Good Luck Macbeth
Left of the Dial and GLM – Faster Than Boats

This week we are joined by Robert Derbyshire aka DJ FasterThanYou of KWNK 97.7’s “Left of the Dial,” and actors Jessica Johnson and Claire Hachenberger of “Men On Boats”, currently playing at our beloved Good Luck Macbeth Theatre in midtown Reno,

We had a lovely time discussing “Men on Boats,” its relation to American history, and the unique spin the author wrote into the piece. Claire and Jessica were full of info and funny to boot!

DJ FasterThanYou treats us with selections from his noise and punk selections including a couple Reno legends at the end. Listen to find out who!

Speaking of local legends, Chewie is back with his From the Vault segment, with 3 quick tracks from early nineties teenage punkers Dirty Steve, straight off the cassette recording! We discuss a multitude of Renocentric subjects and the guests give a great performance in their debuts on the worst little quiz.
Another stellar show we hope you enjoy.
Life is short and we love you.
Thanks for listening.
Grace Larkins and Sarah Hinz – Evolving Forward – S13 E7

We are on Week Two of our Annual WLP Women’s March and joining us are two ladies helping change Reno in surprising ways – Grace Larkins and Sarah Hinz. Grace you may know better musically as Grace Gatsby, a popular musical act a number of years ago, and we open and close this week’s show with her tracks.

Grace has taken a step back from the stage in recent years, to focus on family and the needs of her daughter Lucy (with her partner and noted Reno musician, Stephen Larkins). Lucy was born with Nonketonic Hyperglycinemia, a rare genetic disorder that has profoundly affected her growth and development. Sean Baker, nephew of Larkins and aspiring filmmaker, recently put together a documentary of their journey and day-to-day lives, titled “We Love Lucy” We talk with Grace about that process and the status of the film.

Sarah Hinz is the Executive Director at Good Luck Macbeth. She replaced good friend of the show, Chris Daniels, as he moves on to other projects, and brings with herself a wealth of talent. In addition to guiding the theater’s season, Sarah is also heading up their “Elevate” initiative, which aims to purchase the local historic musicians union hall they currently rent and rehabilitate and redevelop the property into an accessible community performing arts center.
Chewie rounds out the show with another selection from his vault – the incomparable Stacy Tholle with Gunshot Likker. The guys also review some upcoming events on the Reno calendar (that may have already happened by the time of this posting).
Thanks for Listening
Weapons of Mass Creation – Repeat Offenders, Top Contenders – S10 E30

You can’t keep a good band down and no Reno band epitomizes that made-up saying better than our guests this week, Weapons of Mass Creation. You can’t call it a comeback, because they’ve been here for many years (you can’t call it a plagarism, because it’s altered a bit.).

We get to talk to them about the ever-ongoing next album, getting closer and closer to completion. We start the musical segments of the show, with a special look at Joe Atack’s solo project. Pan clues us into what he’s been up to as Reno’s current poet laureate (you can catch monthly him at Sierra Arts in the historic downtown Artists’ Lofts). We also get an update on many things theater, including Good Luck MacBeth, GhostLight TV and Dancers and Bands (featuring One Ton Dually and Fanci Valle on the most recent episode)
It’s a good fun show. Stay safe and fight the power.
Thanks for listening.
Dan Abbott and Let The Right One In – S9 E27

Hello and welcome to the Worst Little Podcast! This week we’ve got Reno newcomer Dan Abbott playing a bunch of spooky tunes and the cast of Good Luck Macbeth’s Let the Right One In. There’s zombies! There’s vampires! There’s time travel stories! Press play!

Dan Abbott hails from the East Bay and recently relocated to Reno. Dan talked with us about the inspiration behind his songs, his other bands, and events he has planned for Reno. Go say hi to Dan at Jub’s on November 24th for his next event, Knew Better Did it Anyway. It’s storytelling show where people get together and tell stories about their worst decisions in exchange for free drinks! We’ll keep you updated on Dan’s other upcoming events.

