sex drugs and rock and roll
Sil Shoda – Long Time Coming – S6 E7

Welcome to spring in Reno – pack a heavy coat!
Worst little Podcast S6 E7 – Download link
It’s amazing that we haven’t had them on the show before, but we are happy to bring to you the musical talents of Robert “Bobbo” Clark and Anthony Vairetta of Sil Shoda. Sil Shoda is a Reno rock band that has enjoyed some bit of notoriety in the past decade with their high energy shows and strong musicianship.
While they have been publicly quiet as of late, Sil Shoda has been furiously masturbating recording behind the scenes; they hope to have a few releases hit the airwaves and internet this year, so be sure to keep an eye out for that as well as shows on their Facebook and reverbnation pages. Also – they are just a blast to bullshit with; I really mean it this time when I say that this was one of the most fun shows we’ve ever done.
Speaking of fun shows, don’t forget that this is your last chance to see “Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll” at Good Luck Macbeth, featuring our very own Nick Ramirez. We get a teaser of the show with him at the top of the episode, so if you like what you year – go get some culture and see the show!
Thanks for Listening!
Saber Tooth Dragons and Ashley Marie James – Sláinte Mhaith! – S6 E6

Need a little Irish in ya?
The Worst Little Podcast – 2015 03 14 – Download Link
The drunken debauchery starts here! Welcome to the St. Patrick’s Day episode! Saber Tooth Dragons are up on tap and they brought the mayhem. (overboard? Overboard. Edit? nah.) Matt Bode, Adam Dick, Andrew Hockenberry and Myke Read are behind this operation. The Reno NV punk band has been playing for about a year, combining members of other Reno bands you may have heard of (Machine Gun Vendetta, Infecto Skeletons, Del Mar) and are kinda really killing it.
You can catch Saber Tooth Dragons TONIGHT! On St. Patrick’s Day at the official starting line of the walk of shame, Shea’s Tavern, with a bunch of other bands. Show starts right around Rock and Roll time… which gives you plenty of time to catch the 7:30 opening night showing of “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll“, a play by Eric Bogosian, right next door at Good Luck Macbeth Theater. Director Ashley Marie James also is hanging in the studio, taking the place of our very own Nick Ramirez, who is in the show and at rehearsal (again). It’s only got a limited run of SIX SHOWS so this might be your best opportunity to see it. Get your tickets now!
So, now, thanks to us, you have your St. Pat’s festivities planned – “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll” at Good Luck Macbeth, then Saber Tooth Dragons at Shea’s! Go do it! Do it now!
Thanks for Listening!
Musicians? We Don’ Need No Stinking Musicians! – S1 E30

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 030 <—-DOWNLOAD LINK!
Preparation is futile; prepare to be entertained.
We try to book you QUALITY performers in this studio every week. It’s like a job an’ shit to us. This week, however, we had a problem getting the band, Seasons of Insanity in here. I’m going to blame it on Charter, since one of them had to be at work late. Seasons of Insanity will join us on another episode later this fall – keep listening.
Instead, we have some of our favorite people riding the mic with us this week. Layla James joins us again and is utterly crushed that her score on the Worst Little Quiz in the World was destroyed by Andy 86 last week. She’s going to have to go out and have LOTS of random sex to climb back up there, so, gentlemen, check out that website for all your stalking related information to see if Layla’s the woman of your dreams! (…if I didn’t have a wife, I tell ya…)
Chewie is still sticking around, but Nick is off in the playa being a dirty hippee for another week or so. The Codiak, Dakota Joe also joins us in the studio. It’s always a problem when Codiak and Chewie are in the studeio. They’re funny, but they’re also quiet on the radio. Maybe more beer would help – no. No. We’ve already established that that is a bad idea.
Rory brings two contributions to the show – a disturbing news story and a more personal story about Rick and Rory ‘back-in-the-day’. Very family friendly – if your family is a bunch of tweakers. Also, we feature the recorded music of Pinky Polanski, The Shames, and Dogwater Dick himself! The Shames are going to start recording with Rick next monday, so no show. On the plus side, it means that we are just that much closer to having what is arguaby Reno’s best punk band actually in the studio with us.
So, on that note – there is no show next week. It’s Labor Day. I’m gettin’ me some barbecue.
See you in two weeks… and thanks for listening!