S14E38: Margy Ford and Steve Barron-the Birds & the Bees

Season 14
Season 14
S14E38: Margy Ford and Steve Barron-the Birds & the Bees

A little bird told us that the  Good Luck MacBeth theatre had a fancy brunch fund raiser with music provided by Margy Ford and Steve Barron of the indie rock band Roxxy Collie. Due to an unexpected cancellation, their drummer and our host, Nick, thought it would be wonderful to hear one of his favorite acoustic duos, since tickets to the brunch started at $100 bucks!(get the money GLM we love you!) Now we less fortunate souls can hear some of the magic performance they worked so hard on. Hard on! Hahaha! 

Margy Ford
Stephen Barron

We talk about recent events like Roxxy Collie with Annabelle Chairlegs from Austin TX , Larry Cooper’s vinyl release show and even adult bookstores. Margy and Steve give us a few rad covers and a Margy Ford original! Steve’s guitar and Margy’s vocals go together so beautifully. Seriously these two gems of the Earth on short notice dropped what they were doing and headed up to Dogwater to give us a great show. Thank you thank you! We love you Steve and Margy!

Thank you friends!

And we love you too dear listeners. Join us next week for our annual Friendsgiving episode! Life is short, see a show and hug your friends.

Margy Ford – Powerhouse – S11 E10

Season 11
Season 11
Margy Ford - Powerhouse - S11 E10

We never said we were good at scheduling, which is why we are concluding our Women’s March in April (but it was recorded in March – really!). We are super excited to wrap things up with one of the great friends of the show, and all of us personally, the incredible singer, Margy Ford.

Margy Ford via Zoom giving a thumbs up
Margy Ford via Zoom

Margy Ford has been a mainstay of the Reno music scene for the better part of the last decade. Her strong singing talents and affable nature have pushed her into the limelight in bands like Candyshoppe, Satellite Serenade, Wheatstone Bridge and, of course, the contemporary Roxxy Collie. Plus, she’s just a blast to talk to .

We check in with her musical progress, as well as her recovery after a bad injury during the pandemic. When will the next Roxxy Collie album come out? You might just have to stay tuned…

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