Betty Rocker: Cookin’ Up Awesome – S2 E39

We took a week off last week in light of the national tragedy – too many voices yelling in your ear. But here we are, back on schedule with:
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E38
We kept off the interwebz last week, given the national tragedy and a small personal tragedy we talk about on the show this week (hint: Rev. Rory can not use the word ‘gainfully’ at this time). While the announcements on the show are as dated as say, last week’s episode, the music of Betty Rocker never gets stale!!! Carsonite trio of power rockers, Carolyn Gates (bass), Rick Charles (drum) and Betty “Carla” Rocker (git) made the trip up to Reno to hang with us at the old smelly studio.
While they’ve only been playing for less than a year, Betty Rocker has quickly developed a following around their tough, tight sound. Gates, you may remember, is also the drummer for Blunderbusst, another one of our favorite Carson bands. We’re kind of having an amazing invasion of great music from the relative isolation of our state capitol. There might not be much of a scene for entertainment down there, but they are breeding performers like bunnies on a ranch!
Oh. It’s also Intern Spencer’s last show with us; it’s also his first show running the whole thing. SO any awkward or technical difficulties (like that time the power was out for 2 hours) is totally his fault. If this show sucks, it’s his fault. Rory says “yea, no” too much? It’s his fault. Your coffee doesn’t taste right? His fault. I hope we’ve all learned something from this experience.
Keep your ears posted for Betty Rocker shows in the next little while.
Thanks for listening!
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