Chari Boom Brap – Cutting Teeth – S4 E19

Siddown and listen up!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E20 It’s another fine week in the Biggest Little and I hope you’re out enjoying the fantastic weather! This week we are very happy to welcome Chari Boom Brap into the studio. Chari is one of the movers and shakers in the Reno spoken word and hip hop circles. If you don’t already know her name, you should, because she makes it happen. Featured prominently as the front woman for Knowledge Lives Forever for the past few years, Chari brings tracks from her own new solo project, Download This, on the show with us. Her words run deep.
Chari Boom Brap is as nice as she is hardworking as she is deep thinking. Fortunately, all of her hard work has not gone unnoticed. Chari is happy to announce that this week she is the first rapper to ever be awarded an Artist’s Fellowship from the Nevada Arts Council. This is not small accomplishment and you know she faced some steep competition to be honored with this award. We’re happy to congratulate her on this and you should too. Chari Boom Brap is a hot commodity and has a lot of Reno pride – hopefully some of us will get to ride her coattails one day.
We would also like to congratulate Nate the Intern. He has been promoted to Nathan the Production Assistant! Rick for one looks forward to his continuing work behind the scenes here at WLP. But what would our show be without an intern and whipping boy?? We bring you the next in a long line of losers, JB the Intern!!! JB had a rocky start, batting about .500 in task accomplishments. Listen in this week, because if all goes well, this will be the last time you hear his voice for a while. Thanks for Listening!
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