S15E04 Ostracized-Metal Will Live On

Season 15
Season 15
 S15E04 Ostracized-Metal Will Live On

We go hard again this week with power metal quartet known as OSTRACIZED Live 

Ugo Daillarian (pseudonym) – vox, Kevin Passow – guitar, Tyrell Cruz – bass, and Filipendejo aka Kevin Montoya – drums. 

Ostracized has been going for a while now, 13 years! And we haven’t had them on the podcast?! Tyrell and Kevin M have been on with other projects (Felipendejo, Bang Marry Kill) but it’s our first interview with Ostracized.

Kevin P. and Tyrell
Kevin M.

Their songs are beefy, metal laments with Cookie Monster vocals and a little funky groove mixed in at times. They all get along and are all funny in their own specific ways. They all are skilled at their instruments and practice multiple time every week, maintaining Ostracized as the priority band among the other side-project acts.

We get four songs performed live and the band takes the worst little quiz, proving their collective sense of humor and good-natured attitudes.

We had a great time hanging out with Ostracized and we hope you will too.

Life is short and we love you.

Thanks for listening.

S15E03: the scattering- Protest in Overdrive

Season 15
Season 15
S15E03: the scattering- Protest in Overdrive

This week we have hardcore metal punx; the scattering. Jim is the screamer and lyricist, Jason on guitar,


Brian on drums, Josh also on guitar and Rash on bass.


Human rights, human failure and autobiographical subject matter is where they’re coming from. Hard, heavy, with flow and groove. The message delivered through intense heavy guitar music any song or style they choose. 

We check out several songs from their new album Now We All Burn, discuss the bands origin, and what their songs and music represents. 

Having been around for 11 years, the scattering is a seasoned tight unit musically and as friends. Brothers on the same page who love being together and doing their thing. Elder statesmen in the healthy rebellion that is hardcore music. Great stuff fellas. 

We go a bit long because the conversation was engaging and we squeezed in a worst little quiz as it’s been a few years since we last spoke with the band. 

So get heavy with us and have some laughs as well. 

You can catch the scattering February 23 at the Virginia Street Brewhouse.

Life is short and we love you. 

Thanks for listening.

S15E02 One Ton Dually- Still Rolling 

Season 15
Season 15
S15E02 One Ton Dually- Still Rolling 

This week we have Chewbacca taking the lead host slot because our musical guest this week is One Ton Dually featuring our lead hosts and bestest buddies Nick and Rory on drums and bass. Rory also sings with Spike Ritchie and Stephen Barron on guitars.

Thanks for taking the wheel Chewbacca!
Stephen and Spike
Not this guy again!

Being men of a certain age there is mostly a lot of dude talk about health, tv shows,  video games and Rory’s tattoos. 

Rory’s video game tats

Fresh off their show at VSB opening for Los Pistoleros and legendary underground Uk granddaddies of psychobilly the Meteors, we hear a few songs they’re putting on their new album tentatively titled The Finger. They’re a mix of hard rock, skate punk with wit and a little nerdiness. 

It’s great to be back and have some old friends in the studio. 

So enjoy this episode with what some have called a great party band, the high octane garage rock of One Ton Dually! 

Life is short and we love you. 

Thanks for listening. 

S15E01: Last One Down- First One Up!

Season 15
Season 15
S15E01: Last One Down- First One Up!

That’s right, first one up for 2025 is…drum roll… Last One Down! A punk quartet featuring Josh Watson on guitar & backing vox, Andy Harrison lead vox & guitar, new bass player Adam Coldwell, and rockstar drummer from Screeching Weasel and Suckapunch; Pierre Marchè, who wasn’t able to make the podcast. That being the case instead of a live performance we get a little more laid back episode with a few tracks from their album Failing Dreams and a new single as well. Straight ahead melodic punk rock full of angst and humor, fast and catchy tunes executed by highly proficient musicians. 

