Spike McGuire: Bromancing the Stoner – S2 E28
It’s that time of year again – Dust Season. Welcome back, Burners.
We were supposed to have this new kick-ass band for you this week, but they’ve already lost a drummer, so instead we just got a lead singer: Mr. Spike McGuire! Spike’s been on the show before and is a busy man around town. He heads up the monthly Loud As Folk series at The Alley in Sparks and is generally playing music somewhere on any given week. He regales us with some tales of Chicago, music, anarchy and sex bets. That’s right sex bets. Just ask Aric Shapiro! (who is a huge… pimp, btw, ladies). Spike also brought along a friend of his, a bona-fide actor from LA that we like to call Hollywood Brad!
At first, it seemed as if the show was a little weak and directionless (Rory hadn’t been drinking much yet). But once Hollywood Brad got a 6-pack under his 6-pack, the stories started rolling on ot. One of the LONGEST Worst Little Quizzes ever ebcause of that. But it’s all good – a really good quiz. You can hear them jockeying for positions in Rick’s bed . Naughty boys. Rory also pans a touring act that he caught next week and Nick of course has details about a bunch of shows he’s paying in. What is this? Some kind of personal aggrandizement center? Oh, wait…
Anyway, thanks for listening!
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