Don’t miss GLM’s Let the Right One In, opening October 4th and playing through the end of the month. Courtney, Jayten, and our good pal Joe Atack stopped by to talk about this spooky love story about a vampire and her friend Oskar. From the producers: Oskar is a bullied lonely teenage boy living with his mother on a housing estate at the edge of town, when a spate of sinister killings rock the neighbourhood. Eli is the young girl who has just moved in next door. She doesn’t go to school and never leaves the flat by day. Sensing in each other a kindred spirit, the two become devoted friends. What Oskar doesn’t know is that Eli has been a teenager for a very long time. Let the Right one is plays Thursday through Sunday until October 26th. Get your tickets ASAP here.
Big thanks to all of our guests for being here this week. We can’t wait to see more of all of you. If you like what we do please head to our Patreon page. For $5 a month you get access to our sound check pre-show featuring an exclusive song from all your favorite local artists. All the money goes to help Rick with studio operating costs, so show him some love. We’re back next week with another Reno newcomer, Kat Heart. Thanks for listening!
Ryan James and Good Luck Macbeth – The Podcast About a Dick – S8 E20

S9 E22
Greetings and welcome back to the Worst Little Podcast! Your hosts Rick, Nick “I’m Too High for This” Ramirez, Chewbacca and Kadillac Kim are back after a little vacation to bring you an exciting show featuring the immensely talented singer-songwriter, Ryan James, and the partial cast/crew of Good Luck Macbeth’s The Play About a Dick. We’re talking about dicks this week so buckle up. This episode is definitely NSFG (Not Safe for Grandma). Press play!

Ryan James
First up is our musical guest Ryan James, who is prepping for his first full length album release this Friday at West Street Market with the Grimtones and Jake Houston. Ryan has put together quite the Reno super group to back him. You’re in for a treat Friday night at this all ages show.

Ashley James from Good Luck Macbeth
We were also joined by Ashley, Dave, and Amanda Alvey who is the director of the newest show at Good Luck Macbeth, The Play About a Dick. From the event page: Good Luck Macbeth is proud to produce the US premiere of Aaron Wilton’s hilarious and provocative work, “The Play About a Dick”. A middle-aged woman, Enid, meets a younger man online for sex. But what starts as a simple rendezvous becomes a darkly comedic exploration of vulnerability, intimacy and empathy. After an unpredictable reaction, things become chaotic for Enid as her life gradually spirals outward. The play about a dick. examines themes of communication, guilt, kindness, solitude, gender roles, human connection, post-truth reality and existential vacuity. Its also a play about a dick.

Amanda Alvey – Director of The Play About a Dick

“It’s a deep, penetrating play. It makes you laugh and it makes you cry, which dicks can do.” – Dave Richards
Thanks so much to all of this weeks guests! We had a great time. There are some great shows and events happening this weekend in Reno. Make sure you check out some of my picks:
Friday – Before Your Last Stand Album Release Party with Ryan James. See this weeks guest, alongside our friends the Grimtones and Jake Houston at West Street Market. 7PM All ages!
Silver: Rollin’ on the River with Scott Pemberton at Wingfield Park. Show starts at 5:30 exactly so get down to the park early for this rad free show!
Saturday – Get back to your (folk) roots with The Riverside LIVE at Pignic! There’s lots of hype around these guys. You won’t want to miss them! 8PM 21+ No cover.
Sunday – Graff City at The Generator is the first graffiti event in Reno! 11AM to 8PM all ages $5
Beyond – El Salvador Summer Show! Love-Birds, Blunderbusst & Baby Dog at El Salvador restaurant June 18th at 8PM.
The Lazy Universe Reno CD Release Party with One Ton Dually, June 21st at Jub Jub’s. 9PM 21+
Thanks for listening. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets.
Skew Ring – The Shout-out Episode – S7 E37

S7 E37
Whoa baby boy did we have some fun with this week’s guest, Skew Ring! Little is known about this mysterious five piece band out of Reno, Nevada. That’s what we’re here for! By the end of this episode you will know far too much. Sorry, not sorry. Listen up to hear what the excellent Reno rock band, Skew Ring, has to say/play (spoilers: it’s mostly gay jokes).

