Max Volume: Going All the Way to Eleven – S3 E1

Worst Little Podcast – DOWNLOAD LINK – S3 E1
Welcome to Season Three of The Worst Little Podcast in the World! So, yeah, we have Max Volume of the Max Volume Band and on-air personality for KOZZ on the show. But first, just like in the episode – we have a phone call with Mr. Bobby Slayton! Thanks to our connections at The Reno Tahoe Comedy Club, we were able to spend a good 20 minutes talking to “The Pitbull of Comedy”. Well, talking to Bobby Slayton might be an exaggeration – listening to him bust Rev. Rory’s chops and lie talk about how much he likes Reno is more like it. He’s a pro and really came to play. Great opening segment. Be sure to catch Bobby Slayton at The Pioneer Underground THIS Friday and Saturday night where he’ll be appearing with a bunch of local comics including friends of the show Jenny PezDeSpencer, Pat Shillito and Matt Wiegand!
We had a lot of fun with Max on the show. A great talent and a staple of Reno radio for years, he’s a blast to sit and talk to – hearing him namedrop all the famous people you and I will never meet – mostly because he’s old as dirt and they’re all dead!! Man, good times! Or those times when he played one of FOUR BRAND NEW SONGS!!! That’s right – Worst Little Podcast exclusive recordings of Max Volume. And you thought we’d forgotten our promises! Here we are two years later, still delivering the goods!
We’d also like to welcome on board our brand new sponsors, Reno Computer Fix. Justin and Ian over there are pretty awesome guys, supporting the arts in Reno with gallery space in a techie repair shop and keeping our computers running. Part of the Wells Avenue crew, they’re near everybody, so please check them out and mention that you heard about them from us! And while I’m on the subject of sponsors – check out Waking Girl Web Design if you need design, content or social media coordination or consultation. OK – between Bobby Slayton, Max Volume, Reno Computer Fix and Waking Girl, I think that’s enough shameless plugs for one post. Oh, and Jub Jub sez – “Fuck your podcast!”
Thanks for listening!
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