Josh, Andy, and Adam

Adam being a newbie to the show takes the worst little quiz and is hilarious. We cover the band’s history and plans for the future including an upcoming show in Sacramento with legendary punks the Queers.

Nick, Chewie, Kim, Dogwater Dick all welcome our associate producer Patrick Starfish to the cast and Dick’s new rescued dog and Dogwater studio mascot Mila. We also revel in the fact that we have officially entered season 15 of our favorite hobby, bringing you the ever-evolving Reno music scene year after year with no signs of ending any time soon. 

Chewie, Nick, and Kim glad to be back!
Rick, Patrick and Mila glad to be back too!

We love you worst little listeners in the world, you’re the best. Especially you patreon members ! If you’d like to up your support for WLP you can sign up for our bonus shows at patreon.com/worstlittlepodcast and join the best of the best… or rather the best of the worst. 

It’s great to be back. Thanks for listening. Happy New Year!

S14E42 The Christmas Episode- Naughty & Nice

Season 14
Season 14
S14E42 The Christmas Episode- Naughty & Nice

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and our last episode of the season. 

Join us for music, merriment and our final conversation of the year. 

Billy the Kid and daddy Rev

Rory’s youngest Billy was in studio but didn’t really have much to say while the adults carried on for an hour. 

He seemed amused. 

Junior podcaster

We welcome our intern Starfish to associate producer status and shall now be known by his real name Patrick. We get to know Patrick a little better by giving him the last quiz of 2024. 

Music courtesy of our very own Nick Ramirez, a new one by Randall Wolfe, and the awfully jolly LNOY, all Christmas tunes. This year’s show is not our usual PG vibe, it’s definitely R. You’ve been warned. 

Welcome Patrick Starfish!

Have a great holiday season and we’ll be back mid January to kick off season 15! Thank you all for a fantastic season of the Worst Little Podcast in the World. Life is short, hug your friends. Happy New Year. Peace and love to you and yours. Goodnight 2024

Ho Ho Hope your holiday yule rules!

SEE YOU IN 2025 for SEASON 15!

S14E41: inpatient – Musical Medication

Season 14
Season 14
S14E41: inpatient - Musical Medication

This week we have another new band! They are called inpatient, and they rip. 

Sophia Shortz on vocals and keyboard, on guitars and scream singing Jacob McCoy, also on guitar Christopher Profera, with Sky Powers on bass and Quinton Bunk on drums. 

Christopher, Sophia and Jake

Hardcore punk riot girrrl with art rock vibes might be a decent description for inpatient.

We talk about many topics including B movies, Australia, and Alanis Morrisette. We also get a review of Timothèe Chalamet films Sophia hasn’t seen. So good,chefs kiss!

Our only virgin to the podcast, Christopher, takes the quiz, passing with flying colors and everyone shares earthquake stories. inpatient will be playing New Years Eve at 40 Mile Saloon with friends of the show Ozymandias and Deadly Gallows.

Sure to be a helluva show. You can find them on Bandcamp as well. Join us next week for our annual Christmas episode slash Rick’s birthday and season 14 finale. Thanks inpatient! And thank you worst little listeners. Life is short and we love you.

#575 S14E40: Murdering Whore- Executing Plans

Season 14
Season 14
#575 S14E40: Murdering Whore- Executing Plans

Our guests this week are a new duo on the scene from lifelong Renoites, powerhouse singer Kelly Proud (Almond Mocha Music) on keyboard, and funky drummer Adrian Rodriguez (Doctors of Feel Good).

Murdering Whore

Taking their name from a Facebook comment, their goals are to get people laid and kill every performance. 

They live next door to each other making for frequent rehearsals and jams keeping their music tight. 

Kelly Proud

They’re having fun and are ready to tear up 2025.

Adrian Rodriguez

They will be performing this Friday at 5pm for the Sparks Christmas tree lighting ceremony. They’re going under the name No L’s All Bells for this clean family friendly performance. Then Friday Dec 20 you can catch them at Shims throwing a 3-hour dance party with all the highly sexual (dirty) songs. 

her voice is fire

Murdering Whore were charming and funny and very talented. Keep them on your radar. 

