Webmaster Burks / Source – S1 E5
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WLP-Episode 005
The long awaited fifth episode of the Worst Little Podcast!
The non-stop value-added entertainment rollercoaster continues to give you more! Nick and Rory have been busy worker bees recently. Nick discovers something about his sexuality brings in some old cuts from his old band, Source, for us all to enjoy. He has a lot of irons in the fire and at least one will be featured in an upcoming issue of the Reno News and Review. Rory reveals a secret. A really big secret. It’s awesome and even this blog post is tempting fate. WLP Webmaster Shaun Burks sits in and finds out what his true role in the show is. Rickey stays pretty quiet during most of the show (as well he should). And we play a game in-studio!
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