Grimer & Sophia Shortz – It’s Grime Time! – S13 E13

This week we have a super sweet guest host , Sophia Shortz! (last name is real, for real!) She runs an awesome online specialty jewelry store, Shortz Supply, to meet all of your goth/punk/metal/rocker needs. She’s a noted pillar of the Reno music and arts community. Her boyfriend also happens to be drummer and one of the vocalists for this week’s musical guests- crusty black hardcore stoner thrash metal super group, GRIMER. (not to be confused with our dear friends Grimedog!)

Grimer is Emilio (Cruel Ultimatum) on guitar, Candice (Dissidence) on bass, the aforementioned Jake (also Cruel Ultimatum) keeping the beat, and Brett (Heterophobia) on monster vocals. Formed just a year ago, they’ve already played around fifteen shows and are killing it in the Reno underground. They’re fun and funny. We love their dark and what some might call disturbing humor; they fit right in on the podcast and knock out a bunch of rad gems.

Of course since Candice and Sophia are WLP virgins, they are initiated with a Worst Little Quiz. The spliced animal question is a highlight. Wonderfully imaginative contestants to say the least. We also get a review of Dungeons and Dragons the movie (minor spoilers) by Jake and Candice, who have actually seen the film, and also one from Sophia, who has not seen it and yet is surprisingly accurate with her summary. Could be a fun new segment.

It’s a great time with some great people, like we do here at the Dogwater Studios.
Life is Shortz! lol – and we love you!
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