Aversion Therapy
Simply Having a Wonderful Dogwater Time – S9 E37

December 2019 marks the end of a year and the end of Season 9 of The Worst Little Podcast. Trust me: We’re as shocked as you are.
When four of us got together at the little-known Dogwater Studios in January 2011, we truly had no idea of what we were getting ourselves into. Rick shoehorned us into the end of his night, after he was recording a Christian bible study podcast, since the studio was configured for that anyway and bands never book on Mondays. We thought it would be cool to listen to tapes of old Reno bands every week and bullshit with each other and have a radio show without the fetters of the FCC or advertisers: our own radio show where we could act like DJs, like we did as kids with dual-tape cassette AM/FM stereos, but almost for real! On THE INTERNET!
Social media and the digital age were very different nine years ago. Streaming was still relatively new and often limited on all the services. Netflix had yet to morph into the media monster, and Napster and MySpace were still a recent memory. I remember having to explain to people what a podcast was: “It’s a really long MP3 file; just play it,” or “It’s like talk radio, but on the internet and with cussing,” and often explaining what NSFW meant along the way. Often, I had to beg and hound people for weeks or months to get them to agree to come into the studio and on ‘our little show’.

We started simply, with tapes and nostalgia, then an acoustic singer-writer (Danielle French!) sat in with us for our first live performance. Then we upgraded to interviewing bands with CD’s and it snowballed from there. The quick addition of weekly live performances is when we started to really hit our sweet spot. Trios, full 6-piece bands, metal, country, indie, horns, banjos, Tom Gordon, phone-ins and even a not-very-well-thought-out live show all developed out of this little idea we had.
The format, presentation and dick jokes all developed and evolved. After a while we started to realize that the show was more than we thought it was. Not only did people want to listen to the show every week, people wanted to be on it! For the experience, for the recording, for the promo – whatever! We didn’t care; we were delighted that people were into what we were doing. What had started as a fun weekly hobby to promote some shows and remember some good times had become a serious effort to document the current music and performing arts scene in Reno… and create some good times.

The material, the content, the guests and the music; they were never-ending and still are. We are now an award-winning, 7+ person operation, with hundreds of listeners every week, an editorial calendar that is usually booked 2-3 months out, and thousands of hours of music and interviews with local artists, musicians, thespians, and business owners. Podcasting is a real media platform that is being taken seriously. (Not us, though, we’re still jerks.)
This thing that we do, that you all listen to, is something special to each of us personally. Thank you for supporting us along the way, for letting us into your lives, even if you skip through all the talking and just listen to the songs. It’s ok – that’s why we do it. I hope that we have brought a little joy into your life over the last nine years; you have changed our lives. We hope we mean as much to you as you do us.
We look forward to stepping into the new year and our tenth season with you when we come back from the break. Oh! I should probably mention, we’re taking the next two weeks off from recording in order to enjoy the holiday celebrations. [Insert favored midwinter greeting] Merry Crimbo and a joyous New Year to ye, one and all. Please enjoy this week’s episode featuring the WLP families: Dowds, Martins, Ramirez-s and the Foundlings.
And as always, thanks for listening.
Aversion Therapy – Throw the Script Out – S4 E7

Ahoy, landlubbers!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S4 E7
Back from the beginning! Aversion Therapy returns to the show after the mildly WILDLY successful release of their latest CD, Snake Oil. In addition to the regular yokels of Evan Humphries, Henry King and Bruce Gonyea, we get to meet new lead guitar, Denis “The Replacement” Phares! He’ll do, as long as he doesn’t fuck up.
If you haven’t caught them before, Aversion Therapy is a punk rock/spoof rock band from Reno NV. They are friends of the show and early patrons of the Dogwater Studios! They leave a legacy of witty lyrics and socio-local commentary in their wake. THis week, they play a bunch of their new tracks from the album.
blah blah blah Aversion Therapy is cool blah blah blah gay joke here blah blah blah no one ever reads this far anyway (and if you are – comment on facebook or the web-page dammit. I’ll read your comments about Aversion Therapy or The Worst Little Podcast on the show next week)
That’s it for now! Check out the Liver Scars Video Show at Shea’s on Friday!
Thanks for listening!
Wolpertinger – Late Like a Pregnancy Test – S3 E 34

I am so full of fail… again.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E31
Wolpertinger in the studio! Who are Wolpertinger? Well, aside from including Gary Kephart, Wolfgang Price, Tommy “Cancer Survivior” Plunkett and Rich Washburn – listen to the show to find out more about the fantastic personalities that are Wolpertinger. What does Wolpertinger sound like – well, either listen to the show or check out Reverend Rory’s review of them in his most recent “100 Word Bias” column in the latest issue of Reno Tahoe Tonight!
I should really apologize to the guys from Wolpertinger for the lateness of htis podcast – Halloween really kicked all of our asses, with the Punkin Carving Party, the actual night of, friends’ birthdays, drinking heavily and all the other usual stuff. But I hope they can understand that no offense was meant – Dogwater Dick and Reverend Rory are just lazy assholes.
Well, I ought to sign off and work on the next podcast so that it’s not late – check out our next episode with Small Drawings!!!
Thanks for listening!
Failure Machine – Entertainment Cattle – S3 E32

