Buffalo Moses – Antique Camera – S12 E18

Buffalo Moses comes around again, bringing with him a whole new bag of tricks and songs. A true troubador, par excellence, Bryan Jones is always creating and crafting more words and songs that he kindly shares with us today. He has a song for literally EVERY occasion, even if sometimes he says it’s about something but it really isn’t! It’s a truly amazing talent.

While this good time buddy is solo on the show this week, he is actually here shilling for his newest project – Buffalo Moses and His Ex-Wives (Rachel McElhiney; Ivan Gates; Zack Howarth; Bryan Daines). They have plans to get out in front of people this summer and fall, including playing Offbeat Fest and a show TONIGHT, 06/24/22 at the Loving Cup, playing with Farrow and the Peach Leaves. From what we hear, you will need extra pants and a second liver.
There’s a lot of great talking and weirdness on this episode – the wheels may or may not have come off. We also get a look behind the scenes and hear about the evolution of Otter Pop shows – who is the creator? The world may never know. As always, good folks, good talks, good music – great show.
Take a moment to hug someone or tell someone you love them – Life is short; we love you.
Thanks for listening.