Episode 500 – LIVE – Heterophobia and Elephant Rifle – S13 E8
It’s finally here! Our 500th Episode recorded in front of a live studio audience from the less-recent past. This was such a fun night and we are so happy so many of you could be there to share it with us! This was unlike any event any of us have ever put on before – and it came together like an A-Team plan.
We want to give a special thanks to our sound team for the night at Cypress: Ryan SPector, Todd Rold, and Rash Kader; also Tony Ashworth for mixing the episode. Our guests – Heterophobia and Elephant Rifle were on point and fantastic. Couldn’t have done it with out you all. WLP also would like to thank: Our listeners, guests, and Patreon supporters; The Reno News & Review, This is Reno, John Waters, Kevin Smith, MC Chris, Bobby Slayton, THe Don & Mike Show, Howard Stern, Marc Maron, Terry Gross, Ira Glass, Last Podcast on the Left, Zomboo, Max Volume, Jamie Woodham, Tom Gordon, Roman “Raggmopp” Dowd, Rick,”Sgt.” Baker, Spencer Kilpatrick, Nico Columbant, Wayne Wright and Reno Tahoe Comedy, Jess Danger, Fresh Bakin’, and Rocky Horror; Reno NV music makers, artists and podcasters; Eric Foreman, Sticker Guy!, Larry Cooper and FUEL, Marianarchy Productions, Reno Punk Rock Flea Market, Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, The Shames, Pinky Polanski, Aversion Therapy, Evan Humphreys, Anyone who sent us a dollar to say their name; each other – We count on each other and every member of the Worst Little Podcast is vital to the show. Lord Stryse: webmaster, Rick”Dogwater Dick” Spagnola: Engineer, Host and Producer, Thee Reverend Rory Dowd: Host, Blogger/Editor and Producer, Nick Ramirez: Host, Blogger/Photos and Producer, Josh “Chewie” Martin: Host, and Producer, “Kadillac” Kim: Host, Co Producer (and former intern), Ian Laughlin: Host, Assistant Engineer, Co Producer (and former intern), Anna “Mouse” Hammond: Co Host, Production assistant, photos (and former intern), all our interns who came and went, our new intern Percy, and finally our families for the understanding, love and support.
Thanks for listening to the first 500 episodes.
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