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere. Do you know where your drink is?
The Worst Little Podcast in the World – Download Link – S3 E29
Howdy, kiddos! Hope you’re having a great week!
Despite the fact that I still am wounded by the cold, bitter sting of him going out for a pack of cigarettes and never coming home, and he looks like Eddie Vedder mated with a brillo pad, we have the ONE AND ONLY Spencer, The Intern back on the show today! He brings with him, the always amazing Clint Philbin once more. In the fallout of The Big Bad, the two of them have teamed up to form the rocktastic and groove-makin’, Failure Machine. Two-man, distorted Motown covers and originals, they don’t need no stinkin’ band. They give us a bunch of double shots of songs and lay it down.You can follow them on Facebook or bandcamp if you want to check out some of what they do.
We also get down, if you will, with Murdoc Brickel. Murdoc comes to us from The Night Of Fetish and Fantasy(NOFF) 2013. Put on by the National Leather Association of Northern Nevada, this annual event is for fetishists, kinksters and sexy people of all levels and persuasions. Murdoc himself is a total freak and pervert. He kinda made the guys uncomfortable by being even MORE naked than Rev. Rory (who always wears nothing but a bow tie and a smile). But we had a lot of fun talking about the event that is THIS WEEKEND at Candela’s Nightclub.
Lots of fun stuff going this weekend in Reno/Sparks – Pumpkinpalooza, The Holland Project Cover Show, A Whiskey Social and lots more. Get out and enjoy your city!
Thanks for listening!
Adam Springob: With the Entourage – S3 E15

First: Marianarchy Marianarchy Marianarchy!!!!
More later. Now, onto the show!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E14
Adam Springob joins us this week as a solo artist. He’s been stepping out from above Greg Gilmore’s very small shadow and showcasing his own singing and songwriting. It’s really good stuff. Unfortunately, you won’t hear it!!!! He brought a damn band with him this week. Actually – he brought TWO bands with him to make one giNORmous band called …. Something Or Other. Joining him in the studio are Michelle Belle (guitar – Scarlet Presence), Carter Stellon (drums – Scarlet Presence), Samantha Gates (fiddle), and Greg Gilmore (bass – Kanes NOT Merkin – lets be clear about this: Greg is not in The Merkins. He’s not that good.)
We had a really fun time with these guys – so much fun that Nick and The Rev had to take off before the show was done!!! They’re not even sure what happens yet!!! There is a lot of talking, yelling and chaos – more than usual – really. I’m supposed to take down notes and tease it out here, but I seem to have neglected to do that this week, although there is a really awesome drawing of a polar bear holding a surfboard next to the note “Sam seems so nice – why these a-holes?”.
SO, normally I tell you about the picks for this weekend, right? Well, this week, there is only one show you should concern yourself with (despite what Adam says on the show – srsly, fuck that guy): MARIANARCHY 2013: A BENEFIT FOR DALE KELLAMS!!! Two days, 35 acts, raffles, BBQ, silent auction, monkey juice, and lots of shenanigans!!!! Get your asses to Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor this weekend, May 17 & 18! starts at 3pm on Friday, 2pm on Saturday!
There will also be a Remembering Dale Kellams show at Jub’s Thursday night with his brother, Doug’s band. Please come down for old footage and good friends. All proceeds of this weekend will go to support his widder and orphan, Heidi and Kenobi.
Day 1 Lineup (Opener at Bottom, Headliner at top)
12:30-??? Memory Motel
11:45pm-12:15 Actors Killed Lincoln
11pm-11:30 Big Remote
10:15-10:45 Post War
9:30-10pm The Kanes
8:45-9:15 Scarlet Presence
8:10-8:35 Stabby Unicorn
7:35-8pm Betty Rocker
7pm-7:25 Candyshoppe
6:30-6:50pm SHAM
6-6:20 Farewell Belladonna
5:40-5:55 Larry Cooper
5:20-5:35 Tom Plunkett
5-5:15 John Frederick & Cori Lynn
4:40-4:55 Matt Waage
4:20-4:35 Brian Callahan
4pm-4:15 Pat Rhea
Day 2 Lineup:
12:30-??? Vampirates
11:45-12:15 Kittenhead(L.A. Ca)
11pm-11:30 Merkin
10:15-10:45 The Harvest and the Hunt
9:30-10pm Reno We Have A Problem
8:45-9:15 Slut Fungus
8-8:30 Frontier City Sounds
7:20-7:45 Victory Calls
6:40-7:05pm Stereo Killers
5:55-6:25 Aversion Therapy
5:10-5:40 Max Volume Band
4:25-4:55 Six Mile Station
3:40-4:10 Pinky Polanksi (acoustic)
3:05-3:30 Hella A Capella
2:30-2:55 Spike and Jackson
2-2:20 Lighter Thief
Oh, yeah, don’t forget to check out the Kanes’ video Free Me, in which Michelle’s ass just doesn’t quit!!!
Thanks for listening!
Six Mile Station: Face-Melting Folk – S3 E7

