reverend rory dowd
Up Is The Down Is The – Miscellaneous Hot Girl? – S4 E20

Pete and Repeat went out on a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E21
I’m WHOREible at this deadline thing! Sorry folks, Reverend Rory had a poetry reading a the Morris Burner Hotel’s monthly show, Burning Words, then went out to catch some comedy at Third Street Bar. Twas a lot of fun getting out during the midweek! I encourage you all to do it every now and then!
On the show this week we have a lively time – a long recap of the past week for everyone and all the awesome events we went to and enjoyed. Joining us in the studio for the first time is Up Is The Down Is The, a solo music project from Reno NV. Andrew Martin is the man behind the music and is as impressive as he is charming! Dogwater Dick and Reverend Rory caught him after Sit Kitty Sit at Jub Jub’s a few weeks ago and booked him on the spot! With a guitar, drums, pickle barrel and a looper, he creates wonderful aural creations to delight your ears.
Also along for the ride is the always fun and charming Samantha Gates. She just stopped by to chill out with her favorite podcasters and got to take the full Worst Little Quiz, with no pulled punches (since her mom wasn’t in the room this time). Samantha is currently working on some projects that are under wraps at the moment, but that we hope to be able to tell you more about in the future. (Rick didn’t take a picture of Samantha because he hates women is a fag was so busy setting up Up Is The Down Is The.
You can catch Up Is The Down Is The on July 2 at Holland Project with The Baddest Beams from Sacramento, CA! Please go check him out – great music, great venue!! Hope you have a fun week – we’ll see you next week with some of the cast of the Tahoe Players’ productions of Sweeny Todd and Avenue Q.
Thanks for Listening!
TEMPO – Marching to a Twisted Beat – S4 E16

Aloha, Mr. Hand!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E17 Download Link
Hey, kids! It’s a loud talky show from the beginning on, but TEMPO – Adam Springob, Glynn Osburn and Misha Bardashov – steps up to the challenge and delivers some really kick ass music. Despite their rookie status as a band, these seasoned and talented musicians put together a really polished sound.
TEMPO has played a number of big shows and with a lot of local headliners in the past few months. They are looking forward to a hopefully busy season of show playing this summer after they finish recording their EP cassette tape. Oh, yeas.
Lots of great stuff coming up in the next few weeks! Including Jenny Pez DeSpencer’s live comedy album recording and Monsters and Elves, hosted by Reverend Rory Dowd, both on Saturday May 31. Further out, Rev. Rory will be doing a one hour ‘variety show’ at the NNNLA’s Impact 2014 at Tronix on June 7 and hosting the Vaud Villan Freak Show, a fundraiser for Evil Dead The Musical The Reno Edition at Jub Jub’s on June 14! Checkout the links for more!
Thanks for Listening.
Aversion Therapy – Throw the Script Out – S4 E7

Ahoy, landlubbers!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S4 E7
Back from the beginning! Aversion Therapy returns to the show after the mildly WILDLY successful release of their latest CD, Snake Oil. In addition to the regular yokels of Evan Humphries, Henry King and Bruce Gonyea, we get to meet new lead guitar, Denis “The Replacement” Phares! He’ll do, as long as he doesn’t fuck up.
If you haven’t caught them before, Aversion Therapy is a punk rock/spoof rock band from Reno NV. They are friends of the show and early patrons of the Dogwater Studios! They leave a legacy of witty lyrics and socio-local commentary in their wake. THis week, they play a bunch of their new tracks from the album.
blah blah blah Aversion Therapy is cool blah blah blah gay joke here blah blah blah no one ever reads this far anyway (and if you are – comment on facebook or the web-page dammit. I’ll read your comments about Aversion Therapy or The Worst Little Podcast on the show next week)
That’s it for now! Check out the Liver Scars Video Show at Shea’s on Friday!
Thanks for listening!
Gabe Hilton – Slow Explosion – S4 E5

New set coming up!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S4 E5
Hello, boys and girls! We hope you’ve been behaving yourselves this week (mostly). Up next on the show, we have Gabe Hilton, an up and coming Reno musician and songwriter. Born and bred in this City of Trembling Leaves, Gabe has grown up around the Reno art and music scene. He’s also NOT a tweaker, loser or asshole – go figure! He’s actually an accomplished young performer, having been a driving force behind the recent staging of The Tribute to the Hazards of Love and the lead vocalist in the same.
Hilton is next set to appear this weekend at the Knitting Factory for the first time at the Night of Acoustic Appreciation on Saturday, March 1st. How about that? People spend years, decades even, humping their ass to get a little notice around town, in the hopes of getting onto a big stage; this little shit puts on a show and plays at a couple open mics and get son the bill! Hopefully he’s talented enough to hang with the likes of Myke Read, Mason Frey, The Westside Digs, Estebo Estes, My Acoustic Heart, Adam Springob , Whitebulbs and Jenera Paxton.
Despite no Chewie this week, we have a fun show with Gabe Hilton! We’ve all had pretty exciting weeks – Reverend Rory’s been dating someone; Rick has an upcoming date and Nick is still happy in love (despite evidence to the contrary above or anywhere else). It’s a fun time with a mix of covers and originals by Hilton. Check him out on Saturday at the Knit and an upcoming show on the 6th (details inside!)
Thanks for listening!!!
Glynn, Xelena and Hanna – Mind Bending Possibilities – S4 E1