Providing a fresh, apathetic sound in an apathetic marketplace is Drew – vocals; Cole/Honkey – bass; Jimmy “not gay but not afraid” – guitar; Adin/Cheech Marin -guitar; Baby-face Ben – drums.

Jimmy – guitarist and professional ring kisser. “He’s not gay but he’s also not afraid.”

Honkey and Jimmy
Skew Ring has been around a short time and even after this podcast, little is still known about these elusive beasts. They have recently played The Saint and The Holland Project and there’s talk of an EP coming out soon. Keep an eye on their Instagram for updates on where you can see them in the wild. And trust me, you should definitely see them in the wild.
Thanks for coming on the show, Skew Ring!
We hope the rest of you had awesome Thanksgiving’s like we did. Last week was pretty rad for Reno music. This week won’t be any different!
Thursday –
Big Gigantic returns to Reno on November 30th at Cargo Concert Hall with support from Brasstracks. Big Gigantic is an instrumental electronic, hip-hop, and jazz musical duo based out of Boulder, and are known as the pioneers of adding live saxophone to dance music. Info and tickets here. 18+ 7 p.m. $26/28 (no fee tickets at Melting Pot)
Friday –
Join us for a look into the dark side of Santa. Thinking about bringing the kids? DON’T. Seriously. At Good Luck Macbeth through December 23rd. $15 adv. Tickets here.
The Brothers Comatose, a five piece bluegrass band from San Francisco, returns to Reno this Friday with support from Reno country duo, Huckleberry Road. Tickets here! Happening at The Saint. 21+ 7 p.m. $16 adv (no fee tickets at Melting Pot)
Saturday –
100.1 The X presents a FREE show featuring indie rocker Van William. In the Showroom at Jub Jub’s 8 p.m. sharp. Get there early! 21+
ONOFF / Knocked Down / Jukebox Rebels/ Corner Store at Shea’s About the bands: ONOFF- Rock n Roll originally from Ireland; Knocked Down- pop punk from CA; Jukebox Rebels- Psychobilly from Carson City; Corner Store- Cat loving Garage punk from Reno. 21+ 8 p.m.
See house legend DJ Dan at 1UP this Saturday night. DJ Dan has been described as America’s hardest working DJ, with a 15 year career playing and producing techno and house music. Tickets here. 21+ 10 p.m. $10/15
Monday –
At the Holland Project, Dingbat Superminx ~ Long Hu ~ Dale ~ Arizona Young, promise to bring you a beautiful night of music + performance art. Details and tickets here. 7 p.m. / $5
Always All-Ages
Tuesday –
Dance Gavin Dance, Polyphia, Icarus The Owl, Wolf & Bear come to Jub Jub’s. Tickets available at Recycled Records, Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor and in advance here. 21+ 7:30 p.m. $17 adv
Tuesday night is going to be HUGE for one of Reno’s hardest working bands, Boss’ Daughter. They’re opening for Rise Against and Pennywise at the Grand Sierra Resort. It’s going to be a crazy time. We’re hella proud of those guys. Get your tickets now! 7:30 p.m.
Don’t forget! Marianarchy Winter Ball is coming up soon! December 8th and 9th. Clink the links for updated lineups for day one and day two.
That’s a wrap. Go see some shit and do some things.
Thanks for listening, Reno!
Silence! the Musical – All Hail the Villains! – S6 E24

