Dustbowl Salesmen – Blame it on Ray Lamontagne – S9 E19

Hello and welcome! It was a bumpy ride this week at the Worst Little Podcast. This is the show of a thousand malfunctions (is Mercury still in Gatorade?), but we soldiered through to bring you this week’s episode from Reno swamp-grass band, Dustbowl Salesmen! There’s even a cameo by our favorite Rach-bot from Buster Blue and Failure Machine, and she’s got a brand new song to share with our listeners! Press play!

Dustbowl Salesmen is Ryan James and Jeff Nicholson, with Joe, Jeb, and Autumn, the other members who couldn’t join us this week. See them playing with Failure Machine and the Grimtones this Saturday, July 27th at West St Market. See Rachael next solo at Loud as Folk August 28th at Valhalla Lake Tahoe, and with Buster Blue (!!!) at Revision Brewing company for the Reno as Fuck 4th anniversary party. Find Rachael’s first album, Apricot Trees, on Spotify and Bandcamp.
Thanks to the band and to Rachael for the tunes and for riding this roller coaster with us, and Thanks for listening!
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