willie puchert
NULYPHE and Willie Puchert – We Are Community – S13 E12

This weeks theme is community: We are stoked to catch up with hip hop artist N.U.L.Y.P.H.E. and hear his most triumphant story starting from his last appearance on WLP, just one year ago. On a mission to teach hip hop and pay homage to the pioneers, N.U.L.Y.P.H.E.’s journey has led him to real support from the community and realizing his dream. It’s a great ride. He also provided today’s beats and live performance. We’re grateful for him and his work.

We also have dear friend and local icon, Willie Puchert. Willie grew up in Reno so we do get a bit nostalgic, reminiscing the biggest little city in the 80’s. Willie is also of the President of the Board of Directors of The Sons and Daughters of Erin (SADOE), a Irish/Celtic community group and cultural organization here in Reno. SADOE is reviving their annual festival in a different iteration and are unveiling a new Celtic music event coming up: Northern Nevada Celtic Ceilidh (pron. kay-lee), complete with fiddles, mandolins, harps, bagpipes, and everything! Listen or follow the link for details.

Speaking of celebrations: Kadillac Kim has of course turned her 40th birthday hootenanny into a fundraiser for Family Soup, a community non-profit out there feeding hungry people. The event is at 40 Mile Saloon on Wednesday April 19th featuring Kelly Proud, Rigorous Proof, Josiah Knight, and (the highly sexual) Grimedog! $5 bux at the door.

We have a quiz and dish the 411 on some great local shows.
Life is short and we love you.
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