The Grimtones – Introducing Some Old Friends – S4 E17

Dang! I missed it!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E18 – Download link
Hey dudes and dudettes! I hope you’re ready for a great show! We have a brand new band on the show. Introducing: THE GRIMTONES! Michelle Belle and Carter Stellon, formerly of Scarlet Presence, come into the studio to show off their shiny new songs and impress us with how growed up they are! Seriously, these kids are sick talented. I AM JEALOUS OF THEM!!!!!
Unfortunately, Rev. Rory was unable to make it to the show (AGAIN!) so Nick really prepared this time and captained a great show this week. I can’t wait to actually listen to it! Chewie, of course, is still in the house and moved up a notch. Dogwater Dick and Nate the Intern are alsu, as usual, dismissed to Studio B, here at Dogwater Studios. But I know for a fact that Dick loves recording with these two, so I’m sure he didn’t mind just listening to The Grimtones.
At any rate, I’m going to stop blogging and get to listening to the show while I prep for my own shows this weekend. Come Check out Reverend Rory and Nick Ramirez at the re-inaugural First Fridays at Foxy Olive. Rory is taking over where Eric Foreman left off and Nick is his first guest too! Should be a great show. You can also catch Reverend Rory at Tronix this Saturday as the sole musical entertainment at the NNNLA’s Impact, a fetish exhibition and demo.
Thanks for Listening!
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