The Defabulators – Too Much Music – S4 E23

Hold on to your britches!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E24 – Download Link
Dogwater Studios transforms into a house of rock and roll when these boys come around. Johnny Harpo, Wes Forster, Jesse Gaddis and Greg Grenade of The Defabulators invade with their blazing guitars and yowlin’ sound! There wasn’t a dry seat in the studio after their first song – mostly sweat, but I’m not picky.
The Defabulators are back in action and ready to play and record a bunch of new tunes they play for us on the show today. Nothing is booked just yet, though and they don’t have a website or anything, because they’re old skool Reno rock and rolla’s like that. You’ll have to keep your ear to the ground to catch them.
We are also happy to Officially Announce the Presentation of Ye Olde Pinky Polanski Rocky Horror Picture Show Extravaganza!!!! That’s right! The Pinky Polanski Boys and Reverend Rory will be putting on the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the newly rebuilt Cargo at Whitney Peak – ON HALLOWEEN!!! Two shows – 8pm and midnight!!! For the third year in a row we will be bringing you our own special brand of Reno Rocky – complete with live music, live audience participation and live RHPS virgins!!!!! Stay tuned for details!!!
Go Do stuff!
Thanks for Listening!
Myke Read – Foulmouthed Little Country Boy – S4 E15

The password is: Inebriation
Now with MORE NSFW !!!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E15 Download Link
Hey Kids! How’s it going out there in the real world? That bad? Well, pull up a stool and listen to to some powerful depressin’ songs by this week’s guest, Myke Read, and feel better about yourself. Myke is better known for playing with the Infecto Skeletons, but recently he’s made a venture into the world of country music, acoustic guitars and prison songs. Chekkout how purty Myke Read sings.
Also in studio is Jenny PezDespencer, talking about her upcoming comedy show at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor. She will be recording a live album at this show, so it’s going to be a lot of fun! Listen in for the BIG CONTEST to win tickets to this live comedy album recording of Jenny PezDespencer, one of our favorite Reno comics.
Jeff Done, bright eyed and bushy tailed, hangs out with us during the show too. It’s good to see Jeff.
We3 also have a brief phone call with next week’s guests, Dan Harmann and Ky Alfred Hillig. Both hail from Washington and will be playing at St. James Infirmary on Monday 5/19, just after coming onto the podcast to record with us! Fun guys on the phone, we can’t wait to hang out and give them the Worst Little Quiz next week – they’ll have no idea (unless they read this. which they won’t.) Take a sec to chekkout their music ans stop by the show!
Finally, lets not forget about this weekend – MARIANARCHY X – Friday, May 16th and Saturday May 17th. 30+ bands in two days! We’ve been raising money for 10 years to help out our Reno family and artists and non-profits, in honor of the late Marianne Psota, with huge support from the community. THis year’s beneficiaries are Keely Davis, a little girl with Down’s Syndrome, and Emily Reese, Reno teacher and personality on the Reno Tahoe Tonight Show on Nevada Matters and Renegade Radio, who was recently diagnosed with cancer after already having beaten it into submission. As we say around Maryanarchy, “Fuck Your Cancer!”, and now “Fuck Your Syndrome” joins the catalogue of Jub-isms. It is going to be another great show this year. Please come out and help us make a difference in someone’s life, once again.
Thanks for Listening!
Whitebulbs – Folking Punks – S4 E14

“I think it’s time to climax.”
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E14 – Download Link
Constant Companion, Nick Ramirez, hops in the driver’s seat this week while Dogwater Studios plays host to Whitebulbs an Americana/folk/punk band from Reno NV. Aaron Foelsch, Kyle Dazey, Zach Compton, Ken Shepherd and Andy Pavlu crash the studio with their high-energy music. Rev. Rory was out with a case of being a parent, so I don’t have a whole lot to say about the show. It’s weird to listen, but Nick did a good job in my stead.
These guys start us with a barbershop lullaby, but shortly thereafter kick things into high gear. I for one can’t wait to see Whitebulbs live and in action some night soon. They are an active band with facebook and reverbnation pages as well as their own website. They’ve been playing out a lot with some great bands and have a bunch of other shows lined up in the near future. Check them out!
Well, it’s a fun episode – listen already!
And thanks for listening!
PS Nate the intern. don’t think I’m not paying attention to where your balls have been. Retribution will be had when you least expect it.
Fighting the Future – Full Scream Ahead – S4 E11

Out with the old and in with the new!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E11 Download Link
Hey boys and girls! Do you like music? Yes? Do you like punk rock music? Yes? That’s awesome! We just happen to have a young pop punk band from Reno NV, Fighting the Future, on the show this week! They sing and scream about all the FUN angst and SUPER EXCITING crushing disappointment in their lives!!! Isn’t that just the best?
We had a truly fun time with Dylan Fuson (guitar and vocals), Austin Aguera (guitar and vocals), Craig Schrader (drums) and Rachel Barr (bass and vocals) from Fighting the Future. They have been getting around town for the better part of the year in this lineup and are looking forward to a EP release show coming up on May 2nd.
The guys are doing about the same. Nothing shocking to report yet, but Marianarchy X is on its way, so stay tuned for details.
penis. penis penis penis penis. twat. twat twat twat twat. Are you still reading this? I have no idea of why. Thanks for Listening!!
Small Drawings – In Tha’ Garage – S3 E35

