Wildstock – Infecting you with Art – S3 E24

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The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E22
This week we have a whole episode about what’s happening in Reno this weekend! What a shock!
The first thing we’ve got is Wildstock! A benefit for the Wildflower Village. Organized by Michaeek MacMillan, Wildstock is a threeday blast out at the Wildflower Village, home to a gallery, absinthe bar, pub, the Iris Room and 2013 Nada Dada. It’s going to be a great event with lots and lots of local Reno music, burlesque, comedy, fire and much more!! Your very own Reverend Rory will be playing a set afternoon as well as emceeing most of the day.
Mike brought a couple performers from the event with him – Gabe Hilton and Jill Marlene. While these two wonderful Reno musicians performed together as a mother-son duo on the podcast, they are actually playing in separate groups during the Wildstock event! Oh, Reno, you are a juggernaut of talent…..
Old friend of the show, Elgin Alway also comes by to promote a comedy review that he’s put together at the Studio on 4th this Friday night. Should be a lot of fun, with three Reno comics and one from Sacramento! He’s also involved with a RAW Artists Reno show on the 22nd. Listen for details!
Also, while you’re out, don’t forget to check out the Biggest Little Lemonade Mixer, brought to you by Reno Arts & Exchange at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor! Going to be a new networking event with performers and vendors and booths and LEMONADE!
Well, that’s all I know, so again, Thanks for listening!