Another seamless performance!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E7
Drummers? They Don’t need no stinking drummer – they’s the Six Mile Station and they’ve got a ton of strings! Six Mile Station is prety killer. Spike McGuire on guitar and vocals, Tyson Schroeder on the stand up bass and backing vocals, Alán Burtón on mandolin and vocals, and Nathan Carter on the fiddle, all to kick your ASS with folk music. When it comes to catchy and harmony, they don’t fuck around. They play three songs for us and sneak a peek at a track from their new album.
In other news, comedian Justin Rupple will be returning to the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club in the Pioneer Underground this weekend. Please check him out – funny guy, funny impressions, funny lookin’. Chewie is with us again, but relegated to the back room because of the awesome of Six Mile Station. The Rev is clueless, Nick the voice of reason, and Dogwater Dick: still gay.
We had a lot of fun this week. Thanks for listening!
The Vampirates: Ten Years of Facemelting – S3 E4

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E4
We had them on with a CD before, but this time we got them live – The Vampirates!!! Dave, Chris, Chris and Pat set up in the studio and blasted us with 10 or 12 songs in our 90 minutes together. They are leaving on their ten year anniversary tour this week and – you can’t even tell how excited they are. I mean, The Vampirates are easily the most laid back band we have ever had in the studio – nothing phases them! Then they kick you in the face with killer, homegrown Reno punk rock.
We also want to send our personal condolences to our friend, Cam Hog, and her family after the tragic loss of her brother, Ashton Pike, in a motorcycle accident last week. If you haven’t been following the story, Pike was a local bartender and single father of a 2-year old daughter. His death was obviously sudden and is leaving a large hole in their lives, especially his daughter. This Friday night, 3/1/2012, Rise Nightclub will be raising money from their cover charge and accepting donations for him and his family. All proceeds of the show (and last weekend’s benefit at 40 Mile Saloon) will go to pay for memorial costs; any remaining funds will go to a trust fund support his young daughter. Please get out and show some Reno love and help take care of our own!
ALSO! We have an exciting offer for avid and regular local listeners. Our fine sponsors, Reno Computer Fix, are offering a special discount for WLP listeners. They have an awesome little laptop for sale with a solid state hard drive (which are suh-WEET, btw!). This laptop is priced at $320 for regular customers, but with the WLP keyword, you the listener can go in and get it for under $275!!! (The deal may actually be better than that, but there was poor communication – so go in and bug them to bring it down.) The way YOU can get the keyword is by – listening to the entire show. It’s there in the last break, so keep listening and then get into Reno Computer Fix ASAP!!! There is only one of these deals per week, so it’s first-come first serve!!!
Back to the Vampirates!!! You can check out their tour dates here – they are meandering across the country on a whirlwind 2 month tour. They should be back in time to play at Marianarchy 2013, which will be killer since they haven’t played that in a few years. They’ll be calling us from the road every few weeks to let us know how the tour is going. They’re also taking some of our stickers to decorate bathrooms in shitty clubs and basements all over the country! Yay!!!!
Lots of good shows happening this weekend. Listen until the end for our picks, the get out and see us!!! Or find your own awesome thing to do – Reno music and art is always happening, yo. Go git ya some!
Thanks for listening!
Elsie Marie and John Frederick: Reno After All – S2 E42

