Greg Gilmore and the Fever Dreams – Live Debutants – S11 E19

AND. WE. ARE. BACK. Live and performing before a live studio audience for the very first time, we are happy to introduce Greg Gilmore and the Fever Dreams.

Admittedly, this is not their first appearance on the show; you might remember them in their (very recent) incarnation as Silver. Everyone, except Jorge – he’s new. He takes the Quiz.

This new configuration was significantly impacted by the COVID shutdowns of last year, quite early on. Listen to the show to find out the details, but I’ll go so far as to tell you, synchronicity is a strange thing.

Their first release will be a single off of the full-length album that they will be releasing at an unspecified time in the near future. I forgot to take notes and am writing this before the recording is finalized, so, again: you’ll just have to listen to the show to find out. As if you are reading this and not listening. No one is coming here for the writing.

There’s a lot of great events coming up this week – please check them out at the Worst Little Grid in this post or on our Instagram/Twitter/Facebook pages. And let us know if you got something to share at If you’re interested in supporting us, please check out the Patreon page and sign up to get weekly bonus content.

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