gunshot licker
Marianarchy 2012: The Fuckyourdeath Edition – S2 E15

Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S2 E 13
Welcome to the start of your summer season, Reno!
As I mentioned in last week’s post, Jess Blaze, local promoter and true believer, passed away in her sleep. We start the show with an audio tribute to Jess; we humbly share these memories of a woman we all loved very much. She was also a big part of …..
That’s right! After months and months of teasing it out – IT’S REALLY HERE!!! MARIANARCHY 2012!!!!!!! Friday May 18 and Saturday May 19!!!
It’s one hell of a line up this year, with the reunions of Phat Couch and Gunshot Licker on Friday and Saturday nights, respectively. There’s a raffle and silent auction, Happy-Hour Potluck, BBQ. Admission is whatever you can donate to the cause. This year, the proceeds will go to benefit the familes of Rev. Gary Setzer and Jess Blaze (who are secretly pissed that they’re missing this show, or so I’m told). The events will be emceed by yours truly, Reverend Rory. Come see me turn into Jerry Lewis over a 48 hour period!!!
Seriously, though – this is probably my favorite event in Reno every year. You should really check it out. Marianarchy is at the cultural heart of Reno and Ground Zero for a lot of the love and camraderie in the Reno music and sart scenes. It is really something special and you should check it out.
Also on the show this week is Reno City Councilman and Sparks-core native, Dave Aiazzi. Dave is a really good friend of Nick’s and a big supporter of our simmering arts scene here in Reno. He also knows how to take a joke (Thanks in advance for not getting a cease and desist on the picture, Dave). Irma Geddon jumps into the fray with some insightful questions about how people can get things done with the city, what happened to the Occupy Moana thing, and what is up with that airline food? For his part, Dave does not particularly care for the airline chicken plate. I think Dave had something he wanted to talk about, but we all kept badgering him with questions and cutting to the music. It was probably important.
Maybe next time. Ha?
At any rate – Come to MARIANARCHY 2012 at JUB JUB’S THIRST PARLOR! MAY 18 AND 19!!!!

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 45
It’s a Brand New Year, but the Same Dumb Show!
Hi there! Did you miss us? We missed our pre show circle-jerks and all of you listeners over the holiday break. It was a great Christmas and Holiday and New Year’s season for everyone. And how about that weather? Huh? Pretty freaking nice if you ask me. I’ll take clouds and 60/70 degree weather over snow and grey skies every Christmas. But a little snow this year would be nice. It’s pretty to look at from inside. Where it’s warm. Anyway…
In the studio this week are our favorite Carson City duo, Blunderbusst! Jen Scaffidi and Carolyn Gates are always super fun to talk to, and totally on the ball, and super rad musicians. They did not disappoint; we all had a great time and they hammered out three lives songs for us. Great first show of the year, clocking in at about 2 hours. But the mouths on these women! Holy shit! They’d make a sailor’s tattoos blush!
We also hop on the phone with Stacey Tolle, currently with Austin’s ‘The People VS. De La Rosa’, but more importantly formerly of Reno’s #1 all time best band (according to our listener poll) Gunshot Licker! She’s been back in town for the holidays and *gasp* IS PLAYING GUNSHOT LICKER REUNION SHOW ON FRIDAY, 1/6!!!! It’s a benefit for the Rev. Gary Setzer with the Shames, The Gunner’s Daughter and Blunderbusst at Davidson’s Distillery. It’s going to be pretty fantastic and fun and you should all come out. Seriously, if you live within 200 miles of Reno and haven’t seen Gunshot Licker, you NEED to come see this show. Shit like this just doesn’t happen very often. Yo.
Also Don’t forget – The Worst Live Podcast in Reno on Jan 20 at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor where for the first time we will be recording the show in front of a live bar audience! Contests and games – including a YELLING CONTEST!!! – prizes for the winners and a bucket of ‘suck it up’ for the losers! I expect to see you all there!
We’ve got a great year ahead of us and can’t wait to share another year’s worth of Reno music, art and culture with you.
Thanks for Listening.
[ I really don’t appreciate whoever is posting these blogs with my edit coreections still in them. Knock it off! – Ed.]
BONUS SHOW: And This Is Why You Shouldn’t Drink on the Air – S1 E19

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 019 BONUS EPISODE!!! EXTRA LONG!!!!
The saying goes, “No place to go but up from here.”
They’re wrong.
Part two includes music from Werm, Sprout, Mudsharks, Cranium, Phat Couch, The Atomiks, and Gunshot Licker
So this is Part Two of the Memorial Day Meltdown. I still say it’s a bad idea. BUT there is joy in mudville. In our first segment, (mostly) Rory talks with J-bot from Captured! By Robots. The mechanical tyrants have him out on a tour again, bruising his tender meaty appendages to lug them and their gear across this country. He will be finishing his latest tour this weekend in our fair mountains. Check him out on Friday 6/10 at Whiskey Dick’s in Tahoe or on Saturday 6/11 at Tonic in Reno. It should be a great show – The bots have some new tricks up their … cladding… and are ready to rip your faces off with rock and roll! … and titanum instrumentation.
Those shows will be around rock and roll time, so if you’re out and about in Reno on Saturday, come by Wingfield Park downtown. Guerilla Productions are putting on the Reno Block party there all day long – 10am to 10 pm. Just in time to catch a little C!BR action. Those kids are still in the studio (mostly) this episode, although there were some casualties along the way. Bullet Bar Dave, Jessalicious, the Kodiak and Felix P all stick around with us too.
Part two includes music from Werm, Sprout, Mudsharks, Cranium, Phat Couch, The Atomiks, and Gunshot Licker
Once we get past the interview with Captured! By Robots, the shouting match Top Ten List resumes, and we spend the rest of the show trying to make it through the list as fast as a room full of drunkards can focus on anything. That’s most of the reason that this is such a long episode (nearly 2 hours)!
Anyway, we apologize in retrospect and thank you in advance! Enjoy the show!
Part two includes music from Werm, Sprout, Mudsharks, Cranium, Phat Couch, The Atomiks, and Gunshot Licker