Susan Jones
Bazooka Zoo and the Ghost of Chewie – S3 E30
Too much fun for just one ear!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E27
Local pioneers of space rock, Bazooka Zoo stopped by the Dogwater Studios this week. The came, they drank, they laid down the laws of interstellar audio physics. They don’t mess around – they drank all of the beer and played all the musics! You can check them out on Facebook and listen to them Soundcloud.
We also get in touch with a BIG comic and friend of the show, Susan Young. She’s coming back to Reno this weekend to the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club in the Pioneer Underground. We bullshit with her for a while as usual, then she just casually drops that she’s actually opening for the Unknown Comic, Murray Langston! Maybe it’s just that I’m starting to get old, but I about wet myself when I heard that. You should check out their show and this rare live appearance this Friday and Saturday at 8pm – Susan Jones and The Unknown Comic.
We also have a fun chat with Buddy, Phillip J. Brown. Phillip is putting on the Drag Queen Boxing at The Alley on Saturday, October 12. I know… aren’t all of those words just magical? Announced by Ian Sorenson, these ladies of the ring will throw down for a great charity – Build Our Center. Our Comedian Commentators include Ed Adkins, Amanda Alvey, The Reverend Rory Dowd, Stacy Johnson, and Ginger Divine.
Bazooka Zoo also have some upcoming shows that you should check out – This Friday in fact. Listen to the show for more deets! Bazooka are a band you don’t want to miss the chance to dance off into the wild night sky with.
Thanks for Listening!
Red Mercury*: A Second Dose – S2 E37
Hella holla!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E36
Hey-o! After a bunch of scheduling and technical difficulties, we got this episode off the ground and plowed through, coming up with something like a show! Tom McInturf from Red Mercury* showed up this week to save our ass by being the gurst. he was happy too since he’s here to plug the latest Red Mercury* album, “When Galaxies Collide”, a concept album. Some of the music is new, some written just for the album. It was about a year ago that the whole band, including Mike Adragna and Morgan Hough came on to rock it out live.
Unfortunately, Red Mercury* joins the long line of Reno bands that break up right after they record an album. Morgan was stolen away in the night by Spencer the Intern to play with The Big Bad. It was all going so well too until Tom attacked Spence in the hallway… just kidding, but that would have been awesome, right? Try harder next time, Tom.
Also joining us via the tele-ma-phone is Susan jones, a Seattle area comedian, who will be appearing at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club in the Pioneer Underground this Friday and saturday (11/30 and 12/1). Susan brought the funny! She is the kind of comedy guest we like – chit chat, jokes, plugs, jokes and out. Like a boss! ZI may sound a little disinterested in the tape, but I was dealing with some of the aforementioned tech difficulties during the show. (The new phone doesn’t work like the old one… 🙁 ) But we like her – mildly inappropriate and edgy, Susan Jones is a ton of fun. No really, shes a BBBW. Check out her webside WannaRollAFatty if you don’t believe me. Also be sure to check out her show at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club – it will be being filmed for a DVD! So get out there and get your voice on a DVD, right before she shuts you down, heckler!
Also – don’t forget the following weekend! Marianarchy, Marianarchy, Marianarchy!!!! Marianarchy Winterball 2012 – A Benefit for Tom Plunkett!!! December 7 and 8 from about 4pm until 2 am both days. As always, 28 local bands coming together for one good cause – helping out the awesome Tommy Plunkett. And fuck cancer. Please be there, if just to stop by and say hi. Nick and Rory will be running around, keeping the whole show on track – at least until Rory gets his birthday drunk on! Can he do 10 carbombs in one day and still be an effective host? Be able to get laid? We shall see…. Looking forward to seeing all of you there!
Thanks for listening!