OH, Good! You’re here.
The Worst Little Podcast in the World – S6 E24
It’s time once more to have players from Good Luck MacBeth’s Fall Farcical on the show. This year, the offering is “Silence! The Musical”, an extremely irreverent spoof of 1991’s “Silence of the Lambs”. If you’ve been keeping score at home, you know that Reverend Rory is one of those players and he’s back on the show this week as a really mouthy guest. He is portraying the smarmy and douchey Dr. Chilton. Joining him are his cast mates and leading men of the show, Cody Canon (Buffalo Bill) and Ryan Kelly (Hannibal Lecter). Cody is an accomplished acrobat, physical performer and stage-hound; while Ryan has made his mark as a powerful singer and actor on many Reno stages in recent years. Between the three of them, they are the major and minor villains of the show.
We are also joined on the show, via digital technology (a cellphone), Assistant Director, Dance Captain and the surliest of all the lambs, good friend of the show, Ashley Marie James. We have a toast with her over the phone and chat a little about the show… and a lot about other things. Unfortunately we were not able to have any music for the show on the podcast (that would be giving away too much). But our man in the past, Archivist Chewbacca comes through by way of an early 90’s Satan’s Pimp Release – the G.O.B./ Loadstar split 7″. We also have an exclusive track from Vague Choir‘s newest (unreleased!!) album! After 6 years, we still bring you the newest Reno music we can get our hands on.
If you’d like to come see “Silence! The Musical”, you can still get tickets (for now) at
Thanks for listening!
Sil Shoda – Long Time Coming – S6 E7

Welcome to spring in Reno – pack a heavy coat!
Worst little Podcast S6 E7 – Download link
It’s amazing that we haven’t had them on the show before, but we are happy to bring to you the musical talents of Robert “Bobbo” Clark and Anthony Vairetta of Sil Shoda. Sil Shoda is a Reno rock band that has enjoyed some bit of notoriety in the past decade with their high energy shows and strong musicianship.
While they have been publicly quiet as of late, Sil Shoda has been furiously masturbating recording behind the scenes; they hope to have a few releases hit the airwaves and internet this year, so be sure to keep an eye out for that as well as shows on their Facebook and reverbnation pages. Also – they are just a blast to bullshit with; I really mean it this time when I say that this was one of the most fun shows we’ve ever done.
Speaking of fun shows, don’t forget that this is your last chance to see “Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll” at Good Luck Macbeth, featuring our very own Nick Ramirez. We get a teaser of the show with him at the top of the episode, so if you like what you year – go get some culture and see the show!
Thanks for Listening!
Thünderhead – Keep Jerkin’ Around – S5 E28

Wake up and smell the hot metal!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E28 – Download Link
Thünderhead comes in and slays the studio this week. Damn! Rader Hendrix, Layne Roberts and Carlos Pintor swagger in with their long hair and cool t-shirts and tattoos and absolutely lived up to the hype. “Thrash Motorhead” is about the best I can come up with to describe it in a nutshell. Intense and wailing and full tilt, Thünderhead was a blast in the face, even just here in the studio. They’ve got a lot of shows coming up in the next few months, so really really really get up and check them out.
At the top of the show we also take a call with Kate Atak, one of the stars of “Clown Bar“, a play by Adam Szymkowicz, and Vaude Villian’s latest production at Good Luck MacBeth. The interview with Kate is lots of fun – including a bit of a sneak teaser from the show – and I could talk to her for hours about theater and shows in Reno. She plays PoPo, a clown with… impulse control issues, we’ll say. But that’s not what’s important here; what’s important is “Clown Bar”. Holy shitballs! Let me say that again: HOLY SHITBALLS! While some people may find clowns disturbing (like my girlfriend who accompanied me), I have always had a love for carnivals and circuses and clowns. Chalk it up to “Pink Elephants on Parade”, whatever.
“Clown Bar” is a unique look at the back alley tents inhabited by the lowest common denominator of clown. The Vaude Villian production is accompanied by a wholesome and charming balloon sculpture opening act with John Wade, a brief film and other interactive sideshow acts that really set the tone and mood for the next hour of your life. Ryan Kelly, leads as Happy, an ex-clown turned cop, investigating his brother’s whereabouts. He, Atak, and others (spoilers!) lend memorable performances to Ashley Marie James’ directorial debut.
The show is a knockout; cheap laughs at tragic jokes abound in this gritty comedy. The entire cast and theater came together, creating a not-so-Big top atmosphere that fully draws the audience into the show. This Vaude Villian cast was a well-oiled, drunken, lampooning machine. I was thoroughly devilishly delighted and tickled throughout the whole show; even my girlfriend went from mildly terrified to simply unnerved truly enjoyed the show and the performances of the night.
Like “Evil Dead: The Musical” last year, “Clown bar” is shaping up to be a sellout run. The show is playing weekends throughout the end of October, with a final show on Halloween night. Get yourself some tickets at
Thanks for listening!
Infecto Skeletons – The Blandrew Sessions – S5 E14