People in this town are so darn nice!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E41
Lots of laughs, little drinking and a brand new theme song this episode! Our second season might be winding down, but we’re still coming at you full force! This week we have musical powerhouse, John Frederick, and photographer/model, Elsie Marie, in studio with us. We forgot to take pictures this week so you’ll have to make do with acual nice photos of our guests from their respective FB pages. Elsie was a guest on our show last year and has had a crazy year of becoming a spokesmodel and Reno Tahoe Tonight contributor, being super involved with photography and the Reno culture, AND undergoing a series of surgeries! That’s right – surgeries, as in plural. Listen to the mid segment of the show to find out more about her trials and tribulations. There is a benefit for her that you MAY have heard about – Elsie After All – that will be this Saturday Jan 19 at Swill Coffee and Wine (6pm-9pm) and Chapel Tavern (10pm-2am).
John Frederick is one of the featured performers of the event at Swill, AND a super new friend. This guy is amazing and fun and talented. He’s got his fingers in theater, and music, and organizing, and …other stuff! Really, even fighting off a creepin’ crud, Frederick has a killer full sound in his singing voice. He played a bunch of originals, including – that’s right – a WLP EXCLUSIVE listen to a brand new song that had no name, but now it does (because we just give and give ande give here on the podcast).
We also MISS a phone call from BJ Johnson, Washington-based comedian that will be appearing at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club this Friday and Saturday night. Once we get this phone thing worked out, we promise the phone interviews will be better! We also have an Open Mic roll call that is completely confusing – see if you can keep up, there will be a quiz next week.
Anyways… Thanks for Listening!!!
Marianarchy 2012: The Fuckyourdeath Edition – S2 E15

Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S2 E 13
Welcome to the start of your summer season, Reno!
As I mentioned in last week’s post, Jess Blaze, local promoter and true believer, passed away in her sleep. We start the show with an audio tribute to Jess; we humbly share these memories of a woman we all loved very much. She was also a big part of …..
That’s right! After months and months of teasing it out – IT’S REALLY HERE!!! MARIANARCHY 2012!!!!!!! Friday May 18 and Saturday May 19!!!
It’s one hell of a line up this year, with the reunions of Phat Couch and Gunshot Licker on Friday and Saturday nights, respectively. There’s a raffle and silent auction, Happy-Hour Potluck, BBQ. Admission is whatever you can donate to the cause. This year, the proceeds will go to benefit the familes of Rev. Gary Setzer and Jess Blaze (who are secretly pissed that they’re missing this show, or so I’m told). The events will be emceed by yours truly, Reverend Rory. Come see me turn into Jerry Lewis over a 48 hour period!!!
Seriously, though – this is probably my favorite event in Reno every year. You should really check it out. Marianarchy is at the cultural heart of Reno and Ground Zero for a lot of the love and camraderie in the Reno music and sart scenes. It is really something special and you should check it out.
Also on the show this week is Reno City Councilman and Sparks-core native, Dave Aiazzi. Dave is a really good friend of Nick’s and a big supporter of our simmering arts scene here in Reno. He also knows how to take a joke (Thanks in advance for not getting a cease and desist on the picture, Dave). Irma Geddon jumps into the fray with some insightful questions about how people can get things done with the city, what happened to the Occupy Moana thing, and what is up with that airline food? For his part, Dave does not particularly care for the airline chicken plate. I think Dave had something he wanted to talk about, but we all kept badgering him with questions and cutting to the music. It was probably important.
Maybe next time. Ha?
At any rate – Come to MARIANARCHY 2012 at JUB JUB’S THIRST PARLOR! MAY 18 AND 19!!!!
Fun Truck You and Your Family Too! – S2 E5

The Worst Little Podcast in the World, Season 2 Episode 4 featuring the power-pop stylings Caramello, Ju Ju Bee, Kit Kat, Bit o’ Honey and Pixie Stix of Candyshoppe!
Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S2 Ep4
In a world, very much like our own….
…faces are changed to protect the names (and pride) of the innocent.
Welcome back! It’s been a long week, I know. My cat disappeared, it’s been storming and snowing in the mountains and OH MY GAWD DID YOU WATCH OSCARS????? (I didn’t…) But who cares about that – it’s time for your escape into our world! It’s a world of sweet sweet pop this week with Candyshoppe in studio!!! Candyshoppe is Bit O’Honey, Kit Katt (top), Pixy Stix (center), Cara Mello and Juju Bee (bottom). They are here to kick ass and chew bubble gum – and they brought some of both for you! Rick spent a long time dialing in their sound – like seriously, prima donna, we’re on a timeline! and we think it sounds just great. This show is, in fact, the very first recording of Candyshoppe not done on a tape casette.
That is my cat. She is missing. The Dowds are sad. I was really suprised that nobody made any jokes about me missing my pussy.
But back to the band: You can check them out on facebook and youtube. If’n you want to see them live they have two upcoming shows that they are really excited about. The first one is going to be THIS FRIDAY 3/2 at the Foxy Olive for First Friday with Eric Foreman. That should be a great time, if probably pretty crowded. The second show coming up is a pretty interesting match. They will be appearing at the Alley in Sparks with The God-des and SHE from Austin, Texas on April 10th. They will probably have some more shows soon as their dance card is filling quickly.
Finally, Nick gives us all a sneak peek at the upcoming Marianarchy set lists. It’s gonna be a great show this year, with a probably return of BOTH Gunshot Likker and Phat Couch! Worth putting down the bong and going outside for, eh?
Have a great week everybody!!!! And Thanks for Listening!