Life is short and we love you. Thanks for listening. 

S14E39 Chewie’s Thanksgiving Show: All the Way to Susanville 

Season 14
Season 14
S14E39 Chewie’s Thanksgiving Show: All the Way to Susanville 

This week we reminisce with the original cast and Starfish the intern for a cozy episode with friends and music from Chewie’s archive. He put together a show with bands on a 30-year-old flier for a barn burner in Susanville featuring 5 bands from Reno: Loadstar(exclusive for our Patreon members, patreon.com/worstlittlepodcast) who actually broke up right before the show and didn’t play, Dirty Steve, Orange Peel, Sprout and Werm. 90’s Reno punk and alternative rock groups. 

We take turns being ungrateful for something and slipping in some thankfulness as well. 

We’re getting close to the finish line for this season and we are all thankful for you our listeners and supporters. 

Our friendship is what keeps the podcast going and we are all grateful for that. 

original cast: Chewie, Dick Nick, and Rory

We hope you enjoy the show and have a wonderful thanksgiving weekend. 

To the music makers of Reno and beyond. Thank you.

Life is short and we love you. Happy Thanksgiving! 

S14E38: Margy Ford and Steve Barron-the Birds & the Bees

Season 14
Season 14
S14E38: Margy Ford and Steve Barron-the Birds & the Bees

A little bird told us that the  Good Luck MacBeth theatre had a fancy brunch fund raiser with music provided by Margy Ford and Steve Barron of the indie rock band Roxxy Collie. Due to an unexpected cancellation, their drummer and our host, Nick, thought it would be wonderful to hear one of his favorite acoustic duos, since tickets to the brunch started at $100 bucks!(get the money GLM we love you!) Now we less fortunate souls can hear some of the magic performance they worked so hard on. Hard on! Hahaha! 

Margy Ford
Stephen Barron

We talk about recent events like Roxxy Collie with Annabelle Chairlegs from Austin TX , Larry Cooper’s vinyl release show and even adult bookstores. Margy and Steve give us a few rad covers and a Margy Ford original! Steve’s guitar and Margy’s vocals go together so beautifully. Seriously these two gems of the Earth on short notice dropped what they were doing and headed up to Dogwater to give us a great show. Thank you thank you! We love you Steve and Margy!

Thank you friends!

And we love you too dear listeners. Join us next week for our annual Friendsgiving episode! Life is short, see a show and hug your friends.

S14E37: acrylic – Before the Flood Of ‘97

Season 14
Season 14
S14E37: acrylic - Before the Flood Of ‘97

Season 14 episode 37! In a row?! Yup, that’s right, we’re back with late nineties Reno Britpop band; acrylic! Bill Conran and Robb Russo (Luke McMullan, Neil Edwards, Chris Davis, Steve Larkins, Gabe Larkins: not present) join us for literal coffee talk, the Cure’s new album and remembering the 90’s in Reno. Bowie, Love and Rockets, Stone Roses, the Smiths, these are the influences of the mighty acrylic. We get four songs from the band who should win Reno’s most unique local band of 1998. They played with the Killers before they blew up. Great double bill. Legendary. 


We had a blast from the past catching up with dear friends Will and Robb from the wayback. AND! Reverend Rory made it in to host this very special episode, recapping his two days at the Reno Punk Rock Flea Market’s: Fleas the Season event as master of ceremonies Krampy Santa or something like that. Props to everyone at RPRFM and our favorite gal pal Kadillac Kim for another fantastic 2-day flea featuring mad talent from the area and beyond. Way to kick off the holidays Reno! 

Reverend Rory

So hop in the time machine with us and hear of days of yore before the internet was a thing. Blue Lamp, Area 51, Planet 9, the Zephyr (not the Z bar, your dad’s Zephyr) Classic Reno. Enjoy. Thanks for listening. Hug your friends. 

Friendship is rare
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