Bam! Just like that!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E32
We’re getting caught up here. This should be the last late episode for a while (BOY, an intern sure would be nice, if you know anyone who wants to learn about the exciting world of podcast production!). However, this week, the wait is definitely worth it (again).
Continuing the current trend of rock and roll duos, Small Drawings is up in here this week. Like the jerks in jeans and t-shirts that they are, Small Drawings puts out a big indie garage sound and screams the night away. Drew on the guitar and Mike on the drums have a great set of original songs that will kick your amps up to 11.
On the show this week we also re-iterate the announcement of the Good Luck MacBeth 2014 season, including Evil Dead: The Musical which will be directed by Ashley Marie in October of 2014. This is a special announcement, since Reverend Rory FINALLY gets to talk about his role in the production as stage manager. We’re all super excited for this. If you are interested in auditioning for the 2014 GLM season, you can do that in just a few weeks; get the details on auditioning here.
And Finally, we take the time to introduce our newest WLP Intern, Nate. Not much to say about him yet. But don’t worry; I have complete confidence that he’ll fuck up soon. So the next time something goes wrong, don’t blame Reverend Rory – blame Nate. Don’t blame Dogwater Dick – blame Nate. It’s a fun and easy game you can play at home.
That’s all I’ve got for now. See you on Thursday with a great episode featuring Undenied.
Thanks for Listening.
sCHIZoPOLITANs – The Soundtrack to your Imagination – S3 E21

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E20
So – partying on the Fourth kicked my ass. There’s lots of awesome things I want to say about the Schizopolitans, like that they’re badass. And that Xtevion, Andy Jorgensen, and Hector Urtubia are rocket scientists of music with their Hard Ambient Goth Atonal Jazz Industrial Techno Avant-garde Freestyle Dance Noise ethic. Or that they are an intense experience with sweat and cursing and a room packed full of electronics and wires and keyboards and computers. Or that they are an unique experience in Reno music. I could also say that you should check out The Schizopolitans on their bandcamp page for tons of free music. Or that you can catch them while you “Get Wood!” at the Strega 5-year Anniversary Party on July 12th.
I could also call The Schizopolitans self-indulgent twats, but I wouldn’t do that.
I’m not going to say any of that, because I’m exhausted – enjoy your weekend.
Thanks for listening.
The Shames: Are We On Acid? – S3 E17

Fuckin’ FINALLY! – sorry for the late show this week – super busy aftermath of the (Un)Discovered show….
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E16
We got the SHA-ames! We got the SHA-ames! We got The Shames! We’ve teased you with it for over two years and it’s finally happened! We were finally able to pin down Penny Cillin and Mikie Shame, and they did not disappoint. It is as awesome – awesomer! – as you think it should be. Unfortunately, Shames drummer Cyril was unavailable for the show. The girls came in with a great musical selection – six or seven songs, including a Worst Little Podcast Exclusive first listen to a new Shames song!
At the top of the show we have a chance to talk with Reno native and LA-based comedian David Huntsberger. David is a really funny guy, appearing in comedy clubs nationally and on the podcast “Professor Blastoff“. His latest CD, Explosion Land is available on his website and iTunes. David will be appearing at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club in the Pioneer Underground June 7 & 8. Go out this weekend and have a laugh with someone from this town who got out and made good!
Don’t forget to check out Big Remote‘s newest CD, Jenkins, currently available online and at Recycled Records!
Write in for some stickers!!!!
That’s all I know.
Thanks for listening!
Hellbilly Bandits: Piss and Vinegar – S3 E16

Morning, campers!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E15
Thanks for bearing with us in the week off – Reverend Rory pulled a “Don Geronimo” and fell off the stage at Jub Jub’s during Marianarchy 2013, and the show left us all exhausted and spent. It was a killer time and we want to personally thank everyone that came out to the show that weekend. We would not be able to do this for the last nine years without your support. We raised a bit more than $3,100 this year! Thank you, thank you, thank you, from all of us at WLP and the family of Dale Kellams.
This week, we’ve got some fast drinking and hard partying Reno rockers in the studio. The Hellbilly Bandits got in touch with us and then proceeded to invade the studio. Srsly – they brought an entourage and everything (note to future guests – NO!). It was a bit of madness at the Chez Dogwater this week, but totally worth it. The Hellbilly Bandits are cusséd, dirty shitkickers and they’ve got the music to prove it!
There is a tearful reunion of Wally and Chewbacca that you don’t want to miss. These childhood buddies hadn’t seen each other in years and have a touching, tender moment on the show. Have a hanky ready.
Really though – they are a blast. The music is killer, about topics near and dear to Reno, like hookers and meth! It’s a boot to the face and a smack on the ass. You do not want to miss them live. Their next show is this Friday at Davidson’s Distillery – where Wally runs the open mic on Mondays.
Coming up this weekend, plesase come on out to Jub’s for the Damntrack fundraiser. Speical appearances by Spike and jackson, Lighter Theif, Sam Ashlock and many more!
Thanks again to Wally, Nathan, Bill and Bobby from the Hellbilly Bandits! We had a great time andd hope you do too.
Thanks for listening!