Roxxy Collie – And Your Bird Can Sing S12 E12

Welcom back, music fans! This week we have the beautiful rock music of Roxxy Collie.
A female fronted quintet, Roxxy Collie has a full rich sound , deep lyrics and humor. They’ve been called ‘art rock’ and ‘chillcore’, they’re very unique for sure.

The lineup is Margy Ford, the songbird, Jon Cornell on keyboard, Stephen on electric guitar, Nick Ramirezon beats, and their newest member, Larry Cooper, on bass and background vocals.
We discuss Dogwater Dick’s weekend, dead birds, song lyrics and the Reno Punk Rock Flea Market among other things.

We get a bunch of new material from the band and a sweet Duran Duran cover at the end.
Sending our love and positive energy to our good friends and fellow musicians, Tom Plunkett and Andy Hernandez, both in the ICU at the time of this writing. Hang in there rockers. We love you.

Thanks for listening!
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