Kye Alfred Hillig
Lil Mijhos – Running with Smoking Scissors – S6 E1

…and it happened with a BANG!
Worst Little Podcast – S6 E1 – Download Link
Good morrow, good friends! It’s a fine fine start to Season 6 we have here, with some upstarts in the Reno music scene, Lil Mijhos! Reice Guerrero and Tyler Charles roll up on Dogwater and pump out some kick ass tunes. They’ve got an alt/punk thing going on with a lot of energy and groove to it. I highly recommend checking them out at your next opportunity.
We also take a phone call from friend of the show, Kye Alfred Hillig. Kye came through town a couple years ago and has kept in touch during his travels! This week he’s promoting his new album, Great Falls Memorial Interchange. It’s not out yet, but you can listen to the track mentioned in the show by clicking on this link: Yes Grinning Face of Death
Good stuff. Get your listen on.
We would also be remiss if we did not also throw out a big congratulations to the happy couple, Nick Ramirez and Mikie Haley! They tied the know! It’s official! It was awesome! More later when Nick’s back in the saddle.
Thanks for Listening!
Hi, kids,
No episode this week – Rev. Rory and Nick caught the creepin’ crud while backstage at the Tooth of Crime this weekend. Meanwhile, Rick is still getting the new studio dialed in so he wasn’t too dismayed by the extra week off. Unfortunately we missed getting to talk with our Reno friends, Infecto Skeletons, and also Tacoma-area musician and friend of the show, Kye Alfred Hillig, who is back on tour this spring. Kye is a fantastic musician and hell of a guy to hang out with. And I’m super bummed to have missed him! Catch Kye Alfred Hillig out at Monolith Bar this Saturday night with Paul Jordan.
Our other guests this week were supposed to be Infecto Skeletons, a Reno punk rock legend in the making. The Infectos have a couple of really big shows coming up that they wanted us to let you know about. First, on April First (no joke), the Infectos, along with Out For War, The Liver Scars and The Vampirates will be opening for the the truly legendary D.R.I. at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor. This is going to be an insane show! You better be there!
Then, later in the month, on every slacker’s favorite holiday, 4/20, Infecto Skeletons get the chance to play with Denver’s In The Whale and SoCal’s own skate punk pioneers, Agent Orange at Shea’s Tavern. Some truly earth shattering punk rock happenin’ in the RNO.
Also don’t forget that this is your last weekend to go see Sam Shepard’s “Tooth of Crime: Second Dance” at Jub Jub’s featuring Nick and Reverend Rory along with Kevin long, John Lutz, Jill Marlene, Scott Dundas, The Vampirates and Jeff Done and starring Lew Zaumeyer and Andy Luna, and directed by Dave Richards.
Thanks for listening!
Dan Harmann and Kye Hillig – Hello, Travellers! – S4 E15

Bands not from Reno???? *gasp*
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E16
So, what do you do when some guys from out of town show up and want to play your show? Put them on a podcast! Enter Daniel G. Harmann and Kye Alfred Hillig. We had a bit of a time crunch this week, but you may remember that we talked to a couple guys on the phone last week. Well, this week, they came even closer and stopped at Dogwater Studios!
On tour for a whirlwind trip including Modesto, Boise and Reno, these two troubadours with a troubled past played a show at St. James Infirmary right after the podcast, like motherfucking rock stars. It’s really a shame that Kye Hillig and Dan Harmann don’t live closer, because we had a great time with them. I almost wish I could talk more shit (about Dan’s big head, or that Kye looks a little bit like Tootsie) but they were really cool guys! I’d love to pick their brain a little longer.
I would be remiss and usually am if I didn’t mention the guy who out this all together. Brian Jackson, the man behind the camera, videos, media and booking, reached out to us out of the blue and made this happen. He wouldn’t stop messaging me, even when I tried really hard to ignore him. Thanks to him, I had a great show this week!
Ok, I’m just making words up now. Time to end this. But one final thing I want to mention is “So Say we All”, a Dance Dance Technoqueer Revolution! This edgy event “aims to explore ideas of identity. Who are we? Where do we belong? Where is our place in the more-than-human community? One of the fundamental questions we ask repeatedly is, “Are you alive?” Using Battlestar Galactica, post-feminist theory, and cyborg analysis as a framework to examine ideas about sex and gender, “So Say We All”challenges us to reconcile with the ‘other’as we pursue our rightful place in the Universe.”
I’m intrigued. Organized by the Great Basin Movement Project and featuring DJ Heidilicious, “So Say We All” will run this week, May 23-25, at Valley Arts. Check out the event page!
Oh, and Chewie’s back.
Thanks for Listening!