The Blevinses – Ringing in the New with the Old – S11 E22
You like DnB? Hell, yeah – Drums and Brass… Wait, wut? That’s right, kids, something new and different this week – more misfit jazz and fine music creations straight outta Nightingale Hall. The Blevinses join us to talk about their ‘bones and being ‘boners.
Most of this week’s blog post is a return of an old segment on the show: “Notes form Nick:
…Three school teachers and the newest member Kim. Funny folks… Got their name from a
Cormac McCarthy character. Trombone players all know each other… They play Madonna”,
Radiohead and other modern artists… So, yeah: They’re UNR Grads… They’re available for
parties and bar mitzvas…
I can’t think of a better review that we’ve ever done.
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