Spike and Jackson – Attack of the Media Whores – S1 E20

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 20 <—- a milestone! Thanks for listening!
It has been a while! Good to be with you!
We return with a tempered vengance and too much to talk about! Neither Rory nor Nick got to talk about everything they wanted to get to. We are proud to announce a brand new sponsor of the show, STINGRAY TATTOO. Check out the oldest custom tattoo shop in Reno online at www.stingraytattoo.net or their Facebook page. We also recap the events of the past two weekends (Rick-stock and the Block Party), toothaches and plagues, and sadly, the passing of Dogwater Studios’ mascot, Ichabod Speck Spagnola. A fine chihuahua he was, and a longtime member of the Reno scene. Show a little love and pet a dog, bitches.
In studio we have some great friends and a new friend with us. Layla James of Rock 104.5 FM and iamlaylajames (and TV and commercials and all sorts of other cool stuff we’re all jealous of) hangs out with us and films us for her own video blog. She was a blast and welcome to take a chairor call in any time she wants. Unfazed by any and all questions. As opposed to Jackson Truckle of Spike and Jackson who spoke maybe 7 and 1/2 words, aside from singing.
That’s right – on the Internets for the first time EVAR: Spike and Jackson!!! They so old school, they don’t have computers! These stone age rockers throw down a couple of tracks and join in with the (Ever-Evolving) Worst Quiz Ever. Also, join us for our first installment of “What’s Matty Drinking?”, hopefully a brand new segment centered around intoxication. In addition to being a mild-mannered news guy on KOH, Matt is a loyal fan and good buddy. We’ll check back with him next week.
My bow-tie and I wish you adieu!
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