Courtesy Stitch
Kevin Dunn: Foot In Mouth Disease – S2 E29

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E27
It all started so normally at first…
This week gets a little crazy. Rory forgot his phone, Nick left early and things get extra NSFW. But of course they do: Kevin Dunn stopped by. One of the foulest songwriters in town Kevin has verbally vomited for tons of Reno bands including Dump Your Boyfriends, Courtesy Stitch, STM and a brief but exciting career as a rapper. We’ve got his ‘version’ of The Rainbow Connection with MC P-Hole on the episode and let me tell you – I don’t remember Kermit saying a damn one of those lyrics! Childhood memories ruined….
Also in the studio is Dan Steinmetz, a long-time drummer on the Reno scene who is currently herding Kevin drumming for STM. He brings the rock and the solid. We unfortunately didn’t get to talk to Dan as much as we wanted – Kevin had a lot to say. There may have been some shit talking going on… Especially after the bottle of citrus vodka he cradled like a baby.
We did miss an opportunity to talk to a mover and shaker though – there was supposed to be a phoner with DJ Heidilicious, but someone forgot his phone. We’ll have Heidi on in about a month, but until then, here’s a ‘short list of her upcoming shows:
- Thurs 9/13- Live streaming of a DJ collective called Reno Sound Collective –
- Fri 9/14- Crystal Bay Club, Tahoe, Late Night w Roksmyth
- Sat 9/15- Reno ArtBeat at the new Salvagery on Wrondel- fundraiser for Future Kind, local charity provides underprivileged communities around the world help with educational resources. BBQ and local music showcase of interesting local bands, and also educating the community some conscious and cultural styles of electronic music. meet and greet for the artists, etc. will be showing films various types of music and have local art as well. AND full plate of food!
- 9/21- play at HOME at the new Rise nightclub downtown
- 9/22- 90s party at Seven in West Street Market- games, costume contests etc
Oh – and we didn’t talk about it on the show, but right before, during the ‘preshow’, we found a dead mouse in the backyard. Rory sat down near it and must have bumped it because when we looked it was moving a lot and then about 15 maggots came swarming out. There are only 3 in the picture, but there were lots more that ran. SOOOOO fucking creepy!
And thanks for listening!
Peeling Back the Curtain Before We Burn It. – S1 E35

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 35
Special Edition: Cherrybear Records – Behind the Music
We feature a lot of local bands and that gets really old sometimes, so we thought we’d stretch out to the OTHER side of the music scene – production! Jess from Cherrybear Records takes her turn in the hotseat this week. She is promoting the release of the Great Undiscovered 2011 double-CD set and talks about some of the great bands she has helped turning great ideas into CDs, buttons and more. Mostly though, we just bullshit as usual.
We also welcome back Chewie! He’s finally back from laying brick in Elko, NV and back home to take care of his expectant wife. We should have him until February this time as long as he doesn’t fuck up the show; it’s good to have him back! We didn’t really get into it, but he had a fantastic weekend what with UNR’s crushing defeat over UNLV at the annual battle for Nevada and the Raider’s triumph. Rory is also quite pleased with your 2011 Green Bay Packers. Great weekend for sports – too bad we don’t have a sports show.
We talk about sex, drugs and rock’n’roll, the Reno Zombie Crawl, tattoos and lots of crazy hi-jinks of the Reno variety. Some days, the conversation flows like water – other times, you get this. Also included for your listening pleasure are some unreleased Courtesy Stitch songs. One of them is “the foulest and dirtiest thing I’ve ever recorded,” according to Dogwater Dick. It’s pretty fucking amazing…if you’re into train wrecks with a good beat.
Thanks for listening.