Matt Bushman – Flashbacks – S10 E32

It was the penultimate day of summer, the sky was clear of smoke and children were playing in the distance. That’s how I fondly remember the most recent episode, featuring the AWESOME Matt Bushman.

We catch up with Matt and talk about his new album “Younger Side of Old“, making music and staying connected in the pandemic, and growing out your hair cause you can. His newest tracks are just fantastic; mature songwriting and performances combined with top notch production. It is highly reccomended that you click the link above right now to listen or buy on your favorite format.

We had a lot of fun this week. Matt has a great sense of humor and is a blast to talk to, in addition to being an amazing musician. Kadillac Kim and Ian are able to make it to the show this week. Rick and Rory take a stroll (or two) down Inappropriate Memory Lane. And Nick, well, he’s just here for the kicks.
Thanks for listening!
And: Register to vote, kids.
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