Cheyenne Dowd

Fun Truck You and Your Family Too! – S2 E5

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Season 02
Fun Truck You and Your Family Too! - S2 E5

The Worst Little Podcast in the World, Season 2 Episode 4 featuring the power-pop stylings Caramello, Ju Ju Bee, Kit Kat, Bit o’ Honey and Pixie Stix of Candyshoppe!

Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S2 Ep4

In a world, very much like our own….



…faces are changed to protect the names (and pride) of the innocent.

Welcome back! It’s been a long week, I know. My cat disappeared, it’s been storming and snowing in the mountains and OH MY GAWD DID YOU WATCH OSCARS????? (I didn’t…) But who cares about that – it’s time for your escape into our world! It’s a world of sweet sweet pop this week with Candyshoppe in studio!!! Candyshoppe is  Bit O’Honey, Kit Katt (top), Pixy Stix (center), Cara Mello and Juju Bee (bottom). They are here to kick ass and chew bubble gum – and they brought some of both for you! Rick spent a long time dialing in their sound – like seriously, prima donna, we’re on a timeline! and we think it sounds just great. This show is, in fact, the very first recording of Candyshoppe not done on a tape casette.


Rintoo "The Hellbeast" Dowd - missing since 2/24/12

That is my cat. She is missing. The Dowds are sad. I was really suprised that nobody made any jokes about me missing my pussy.

But back to the band: You can check them out on facebook and youtube. If’n you want to see them live they have two upcoming shows that they are really excited about. The first one is going to be THIS FRIDAY 3/2 at the Foxy Olive for First Friday with Eric Foreman. That should be a great time, if probably pretty crowded. The second show coming up  is a pretty interesting match.  They will be appearing at the Alley in Sparks  with The God-des and SHE from Austin, Texas on April 10th. They will probably have some more shows soon as their dance card is filling quickly.

Finally, Nick gives us all a sneak peek at the upcoming Marianarchy set lists. It’s gonna be a great show this year, with a probably return of BOTH Gunshot Likker and Phat Couch! Worth putting down the bong and going outside for, eh?

okay.... fine....

Have a great week everybody!!!! And Thanks for Listening!

The Worst Little Christmas Podcast – S1 E44

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Season 01
The Worst Little Christmas Podcast - S1 E44

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 44

Welcome to Dogwater!

Welcome to Christmas at Dogwater!

Hello, friends, family, acquaintances and losers of minor note listeners! The warmest felicitations and tidings of the season unto you!!

This is the last show of 2011 and we thought we’d make it special for everyone. Finally, we have the Notorious RAD on the show, after many months of hearing only her vulgar snipes and adorable observations on life (“Felix likes to drink.”); we have some fun and ask her what her favorite parts of Christmas are. And yes, I give her the Worst Quiz Ever; altered, and more saccharine, but a really bad quiz nonetheless. Oh, and my wife, Cheyenne Dowd finally deigns us with her presence, but whatever….

Rikku Claus says, "Don't be naughty, bitches."

Rikku Claus: She sees you when you're sleeping.

All of us at the Worst Little Podcast are glad to call you friend and wish you the best holiday season you can possibly have as well as some kick-ass momentum going into the new year, 2012 – possibly the last year? Evar? We don’t care about that – we just care about delivering you some nice hot podcast-y goodness. Please enjoy this little offering of holiday cheer, including some non-traditional local Christmas tunes. We love you all and stay tuned for us in January when we’ll have BLUNDERBUSST, TREVER CROW, a LIVE SHOW AT JUB JUBS on January 20th with the SHAMES and AVERSION THERAPY, and many more hometown heroes and Reno royalty.

Thanks for Listening!

Happy New Year, from the Worst Little Podcast