FLASHBACK: Memorial Day Meltdown – S4 E27

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 018 (Memorial Day Meltdown Pt. 1)
Worst Little Podcast – Episode 019 (Memorial Day Meltdown Pt. 2)
Hey Everybody!
Due to some technical issues and the holiday, we haven’t been able to give you good show. Stay tuned for next week with The Bonfire Set! Really looking forward to having them on.
In the meantime, talk a walk with us and remember the days of yesteryear with a recap of our first holiday double episode! So many people come in the studio and get stupid drunk. It’s awesome.
Also don’t forget to check out High Desert Steam’s 4th Annual Steampunk Ball up in Virginia City on 9/13/14! Willie and Dusty and the rest of High Desert Steam are putting on another great event this year that you don’t want to miss. Starting at noon at Piper’s Opera House, the Seteampunk event is awesome!
Thanks for listening!
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