Jon Cornell
Roxxy Collie – And Your Bird Can Sing S12 E12

Welcom back, music fans! This week we have the beautiful rock music of Roxxy Collie.
A female fronted quintet, Roxxy Collie has a full rich sound , deep lyrics and humor. They’ve been called ‘art rock’ and ‘chillcore’, they’re very unique for sure.

The lineup is Margy Ford, the songbird, Jon Cornell on keyboard, Stephen on electric guitar, Nick Ramirezon beats, and their newest member, Larry Cooper, on bass and background vocals.
We discuss Dogwater Dick’s weekend, dead birds, song lyrics and the Reno Punk Rock Flea Market among other things.

We get a bunch of new material from the band and a sweet Duran Duran cover at the end.
Sending our love and positive energy to our good friends and fellow musicians, Tom Plunkett and Andy Hernandez, both in the ICU at the time of this writing. Hang in there rockers. We love you.

Thanks for listening!
Roxxy Collie – Slow Jam – S6 E8

Today was a good day…
The Worst Little Podcast – S6 E8 – Download Link
Roxxy Collie joins us this week on the show. A new Reno rock band, Roxy Collie is a conglomeration of other Reno bands and bring some serious talent to bear. Of course, Mr. “I’m in 8000 Bands” Nick Ramirez is in this latest project on drums. He backs up Steve Barron, Jon Cornell, Pat Rhea and the vocal stylings of the always impressive, Margy Ford.
We drink. We laugh. We tell an awful lot of dick jokes. Actually, no. Well, yes, there are dick jokes, but we didn’t have much time for talk, since the band had to kick our ears’ asses with awesome music. Coincidentally, the band is named after American Orinthologist Roxie Collie Laybourne. Since Nick was in the band, he couldn’t host, so the WLP Webmaster, Lord Stryse stops in to take the third chair. It’s always good to have him here with us in the studio!
Thanks for listening!
The Juxtaposeurs – The Hazards of Tribute – S3 E43

It’s the last show…
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E40
…of Season 3!!!
The Juxtaposeurs visit us this week at Dogwater Studios. The Juxtaposeurs are an ensemble cast of musicans, dancers, performers and tech crews. They have assembled to put on an encore production of The Hazards of Love Tribute Show. Following the inspiration of Assistant Directors Gabe Hilton and Kaitlin Oki, they recreate and stage the narrative told in The Decemberists’ album “The Hazards of Love”. This show was very well received when we first performed it in the Fall of 2010 and we are putting it on again at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor in just a few weeks.
We? Oh, did I forget to mention that Reverend Rory is in this production? Well he is. An original cast member, along with vocalists Marlene and Music Director Chris Nelson, they are joined by many new talents including vocalist Margy Ford. Jon Cornell steps up and accompanies them although he is not in the production this time around.
The Hazards of Love Tribute Show will be at the Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor Showroom for 7:30 PM shows on Fridays and Saturday 2/7, 2/8 and 2/14 with a Sunday Matinee at 2:30 on 2/9. Music entertainment will follow at the main bar. Tickets for The Hazards of Love Tribute Show, available at Jub Jub’s, Prism Magic, The Melting Pot or cast members, are $12 in advance or $15 at the door and include admission to the after parties.
Finally a shout out to the fine folks at The Generator! They put on a fine pot luck meal for artists and patrons and friends every Wednesday at their facility and are always looking for anyone interested in getting involved. THey are having a bg fundraiser on Saturday 2/15 – Buy It or Burn It! All the pieces up for auction will be voted on to be displayed with pride at the Generator or immolated with delight at the Generator.
Back on Track for the new season next week!
Thanks for listening.
Fun Truck You and Your Family Too! – S2 E5

The Worst Little Podcast in the World, Season 2 Episode 4 featuring the power-pop stylings Caramello, Ju Ju Bee, Kit Kat, Bit o’ Honey and Pixie Stix of Candyshoppe!
Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S2 Ep4
In a world, very much like our own….
…faces are changed to protect the names (and pride) of the innocent.
Welcome back! It’s been a long week, I know. My cat disappeared, it’s been storming and snowing in the mountains and OH MY GAWD DID YOU WATCH OSCARS????? (I didn’t…) But who cares about that – it’s time for your escape into our world! It’s a world of sweet sweet pop this week with Candyshoppe in studio!!! Candyshoppe is Bit O’Honey, Kit Katt (top), Pixy Stix (center), Cara Mello and Juju Bee (bottom). They are here to kick ass and chew bubble gum – and they brought some of both for you! Rick spent a long time dialing in their sound – like seriously, prima donna, we’re on a timeline! and we think it sounds just great. This show is, in fact, the very first recording of Candyshoppe not done on a tape casette.
That is my cat. She is missing. The Dowds are sad. I was really suprised that nobody made any jokes about me missing my pussy.
But back to the band: You can check them out on facebook and youtube. If’n you want to see them live they have two upcoming shows that they are really excited about. The first one is going to be THIS FRIDAY 3/2 at the Foxy Olive for First Friday with Eric Foreman. That should be a great time, if probably pretty crowded. The second show coming up is a pretty interesting match. They will be appearing at the Alley in Sparks with The God-des and SHE from Austin, Texas on April 10th. They will probably have some more shows soon as their dance card is filling quickly.
Finally, Nick gives us all a sneak peek at the upcoming Marianarchy set lists. It’s gonna be a great show this year, with a probably return of BOTH Gunshot Likker and Phat Couch! Worth putting down the bong and going outside for, eh?
Have a great week everybody!!!! And Thanks for Listening!
Big Remote – Are We There Yet? – S1 E37

Download Link: Worst Little Podcast – Episode 37
Why are these things so much more complicated than they should be?
My apologies for being a day late with this – I know, you’re crushed. First, everyone was late; then it took forever to get started; then there was a delay in post; then I asked Rick to chop up the picture he sent me. THEN I kind of spaced it. And finally, the website was a little slow this morning and I ended up using the really awesome photo by Rick anyway. Ugh! Anyways, welcome to another thrilling episode of The Worst Little Podcast in the World! Since it was such a crazy episode we skipped right over a bunch of things we did last week that were fun and I’m not going to tell you about here either. Suffice to say, we are older, wiser and stronger.
On the show we are treated to a number of LIVE SONGS by Reno favorite, Big Remote! Jon Cornell, Eric Foreman, Don Morrison and Steve Larkins sit in and are right at home talking out of their ass with us. We talk a littl about the trials and tribulations of recording an album as they are looking forward to releasing their first album, “Jenkins”. As a band, Big Remote is tight, melodic and layered; as an interview, Big Remote is somewhat more… chaotic. The quiz gets heated as they all deliver some big answeres for big points, but what else do you expect from a bunch of guys compensating so hard that they had to pt ‘BIG’ in their band name. And let’s not even get into the symbolic meaning and imagery of a remote, much less a big one. At least their wives and girlfriends are nice.
One last thing we forgot to mention on the show – CAPTURED! BY ROBOTS!!!!! They will be appearing at Jub Jub’s on Thursday, 10/27 for J-BOT’S Birthday. But before you go to that, don’t forget to stop by Dogwater Studios for the Annual Punkin’ Carving Party and Great (Un)Discovered CD Release party!!!!!
Thanks for listening!