S14E12 Winnemucca Brown- Take You To Brown Town

Worst Little Podcast
Worst Little Podcast
S14E12 Winnemucca Brown- Take You To Brown Town

Our guest this week is a man of many names, Freddie Fretless on Facebook, Jerry Leon in real life and his musical moniker Winnemucca Brown. He hitched  his wagon all the way from eastern Nevada, take a guess where specifically. That’s right we win more than a Mucca this week as joining Jerry is his beautiful wife Tessa and Chewie’s back!

JerryWinnemucca BrownLeon
Tessa AKA Mrs.Brown

Rick gives us dads, who couldn’t make it, the scoop on the Reno Punk Rock Flea Market’s latest spectacular event that fell on 4/20 (Kadillac Kim’s birthday! HBD! We love you!). 

Jerry gives us that intimate acoustipunk vibe and even brought his dog to meet Pongo and dog it up campfire style at the Dogwater studios. Dogs. 

Chewie’s Back!
This pleases Dogwater Dick greatly.

We also get a kickass track from  Jerry’s band LNOY(Listless Numbers of Youth) .WB gives us the skinny in Winnemucca events and even a little history to Chewbacca’s delight. 

A great head to head quiz between Mr and Mrs Brown and of course some suggestions for the upcoming week in Reno music. 

Thanks Jerry and Tessa! ‘Twas a great hangout!

Life is short and we love you.

Thanks for listening. 

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