John and John – It’s Like Coffee – S5 E25

It’s an acquired taste!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E25 – Season 5 Episode 25
As the 199th episode of The Worst Little Podcast in the World, this show marks the end of a chapter, and so! we return to the beginning. New half-assed and not very well planned ideas are the name of the game! Listen in for Nick’s explanation partway through the show. See if you can spot it! Our guests this week are John and John, a They Might Be Giants cover band from Reno NV that has played exactly one show prior to this recording.
John and John is a labor of love (mostly your ears’ labor and their love of torture) brought to you by John Pat (Pat Rhea) and John Rory (Thee Reverend Rory Dowd). As a duo they have delighted at least a dozen people this year, not including the cast of this show. It’s a side project they haven’t been actually working on for very long at all, but what they lack in experience they make up for in sheer A-for-effort…ness.
You can catch John and John next at the Great Basin Geeks Con (GBGCon) at Reno Town Mall this October! It will be very exciting and far more practiced. And you should really listen to the whole show this time, especially the very very end card. Chekkit out. Rory’s performance on bass is uh-mazing.
Please join us next week for our 200th episode. Yes, seriously – don’t read me with that look on your face. We will be having a long overdue true shit-show – lots of guests and no scheduled music. We gonna have a (clip show) partay! Along with playing some of our favorite songs from over the last 5 seasons, we will also be joined by current and past cast members and Reno low-lifes luminaries, including Felix Polanski, Spencer Kilpatrick, Jeff Done, Nate Sanders, Jenny PezDeSpencer, Andy86 and more! Who knows what fun will be had? Who knows how many shots there will be? Who knows if it will even be listenable?
Thanks for listening! (Like forreals this time.)
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