reno bands

Grimedog – It’s A Family Affair – S8 E22

Season 08
Season 08
Grimedog - It's A Family Affair - S8 E22

S8 E24

Welcome to the Sausage Party!!! We’re happy to have Wolfman, Lucas and Hurricane from Grimedog in the studio today. These three Reno punks croon their way into your ears with a blend of 50’s rock, modern punk and effed up stories. And then, there’s the music. All kidding aside, we never stop kidding on this show. We should have been recording 20 min before the start of the episode because of all the funny shit we were saying. Unfortunately, you just got what was leftover.

Wolfman Grimedog, playing guitar and singing

Wolfman Grimedog

Wolfman, Lucas and Hurricane are Grimedog and a family – Father, Son and Brother/Uncle…. in the normal way, like respectively, not anything weird…(god, you guys are gross). Their familiality and familiarity has not bred contempt, (at least not currently), but a tight trio of Reno garage punk. Musically and conversationally, they work together as a cohesive unit, covering and picking up for one another as needed. For all the bands who played on this show, they seemed least perturbed by not being able to see the drummer. Anyway… they are a lot of fun to riff with and have some great songs. They’re working on a full length at Dogwater, so look for it later this year. You can catch them next at Boshee Bash out at Pyramid next weekend.

Lucas Grimedog, playing bass

Lucas Grimedog

This weekend, the big deal is Northern Nevada Pride 2018! Break out your rainbow formal clothes and glitter cause it’s time to be fabulous! Or not! #dependingonhoweveryouselfidentifyandexpressyourself !!!!! Reno Pride is something that has become very important to our communities; it wasn’t always here and this town has not always been as tolerant and accepting as it is… ironic as that might seem to some of us. It is awesome that it has survived and grown and become a linchpin of the local civic calendar and highlight of many people’s year. Please go out and support the festival on Saturday as well as the associated events all weekend long at all of your favorite LGBTQ venues and establishments, new and old.

Hurricane Grimes playing the drums

Hurricane Grimes

Weekly Roundup
(all events marked with an asterisk (“*”) indicate that The Rev will be bartending, because he’s a shameless narcissist self-promoter like that)

Thursday, 7/26:

Spencer Kilpatrick & Ellisa Sun at Pignic Pub & Patio

Covet, Wander, Nubbins at The Holland Project

Tribe Divine at St. James Infirmary at St. James Infirmary*

Hella Fitzgerald – Swing in Your Step – S4 E4

large worst little podcast logo - b/w/r
Season 04
Hella Fitzgerald - Swing in Your Step - S4 E4

Happy Day, campers!

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S4 E4

Welcome aboard Worst Little Airlines. Just sit back, relax and trust your fine pilots for the smoothest podcast you’ve ever heard… Now that you’re finished laughing, please enjoy the in-flight entertainment!

Lily Baran of Hella Fitzgerals and the Tahoe Players

The fabulous, Lily Baran

We bring you Hella Fitzgerald! Songbird Lily Baran and ivory tickler Tristan Selzler throw down a little session at the studio this week. Performing intermittently around town for the last few years, Hella Fitzgerald is a Reno jazz combo that coalesces out of strains of melodies in the air whenever they are needed.

Tristan Selzler of Hella Fitzgerald

The piano man, Tristan Selzler

These fine performers flip Dogwater Dick’s lid – you can nearly hear him peeing his pants after their first song. They throw down a selection of jazz standards and modern transpositions, a little change of pace for us. Once again -WLP bringing you exciting new content every week!

In addition to Hella Fitzgerald, Baran and Selzler are busy folk. Selzler sits in and regularly performs at clubs and bars around Reno with different jazz combos. Baran is a major part of the operations at Tahoe Players, a performing arts facility for young people in Incline Village that regularly entertains audiences around the Reno/Tahoe area.

Also – go visit Reno Computer Fix. Cause I said so.

Thanks for listening!

Prescription – Wholesome Boys – S3 E23

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Season 03
Prescription - Wholesome Boys - S3 E23

And, we’re back!

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E21

Hey, Everybody! Thanks for being patient with us while on our vacation.

Shane, guitar for Prescription

Shane – can you feel the awesome exploding?