We might not be rich, but we’re having fun…
The Worst Little Podcast S5 E14 – Download Link
What a great show! I’m actually listening to this one right now so I can say so with authority! The Infecto Skeletons invade The New Dogwater Studios (Dog H202?) for the first time. For the uninitiated, he Infectos are a punk rock band from Reno NV that has been with us for a number of years now. And to put it in a nutshell: They fucking kill it. They thrash, they rage, they wail and croon. They get people moving and don’t stop until they are ready to fall over. They are a great band to see and a fucking onlaught of fun and drama and punk rock to hang out with.
The Infecto Skeletons share with us a bunch of new songs on the show, songs that will be on the new album! If you want to catch them this weekend, they will be playing at PUNK VS. METAL, a Myke Read Presents night of punk rock and metal, with a winner to be declarede at the end of the bout, by popular applause! Are you a punk? Are you a metalhead? Come see Infecto Skeletons, Dissidence, The Business End, Ostracized, The Sex Devils and Down Time and cheer your team on!!
Last weekend, I went out to see “Shiner“, the most recent Good Luck Macbeth production, and it hit me in the sweet spot. Directed by Bill Ware, written by Christian Durso and starring Kate Atack and Patrick John Kiernan, “Shiner” is the story of two outcast teenagers in the mid-90’s, set in the weeks leading up to Kurt Cobain’s death. It is a must-see; don’t hesitate, just trust me. Nostalgic, without being saccharine, the journey of the characters is easily accessible to anyone who was in their teens and twenties in that decade. It helped me reach back across the years and touch the righteous fire of my rebellion, wince with chagrin at the all-too-familiar awkward actions of a newbie poser. It’s not a play of remembrance and a better time, cause the world was shit then and it still is now; it is a play of reminding, reminding you about what was important, what was wrong, and what drove you before you learned to compromise. It’s surreal and invigorating and inspiring. My initial reaction upon walking outside and being asked what I thought: “I need a cigarette, a moment, a shot, to rub one out, a snackl and maybe a nap.” This is good theater, kids, theater that doesn’t compromise and invites you to come as you are. Srsly. Go. Follow the link above or right here and buy tickets now. There are only three shows left.
Can’t forget to mention RAGEcon! June 26-28, at the JA Nugget, Reno Area Gaming Extreme Convention is the area’s newest tabletop gaming convention. Offering tabletop gaming events, including board games, card games, dice games, miniatures games and RPGs, RAGEcon will also feature discussion panels on gaming and cosplay, and a cosplay contest, emcee’d by Thee Reverend Rory. Reverend Rory, Felix Danger and other notable area nerds will be on hand to speak at length and offer opinions about gaming. Come join the dorky fun!
This Friday is the Final First Friday at Foxy Olive with the Reverend Rory Dowd. Sad, but true. It’s been an awesome run and we’ve had a lot of fun this past year, but events out of our control make it un-feasible. Our Guest is Glynn Osburn of Limbo State, who is an amazing performer and will be a great note to go out on. Come out, help us close it down reel gud and party like a rock star.
We love the Infecto Skeletons. Especially Andy.
Thanks for Listening.