kevin montoya

Filependejo – A Series of Bad Decisions – S11 E16

Season 11
Season 11
Filependejo - A Series of Bad Decisions - S11 E16

Welcome back to our favorite one-man band: Felipendejo! Nothing will keep this man down, not snow in May, not Jon Cena, and certainly not COVID-19. You of course remember him from previous episodes as well as opening for epic acts like Mac Sabbath, Metalachi and Clownvis.

Felipendejo smiling maniacally holding drumsticks aloft against a yellow background

Throughout the pandemic, Kevin worked in a weed store and churned out videos on the Felipendejo IG page and the YouTubery – talk about time well spent! As usual, the conversation ranges far and wide, guided by Rick, Nick and Ian this week. Kim and Rory are really bummed they could not be there to talk with Kevin about his year and new music. Chewie is bummed, as always, that he has to make more money than the rest of us at his real job (but should be rejoining us for a live show soon!)

That’s right! Beginning in June, we are returning to our live format with weekly performances. Just a few more weeks!
And if you can’t wait for live music and entertainment – check out the Worst Little Grid below!

PS – don’t forget to check out Eric Stangeland’s “Wake Up” – available as of today, 05/21/21! Support Local Music!

Thanks for listening!

A grid format for live music events in Reno week of 05/21/21