It’s a whole new world!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S4 E1
It’s the first show of a brand new season! It has been a giant blast to have been with you all for the last three years and we hope you stay with us for many more!
This week’s lineup is more random than usual. First up, our musical guest, Glynn Osburn. At first glance, he’s a typical Reno skate punk, but Glynn runs much deeper than that. Having been brought up on the teat of Reno music, Glynn has himself entered into the ring and brings powerful vocals and killer music writing. He’s been making the rounds at a lot of open mics in 2013, so I don’t think it’s going to be much longer before we see this guy in a band.
Additionally, we have visiting with us Hanna Rodgers, owner of Centurian publishing. Centurian iteslf is an adult erotica catalogue that has been in business (including “male” order) since the 1960s. The publishing company however also puts out a number of fetish or BDSM magazines including titles like Forced Womanhood (submitted males), Enslaved Sissies (submitted males) and Transformations (transgendered). She talks about her publishing company and a little about the fetish scene, but mainly she came in to support our final guest…
Xelena! Empress of the Impossible! Xelena is professional mentalist here in Reno, divining your thoughts from the mysteries of the cosmos in some ineffable way that will mystify and mesmerize your mind! She set up a trick with The Rev at the open mic last week and this was the conclusion of that. Batting 1.000 on the show, Xelena proceeds to pluck the answers to puzzles out of seemingly thin air! Additionally, she sealed a Superbowl sports book ticket in an envelope and gave it to Reverend Rory in anticipation of this week’s big game. The reveal is going to be at the open mic night on 2/3 – you should show up to check it out.
Additionally Xelena has a show coming up on February 16 – a Gallery of Mystery and Fetish at the Wildflower Village, featuring Mental Mysteries, Erotic Art, and Gender-Bending Humor, Some of the art samples will be out of Hanna Rodger’s personal and extensive collection.
That’s all for now.
Thanks for listening!
It’s gonna be a great season!
The Juxtaposeurs – The Hazards of Tribute – S3 E43

It’s the last show…
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E40
…of Season 3!!!
The Juxtaposeurs visit us this week at Dogwater Studios. The Juxtaposeurs are an ensemble cast of musicans, dancers, performers and tech crews. They have assembled to put on an encore production of The Hazards of Love Tribute Show. Following the inspiration of Assistant Directors Gabe Hilton and Kaitlin Oki, they recreate and stage the narrative told in The Decemberists’ album “The Hazards of Love”. This show was very well received when we first performed it in the Fall of 2010 and we are putting it on again at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor in just a few weeks.
We? Oh, did I forget to mention that Reverend Rory is in this production? Well he is. An original cast member, along with vocalists Marlene and Music Director Chris Nelson, they are joined by many new talents including vocalist Margy Ford. Jon Cornell steps up and accompanies them although he is not in the production this time around.
The Hazards of Love Tribute Show will be at the Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor Showroom for 7:30 PM shows on Fridays and Saturday 2/7, 2/8 and 2/14 with a Sunday Matinee at 2:30 on 2/9. Music entertainment will follow at the main bar. Tickets for The Hazards of Love Tribute Show, available at Jub Jub’s, Prism Magic, The Melting Pot or cast members, are $12 in advance or $15 at the door and include admission to the after parties.
Finally a shout out to the fine folks at The Generator! They put on a fine pot luck meal for artists and patrons and friends every Wednesday at their facility and are always looking for anyone interested in getting involved. THey are having a bg fundraiser on Saturday 2/15 – Buy It or Burn It! All the pieces up for auction will be voted on to be displayed with pride at the Generator or immolated with delight at the Generator.
Back on Track for the new season next week!
Thanks for listening.
The Refiners – Leftover Turkey – S3 E38

Gobble, gobble and merry, merry!
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E35
Hello, friends! I hope you had a great holiday weekend and stuffed yourselves. Rev. Rory was in a food coma all weekend, which is why the podcast is late. Again.
This episode features the rockin’ goodness of Reno alt-country troubadours, The Refiners! These gents came in and kicked down the doors of Dogwater Studios. Calling themselves “Waylan through a modern lens”; Bill, Ned and Doug are the real deal. They curse. They drink. They play some damn fine music. We got to hear some country covers and some Refiner originals and it was damn fine.
I’m going to take this time to interrupt the blog post to remind you about the upcoming festivities this weekend at the Marianarchy Winter Formal! With over 40 bands in 2 days, this is easily our biggest Marianarchy yet! A benefit for Nico Theologitis of Nico’s Greek Deli, who was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, this Marianarchy Winter Formal is a special one. It is also the first Marianarchy on two stages and a prelude to Marianarchy X, comping this May. (Aaaaannnnnd….. it just happens to be Rev. Rory and Nick Ramirez’s birthday party)
We hope you will join us, hope you enjoy this show and we hope you are all well!Many thanks to the Refiners for an awesome set and toe-tapping good music!
See you next week with Lawrence Coleman III and Ashley Marie!
Thanks for listening!
Small Drawings – In Tha’ Garage – S3 E35

