Larry Cooper
S14E21 Larry Cooper: Must Die

We had a cozy healing session with thee magic man himself Mr Larry Cooper.
Larry is a talented multi-instrumentalist whose musical hustles include being the bassist for artsy pop rockers Roxxy Collie and often sitting in with his homies in the Grimtones or maybe you’ve been blown away by his solo work. His debut solo album LARRY COOPER MUST DIE is out on all major platforms and vinyl records are on the way.

It’s a journey through recovery and Larry plays nearly every instrument on it. It is soulful, mixing styles and influences the whole way through, keeping the listener engaged. Sometimes the songs arrive from moments of clarity and immediate improvisation. Others are written meticulously. Must Die leaves quite the impression. It is a concept album and should be experienced as such. It reveals a real person and true artist.

We shoot the shizzy on the two and a half years it took to get the album out and the reasons for its creation. Larry dives deep within himself revealing struggles, enlightenment and hope.
The conversation was heavy and funny with huge heart and sincerity .
We get a couple tracks from the record and a couple live in studio performances.
Larry is now a five timer on the show; therefore, we felt no need to quiz him again.

Big daddy Rory says farewell for now, after hosting the last three episodes. We of WLP salute you Rev. See you next hall pass.
Thanks for a great episode, Larry. We love you. Thanks for listening folks, we love you too.
Roxxy Collie – And Your Bird Can Sing S12 E12

Welcom back, music fans! This week we have the beautiful rock music of Roxxy Collie.
A female fronted quintet, Roxxy Collie has a full rich sound , deep lyrics and humor. They’ve been called ‘art rock’ and ‘chillcore’, they’re very unique for sure.

The lineup is Margy Ford, the songbird, Jon Cornell on keyboard, Stephen on electric guitar, Nick Ramirezon beats, and their newest member, Larry Cooper, on bass and background vocals.
We discuss Dogwater Dick’s weekend, dead birds, song lyrics and the Reno Punk Rock Flea Market among other things.

We get a bunch of new material from the band and a sweet Duran Duran cover at the end.
Sending our love and positive energy to our good friends and fellow musicians, Tom Plunkett and Andy Hernandez, both in the ICU at the time of this writing. Hang in there rockers. We love you.

Thanks for listening!
Angel Garcia – All the Eeems – S4 E33

Good News and Bad News, everyone!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E33
Key, kids! What’s up?!? It’s a fantastic week over here at the palatial Dogwater Studios. The good news is that Evil Dead: The Musical has completely sold out the run of the show – you’ll have to catch us in 2015 if you didn’t see it yet. The bad news is that The Annual Dogwater Punkin’ Carving Party is cancelled this year. Dogwater Dick wants to take one year in 20 off, so we guess that’s fair.
In the long and storied tradition of the show, we picked up a guy at the open mic to play on the show. Angel Garcia, Reno musician and singer, joins us this week to rattle out some of his songs on the innerwebs. Garcia has actively been playing music in Reno for the last year or so, typically as a solo act, but also with a few bands. Prior to Northern Nevada, he was in SoCal, where he gained the moniker “Toxicblinds” as a DeeJay. Despite his rough and freakish exterior, Angel sings like… (not gonna say it!) a pretty pop star. It’s not exactly bubblegum punk rock, but he shure dew have a purty voice.
Early in the show, we take a phone call with Reno’s own #1 female comedian, Jenny PezDeSpencer! Jenny is having another live show at Jub Jub’s on November 8 that she wants you to go to. Her sets are raucous and awesome and delightfully offensive. Take a chance! Be a part of a live comedy album and chekkit out.
In a surprise move, “Magic” Larry Cooper drops by the studio and sits in with us for a whole to tell us about his new album that he’s been recording with Dogwater Dick. Larry’s a dick. He totally hijacks Angel’s show and gets really drunk and breaks stuff. At least he pays his dues and takes part in the quiz.
Don’t forget, in the spirit of the season, come check out the Rocky Horror Extravaganza with music by Pinky Polanski and hosted by Thee Reverend Rory Dowd. Tickets will go fast for them, so get them online now or at the Whitney Peak main desk. Happening on Halloween 10/31/14 there is an all ages show at 8pm and an all adults show at midnight
Thanks for Listening
Adam Springob: With the Entourage – S3 E15

