or 2 cans of food at the door, all proceeds go to Eddy House.
8pm sharp!
Sunday – For all your punk rock needs, Shea’s is serving up Mad Max Party w/Short Fuse,Dirty Work,Mokosos,MachineGunVendetta. 21+ 8 p.m. $5 with costume/$7 without
Monday – Head to Shea’s to see the eclectic lineup of Guttermouth/Koffin Kats/Atom Age/Gallows Bound/Black Plague Wolves. There’s something for everyone at this show, from punk to rockabilly, even some bluegrass. Don’t miss this one. Get your online tickets here! 21+ 8 p.m. $20 adv
Tuesday – Trivia is HOT at Jub Jub’s every Tuesday night! Bring your friends, bring a date, bring your mom! Compete for bar tabs and fresh baked cookies. Trivia starts at 8 p.m.
Wednesday – Cursed Bastard/OneTonDually/South Shore Riot/ ReptileRootsLeague is happening at Shea’s. Catch some psycho-billy and good old fashioned rock & roll. 21+ 8 p.m.
If Shea’s isn’t your thing, catch the Boss’ Daughter Gobble Gobble Welcome Home Show with John Underwood at Pignic. 21+ 8 p.m. No cover.
Didn’t make it to trivia at Jub Jub’s? You’re in luck because Beck’s Brew House hosts weekly trivia every Wednesday starting at 7:30 p.m.!
That’s all, folks. Thanks for listening!
Angel Garcia – All the Eeems – S4 E33

Good News and Bad News, everyone!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E33
Key, kids! What’s up?!? It’s a fantastic week over here at the palatial Dogwater Studios. The good news is that Evil Dead: The Musical has completely sold out the run of the show – you’ll have to catch us in 2015 if you didn’t see it yet. The bad news is that The Annual Dogwater Punkin’ Carving Party is cancelled this year. Dogwater Dick wants to take one year in 20 off, so we guess that’s fair.
In the long and storied tradition of the show, we picked up a guy at the open mic to play on the show. Angel Garcia, Reno musician and singer, joins us this week to rattle out some of his songs on the innerwebs. Garcia has actively been playing music in Reno for the last year or so, typically as a solo act, but also with a few bands. Prior to Northern Nevada, he was in SoCal, where he gained the moniker “Toxicblinds” as a DeeJay. Despite his rough and freakish exterior, Angel sings like… (not gonna say it!) a pretty pop star. It’s not exactly bubblegum punk rock, but he shure dew have a purty voice.
Early in the show, we take a phone call with Reno’s own #1 female comedian, Jenny PezDeSpencer! Jenny is having another live show at Jub Jub’s on November 8 that she wants you to go to. Her sets are raucous and awesome and delightfully offensive. Take a chance! Be a part of a live comedy album and chekkit out.
In a surprise move, “Magic” Larry Cooper drops by the studio and sits in with us for a whole to tell us about his new album that he’s been recording with Dogwater Dick. Larry’s a dick. He totally hijacks Angel’s show and gets really drunk and breaks stuff. At least he pays his dues and takes part in the quiz.
Don’t forget, in the spirit of the season, come check out the Rocky Horror Extravaganza with music by Pinky Polanski and hosted by Thee Reverend Rory Dowd. Tickets will go fast for them, so get them online now or at the Whitney Peak main desk. Happening on Halloween 10/31/14 there is an all ages show at 8pm and an all adults show at midnight
Thanks for Listening
Richie Ballerini and Lee Edwards – Swingin’ in the Smoke – S4 E29

Are YOU hooked on a feelin’?
Worst Little Podcast – S4 E29 – Download Link
Hope you have your dancin’ shoes on, because you’re in for a hep ep. Joining us in the studio are Richie Ballerini and Lee Edwards, a couple of crooners tripping the light fantastic in the Reno nightlife.
Ballerini is an old salty dog and veteran of the music industry, having worked with the actual Rat Pack, back when his hair was darker and the nation a little more naive. We could talk to him and listen to his stories for hours. (In fact, Dogwater Dick DID do exactly that during setup and soundcheck this week.) A marvelous entertainer, he lights up Reno/Sparks every weekend at Pietro’s at Victorian Square and is in the market for his fourth wife.
Edwards has joined him this last year as a complete novice professional singer. However, don’t let this lack of experience fool you – this guy has the chops to perform with the best of them. He joins Ballerini every other week at The Polo Lounge in Midtown, wooing the granny panties off of their fans. A soon-to-be father, Edwards has a lot on his plate, juggling duties and starting out as a professional entertainer.
This is Chewie. This is what he does when he’s not on the show.
Also, don’t forget to get your presale tickets to Evil Dead: The Musical and The Pinky Polanski Rocky Horror Extravaganza (early and late shows
Anyway, thanks for your support and Thanks for Listening!
The Defabulators – Too Much Music – S4 E23