This week, we have on Prescription, a great Reno band that’s been around for about a year. Reverend Rory caught them a few times and knew they HAD to be on the show. Nick and Dick were dutifully impressed. Their layered, raw wall of sound is like unto a natural force, like a tidal wave. Their sound is pretty structured, despite the chaos around them.

Justin, singer of Prescription

Justin can’t stop smiling!

The guys in the band – Donovan, Jarren, Josh, Justin and Shane – were totally pro too. Despite the heat and some technical glitches, they showed up with gear, on time, and ready to rock. They hammered down four songs that will get stuck in your head. You have plenty of chances to check out Prescription. Lincoln Lounge on 8/9 with the Vague Choir; The Urban Roots Farm Brew-grass festival on 8/10,  in Nevada City on 8/24 and at Moonrocks on 8/30.

Jarren, bassist for Prescription

Jarren – come to the dark side of PBR

Part of our difficulties was that this was our first week without Executive Fluffer, Bryce who is joining the Navy to be surrounded by seamen  leaving us for better things. We wish him well and curse him for not sticking around  hope he comes back to visit when he can.

We also have a quick phoner with Reno comedian, Jenny PezDeSpencer, at the top of the show – for her show that opens tonight! Chekkitout!

Josh, guitar for Prescription

Josh – gonna have to say it – Tim. Curry.

I hate to tell you this, but August is going to be a little spotty too. We’re just going to record every other week, due to scheduling and the fucking heat! ugh! That studio is a nightmare – we can’t run the AC, cause it makes a buzzing noise. But have no fear, we will be putting up content on the weeks off – maybe footage from open mics or a show – you’ll just have to see what Nick and I get up to this month!

Donovan, Drummer for Prescription

Donovan – One Sexy Beast

Don’t forget to check out the Rocky Horror Artown Extravaganza with Pinky Polanski and Thee Reverend Rory Dowd at Cargo in Whitney Peak (formerly CommRow). Also – Blazing Mics every week at Jub Jub’s!

As always, Thanks for Listening!

The Tides: Grilled Cheese, Destruction and Bleeding Eardrums – S3 E19

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Season 03
The Tides: Grilled Cheese, Destruction and Bleeding Eardrums - S3 E19

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E18

Hey Everybody! Your old pal, Super Grover here! Just kidding it’s only me.

Oliver Hull of The Tides

Oliver, the Laughing Boy

New Reno garage band, The Tides, take a visit with us today. Featuring Kevin Kentera on drums, Brian Healy on bass and Oliver Hull on lead guitar and vocals, The Tides ripped through the studio like a howling wolf. Primal screams and solid rock melodies will get you out of your seat and have you howling along with them. I really like these new guys on the scene.

Bobby Slayton FlyerWe also have a fun phone call from Bobby Slayton again. The Pitbull of Comedy bites into Reverend Rory and just destroys him in front of a live studio audience! Fun times… Anyway, Bobby is also appearing at The Pioneer Underground this Friday and Saturday, June 21 & 22.

Brian Healy winking at the camera

Brian – I find your answer illogical.

Nick is out this week with a bad back (get better soon buddy) so none other than the MIGHTY Kodiak, Dakota Joe steps in to take his place. This is a new Kodiak, subdued, in shape and sober. Kinda weird, but a change for the better…. we think…

Kevin Kentera of The Tides

Kevin – Ritalin? Never heard of it…

Reverend Rory’s Picks for the Week:
Thursday, 6/20 – Mr Nick Ramirez at Adopt a Singer Songwriter (ASS!) at the Studio on 4th, 8pm
Friday, 6/21 – BOBBY SLAYTON at the Pioneer Underground, 8p
– Pinky Polanski, Beercan, Voted best Band and Riptide Bandits – The Alley, 8:30
– Movie Musical Sing-a-long : Labyrinth, Good Luck Macbeth, 8pm
Saturday, 6/22 – BOBBY SLAYTON at the Pioneer Underground, 7p and 9:30pm

– Unburn Comedy with pat Schillito, Jenny Pez DeSpencer and more. Wildflower Village

Dakota Joe on the Worst Little Podcast

The Kodiak is unimpressed.

That’s All I Know Folks.
Thanks For Listening!