First: Marianarchy Marianarchy Marianarchy!!!!
More later. Now, onto the show!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E14
Adam Springob joins us this week as a solo artist. He’s been stepping out from above Greg Gilmore’s very small shadow and showcasing his own singing and songwriting. It’s really good stuff. Unfortunately, you won’t hear it!!!! He brought a damn band with him this week. Actually – he brought TWO bands with him to make one giNORmous band called …. Something Or Other. Joining him in the studio are Michelle Belle (guitar – Scarlet Presence), Carter Stellon (drums – Scarlet Presence), Samantha Gates (fiddle), and Greg Gilmore (bass – Kanes NOT Merkin – lets be clear about this: Greg is not in The Merkins. He’s not that good.)
We had a really fun time with these guys – so much fun that Nick and The Rev had to take off before the show was done!!! They’re not even sure what happens yet!!! There is a lot of talking, yelling and chaos – more than usual – really. I’m supposed to take down notes and tease it out here, but I seem to have neglected to do that this week, although there is a really awesome drawing of a polar bear holding a surfboard next to the note “Sam seems so nice – why these a-holes?”.
SO, normally I tell you about the picks for this weekend, right? Well, this week, there is only one show you should concern yourself with (despite what Adam says on the show – srsly, fuck that guy): MARIANARCHY 2013: A BENEFIT FOR DALE KELLAMS!!! Two days, 35 acts, raffles, BBQ, silent auction, monkey juice, and lots of shenanigans!!!! Get your asses to Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor this weekend, May 17 & 18! starts at 3pm on Friday, 2pm on Saturday!
There will also be a Remembering Dale Kellams show at Jub’s Thursday night with his brother, Doug’s band. Please come down for old footage and good friends. All proceeds of this weekend will go to support his widder and orphan, Heidi and Kenobi.
Day 1 Lineup (Opener at Bottom, Headliner at top)
12:30-??? Memory Motel
11:45pm-12:15 Actors Killed Lincoln
11pm-11:30 Big Remote
10:15-10:45 Post War
9:30-10pm The Kanes
8:45-9:15 Scarlet Presence
8:10-8:35 Stabby Unicorn
7:35-8pm Betty Rocker
7pm-7:25 Candyshoppe
6:30-6:50pm SHAM
6-6:20 Farewell Belladonna
5:40-5:55 Larry Cooper
5:20-5:35 Tom Plunkett
5-5:15 John Frederick & Cori Lynn
4:40-4:55 Matt Waage
4:20-4:35 Brian Callahan
4pm-4:15 Pat Rhea
Day 2 Lineup:
12:30-??? Vampirates
11:45-12:15 Kittenhead(L.A. Ca)
11pm-11:30 Merkin
10:15-10:45 The Harvest and the Hunt
9:30-10pm Reno We Have A Problem
8:45-9:15 Slut Fungus
8-8:30 Frontier City Sounds
7:20-7:45 Victory Calls
6:40-7:05pm Stereo Killers
5:55-6:25 Aversion Therapy
5:10-5:40 Max Volume Band
4:25-4:55 Six Mile Station
3:40-4:10 Pinky Polanksi (acoustic)
3:05-3:30 Hella A Capella
2:30-2:55 Spike and Jackson
2-2:20 Lighter Thief
Oh, yeah, don’t forget to check out the Kanes’ video Free Me, in which Michelle’s ass just doesn’t quit!!!
Thanks for listening!
Larry Cooper and Pat Schillito: From Sparks, With Love – S3 E3

What a weird episode…
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E3
Happy Valentines Day!!! Hope everybody gets some!!!!
We had a fun, if at times, awkward show this week. Hope you love the phone calls. In studio we have Reno musician Larry Cooper and Reno Comedian Pat Shillito. They came to play and we had a lot of fun despite all the distractions… No! really! I’m still scratching my head about a lot of what happened on the show this week. If this sounds confusing – good! Listen to the episode and see if you can decipher the mystery.

I don’t want to say Larry does drugs or anything, but he looks like he’s been haning out with Nick too much.
So, yeah, I’m stuck on this whole Valentine’s Day thing. It’s the first one I’ve been single for in almost a decade. Should I write the girly a poem? How do I come off as not creeperish? Do I ignore the holiday entirely? How does one approach a booty call on Valentine’s Day? So many questions, so many embarassing outcomes. $5 says I chicken out on my plans.
In other news – come see the Lincoln’s Still Dead show at Lincoln Lounge this Saturday!!! Los Pistoleros, Cranium and Actors Killed Lincoln!!!!! It’s gonna be awesome!!! Especially the more of you that show up to honor our nation’s fathers!!! and a dollar off for period dress!
Also, if you do end up visiting Reno Computer Fix, make sure you tell them we sent you – we could win a new laptop for referring you. Or you could by referring people over there, but who would do something like that without vetting a repair shop themselves?
Anyway… Thanks For Listening!