Hold on to your britches!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E24 – Download Link
Dogwater Studios transforms into a house of rock and roll when these boys come around. Johnny Harpo, Wes Forster, Jesse Gaddis and Greg Grenade of The Defabulators invade with their blazing guitars and yowlin’ sound! There wasn’t a dry seat in the studio after their first song – mostly sweat, but I’m not picky.
The Defabulators are back in action and ready to play and record a bunch of new tunes they play for us on the show today. Nothing is booked just yet, though and they don’t have a website or anything, because they’re old skool Reno rock and rolla’s like that. You’ll have to keep your ear to the ground to catch them.
We are also happy to Officially Announce the Presentation of Ye Olde Pinky Polanski Rocky Horror Picture Show Extravaganza!!!! That’s right! The Pinky Polanski Boys and Reverend Rory will be putting on the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the newly rebuilt Cargo at Whitney Peak – ON HALLOWEEN!!! Two shows – 8pm and midnight!!! For the third year in a row we will be bringing you our own special brand of Reno Rocky – complete with live music, live audience participation and live RHPS virgins!!!!! Stay tuned for details!!!
Go Do stuff!
Thanks for Listening!
Wolpertinger – Late Like a Pregnancy Test – S3 E 34

I am so full of fail… again.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E31
Wolpertinger in the studio! Who are Wolpertinger? Well, aside from including Gary Kephart, Wolfgang Price, Tommy “Cancer Survivior” Plunkett and Rich Washburn – listen to the show to find out more about the fantastic personalities that are Wolpertinger. What does Wolpertinger sound like – well, either listen to the show or check out Reverend Rory’s review of them in his most recent “100 Word Bias” column in the latest issue of Reno Tahoe Tonight!
I should really apologize to the guys from Wolpertinger for the lateness of htis podcast – Halloween really kicked all of our asses, with the Punkin Carving Party, the actual night of, friends’ birthdays, drinking heavily and all the other usual stuff. But I hope they can understand that no offense was meant – Dogwater Dick and Reverend Rory are just lazy assholes.
Well, I ought to sign off and work on the next podcast so that it’s not late – check out our next episode with Small Drawings!!!
Thanks for listening!
Failure Machine – Entertainment Cattle – S3 E32

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere. Do you know where your drink is?
The Worst Little Podcast in the World – Download Link – S3 E29
Howdy, kiddos! Hope you’re having a great week!
Despite the fact that I still am wounded by the cold, bitter sting of him going out for a pack of cigarettes and never coming home, and he looks like Eddie Vedder mated with a brillo pad, we have the ONE AND ONLY Spencer, The Intern back on the show today! He brings with him, the always amazing Clint Philbin once more. In the fallout of The Big Bad, the two of them have teamed up to form the rocktastic and groove-makin’, Failure Machine. Two-man, distorted Motown covers and originals, they don’t need no stinkin’ band. They give us a bunch of double shots of songs and lay it down.You can follow them on Facebook or bandcamp if you want to check out some of what they do.
We also get down, if you will, with Murdoc Brickel. Murdoc comes to us from The Night Of Fetish and Fantasy(NOFF) 2013. Put on by the National Leather Association of Northern Nevada, this annual event is for fetishists, kinksters and sexy people of all levels and persuasions. Murdoc himself is a total freak and pervert. He kinda made the guys uncomfortable by being even MORE naked than Rev. Rory (who always wears nothing but a bow tie and a smile). But we had a lot of fun talking about the event that is THIS WEEKEND at Candela’s Nightclub.
Lots of fun stuff going this weekend in Reno/Sparks – Pumpkinpalooza, The Holland Project Cover Show, A Whiskey Social and lots more. Get out and enjoy your city!
Thanks for listening!
Countress – Drunk Metal – S3 E28

If you cannot heat this broadcast, please contact the program director!
Hey boys and girls! Sorry about the late podcast (and a big apology to Countress). The gods of technology and the internet conspired against us last week, pushing this post out a bit. We still love you and everything’s fine!!!!!
This week, we have the good men of Countress in the studio! Countress is a metal band in the Reno music scene that has been tearing it up for about a year. Their sound edges into punk and hardcore, but the boys maintain they’re nothing but a dirty metal band – you be the judge!
Countress has a busy schedule coming up here in the fall, so you have plenty of chances to check them out live. But if this podcast isn’t enough for you you can check them out on bandcamp and soundcloud.
Well, this week has been a shit show – I hope you enjoy THIS SHOW however. But I’m done. Glad to be back.
Thanks For Listening!
Infecto Skeletons – Refined, Relaxed and Retarded – S3 E27

