Bromancing the Stone – S12 E27

WLP ON THE ROAD: Nick and Rory’s bromantic encounter with MC Chris

Welcome loyal listeners to a very special episode of the Worst Little Podcast! A bold new “ on the road“ approach to episodes is experimented with by our hosts Nick and Rory on their first solo(no wives) Bromantic adventure to see The Randy Savages, Crunk Witch and the legendary nerd core rapper MC Chris at the Blue Lagoon in Santa Cruz. There and back, like Sam and Frodo! Their mount Doom? A (quick) interview with MC Chris, a high wizard of words, casting magic spells penetrating your ears and winding their way to your heart, was the goal and it was achieved!

For those who don’t know, MC Chris is a rapper out of New York who started in the mid ‘90’s. With his unique style and high pitched voice, he skillfully spits bars about Star Wars, D&D, partying, mac and cheese, sex and candy, whatever suits his fancy. He’s gained notoriety cast as MC Pee Pants on Adult Swim’s Aqua Teen Hunger Force and writing theme songs for Kevin Smith Podcasts as well as having his songs in Smith’s films.

Our hosts talk about Star Trek versus Star Wars and how they met back in the late ‘90s. There’s also a quick visit with Ragg Mopp, Jesse Kotu Williams from the Randy Savages and the man we came to see MC Chris! There’s a visit from drunk Rory and a review of the night. ( “Oh, jfc” – sober Rory, weeks later…)

It was a blast making this special episode. Kudos to our own wizard, Dogwater Dick for the sweet post production and keeping the long winding boring bits out of it! Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Life is short and we love you. Thanks for listening!
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