Quitter – Born to Whelm – S11 E36

Once upon a time, we started this show to not only give ourselves and our friends a forum to shamelessly self-promote and self-indulge; no – we also wanted to be a platform for new, new-to-you, or completely unheard of bands to connect with audiences and find their voice. Well, this week we welcome two-time loser guest Reice Guerrero back for more abuse with a new band, Quitter. With a name line that, what can go wrong?

Reice Guerrero
All jokes aside, this Carson City based band has some serious chops. Reice is joined by Nelson Carillo-Ortega, Dan Mason, and Travis Summers. There’s a lot of shredding, ‘harmonies’ and a rhythm section on fire in this indie rock band. They released their first full length LP this past summer, 7 Eyes On The Prize. Surprisingly, none of them wear an eyepatch.

Nelson Carrillo-Ortega
Venues and other bands take note: their dance card is open for the holiday season. So, if you are looking for a top notch, grooving rock band to round out a bill – look no further!

Daniel Mason
As always, if you like what we do here and want to support us (and get an extra song and segment with more ‘No Rory’ than ever), please check out the ol’ patreon page. Help put Uncle RIckey’s nephews and neices through college.

Travis Summers
Thanks for Listening.