Hey, did you know we actually still do a show?
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – 2013 09 09
Hey boys and girls!!! Did you miss us? We missed you!!! We all had a great vacation this past August and are ready to hit the back third of the year with some awesome shows! Fist up to bat, we have the Infecto Skeletons, recent staple of the ReNO punk rock music market. These guys were out there a lot this spring and summer, smashing old skool punk rock into audience’s ears. Infecto Skeletons even just got off of a So-Cal mini-tour, branching out from Mother Reno.
We had a good time with them at the house and on the show. Maybe went a little overboard on the pre-party… we talked too much and then didn’t have anything to say on the show that was coherent. Go figure! On THIS show? But the boys in Infecto Skeletons put down some killer tracks that had me wishing I was drunk and at Shea’s with Felix or something, so I could blindly and drunkenly crash around the room to their dulcet tones.
Infecto Skeletons are Justin Minyard (vocals), Andrew Hockenberry (drums), Rash Kader (bass) and Mike Read (guitar). Aside from being a lot of fun to hang out with andd playing some great Reno punk rock music, they … uh… well, that’s about it really. I didn’t get that far in the interview – got distracted by the Worst Little Quiz and the epic battle for Last Place.
If you’re looking for something fun to do this weekend, we have really only two events we want to draw your attention to (Infecto Skeletons is playing at neither of them). First is on Friday at the Public House – Lend Jimi Damone a Hand – more info on the event to help Jimi Damone who recently suffered a debilitating accident in the show and on the event page. You can also donate to the cause at the Jimi Damone GiveForward page, where they have raised nearly 1/3 of their goal.
Also Sunday, please join Nick Ramirez at the Artist’s Lofts for a fundraiser for his cat, Loopy Lupe – listen and read, people, listen and read.
And don’t forget the Blazing Mics every Monday at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, brought to you by the Worst Little Podcast!
As always, my friends, Thanks For Listening – see you next week!
The Tahoe Players and the Death of a Candyshoppe – S3 E20

Focus, people!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E19
Hello friends, it’s that time of the week again! Don’t forget to drink your Ovaltine! (do they even make that anymore?) We have a pretty fun show lined up for you – except for that part when Rev. Rory tries to use a tuner – with lots of exciting things! First, from the Tahoe Players, we have a couple of cast members from their production of les Miserables take the time to visit with us. Micheal Jackson and Regina Powers take the stage in the studio and tell us all about the debut of les Miserables at the Village Green for Red, White, and Tahoe Blue on July 5. Directed by Lily Baran and Musical Director Joe McKessom, the production will also run July 25-29 at John Ascuaga’s Nugget. Tickets are available at the Tahoe Players website. Aside from all that good stuff, Miceal blew us away with just a snippet from the show. It should be a lot of fun!
Sadly, Nick announced the demise of Candyshoppe, citing creative differences and an insatiable addiction to Cheetos amongst the various members. Best known for violently assaulting audience members with sugary treats, Candyshoppe will be remembered as a band of minor note – mostly B minor. Just kidding! We will actually miss them and wish all the Candyshoppers the best in the next chapter of whatever the hell it is that they do. We end up playing a few of their songs this week, in memoriam.
We also devote some portion of the show to talking with Executive Fluffer, Bryce Albright. So far 100% of Bryce’s bands have broken up, usually before releasing any recordings. SO! Seeing as they were Dogwater Studio productions living under a rock, we played a few. and you know what – they were actually pretty good. Toe tapping in fact.
This Weekend’s picks
Friday – Captured! By Robots at Jub Jub’s – $10
– Stabby Unicorn and N8-Bit at Strega – Free
Saturday – SITR featuring Craig Prather and John White at Swill
– Old Man Markley, 6 Mile Station and Actors Killed Lincoln at The Alley
That’s all! Thanks for listening!!!
Craig Prather: Awesomer Than Expected – S3 E18

Do what you love!
The Worst Little Podcast in the World – Download Link – S3 E17
Super fun happy good times on the show this week! Craig Prather stops in for some studio time, promoting his brand spankin’ new CD “No Limits”. Reverend Rory’s brother, Mike , is in town and keeps the third chair warm for Chewie while he’s gone. And we had absolutely NO technical difficulties. None whatsoever. Nope.
Craig Prather is a super guy and collaborative musician – his CD is a two-fer! With a ridiculous number of songs on it, it is a double CD release, all for the price of one! We chat it up, talking about his experiences and the scores of Reno musicians he’s worked with in the past few years. Seriously! Craig Prather can name-drop with the likes of Tom Gordon and Nick Ramirez!
We have a lot of fun, but really the Worst Little Quiz does not fail to disappoint this week. Despite such different guys, they were running a pretty tight race right up until the end, and kabbblaaaammmmm! Everything changes. You gotta listen!
Also – I got everything wrong with Big Remote last week. Their CD Jenkins is available at Discology or at their website
Don’t forget to checkout Lighter Theif at the NadaDada event this Friday at Wildflower Pub. Also Reverend Rory will be emceeing The Best In the West Burlesque Showcase during the Reno Rockabilly Riot at the Grand Sierra Resort this weekend.
Thanks for Listening!