Bam! Just like that!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E32
We’re getting caught up here. This should be the last late episode for a while (BOY, an intern sure would be nice, if you know anyone who wants to learn about the exciting world of podcast production!). However, this week, the wait is definitely worth it (again).
Continuing the current trend of rock and roll duos, Small Drawings is up in here this week. Like the jerks in jeans and t-shirts that they are, Small Drawings puts out a big indie garage sound and screams the night away. Drew on the guitar and Mike on the drums have a great set of original songs that will kick your amps up to 11.
On the show this week we also re-iterate the announcement of the Good Luck MacBeth 2014 season, including Evil Dead: The Musical which will be directed by Ashley Marie in October of 2014. This is a special announcement, since Reverend Rory FINALLY gets to talk about his role in the production as stage manager. We’re all super excited for this. If you are interested in auditioning for the 2014 GLM season, you can do that in just a few weeks; get the details on auditioning here.
And Finally, we take the time to introduce our newest WLP Intern, Nate. Not much to say about him yet. But don’t worry; I have complete confidence that he’ll fuck up soon. So the next time something goes wrong, don’t blame Reverend Rory – blame Nate. Don’t blame Dogwater Dick – blame Nate. It’s a fun and easy game you can play at home.
That’s all I’ve got for now. See you on Thursday with a great episode featuring Undenied.
Thanks for Listening.
Lawrence Coleman III and James Dilworth: Sierra Nevada Serendipity – S3 E6

I love it when a lack of planning comes together.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E6
I had rescheduled and rescheduled both of the guests this week, Lawrence Coleman III and James Dilworth. Finally, we got the dates set. Then “Larry” decides to bring an entourage with him – seriously, like 2 extra people! AND we had the Bryce the intern and Spencer the PA there. It was a goddamn circus. But, like the circus, creepily entertaining.
Lawrence Coleman III is the guitarist for Livitz Livitz, but he comes in and throws down a few original tunes that he’s been working on. He brought accompaniment, but his chauffeur, Johnny Mo, is a chauffeur, not a percussionist. No instead, Lawrence picks up a drummer, this awesome guy, Marcello, out of the damn ether and brings him in for a jam session on the show!!! And quietly, in the background is loyal listener Nicole! She got a behind the scenes tour of her favorite Reno podcast… and at least said she had a good time. I guess there are benefits to being friends with Lawrence Coleman III. (I’m not convinced)
James Dilworth is a Reno filmmaker, poet, translator, instructor and writer about town. Currently he is showing a series of four short films that he has written and directed. The next showing will be on March 23 – listen to the show to find out where!
We also field a call from the Vampirates on the show! Chris and Dave check in with us minutes before taking the stage in Albequerque. They have a FUCKED up story about getting to the Bay Area that you should really listen to.
Really great show this week – we get really disgusting and bawdy; Larry does a great Max Volume impersonation; spent a lot of time on the State of the Scene; met the awesomely talented and funny Marcello; busted Johnny Mo’s chops endlessly. Good times.
Don’t forget to check out the Blazing Mics at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor this week with host Chris “Puddin'” Hart. It’s always a good time and remember – every performer gets a free drink, $25 bar tab for the best performance, AND there are ALWAYS $1 Monkey Juice shots!
Thanks for Listening!
Abridged Works and Nowhere Nevada – S2 E 27

I’m late! The White Rabbit died.
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E26
Hey everybody – sorry about the late post this week. Super busy with the first week of school for The Rockstar Girl and stopping by the hospital to see Her Stitch-lyness. Kinda dropped the ball on this week. Will you forgive me? No? Dick. Fun and fantastic episode this week and totally NOT awkward at all when interviewing my ex, Cheyenne Leigh, about her new business. Abridged Works. She makes hand=crafted jewelry, purses and hair thingys out of old books that were going to the recycle bin. Lots of fun – unique and cool. Someday, it’ll even start paying the bills for her. Someday…
Also, we got big, bad Brian Sutherland, Executive Producer for Nowhere Nevada to come in and pimp the movie a little bit. Just a little. Really, we couldn’t get back to him because Cheyenne kept flapping her gums. As a tribute, we peppered the movie with a bunch of songs used in the soundtrack for Nowhere Nevada. Very sweet stuff. Lots of great tracks. Check out the website and watch the movie trailer. It looks better than we thought it would!
OK, I wanna wrap this up so you can listen to the show finally.
Thanks for listening.