victims of the cave
Victims of the Cave – Hardcore Tapeworm – S5 E1

“I am NOT retarded!” and do NOT have a tapeworm!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E1 <– Download Link
Welcome to the next level, superfans!! It’s the start of a whole new season! Connor Martin, Gary Day, Gabe Day, John Bigby and Tyrus Legg from Victims of the Cave invade Dogwater Studios in its final days and blast through a great podcast with the guys. Everyone but Rev. Rory – who legit had the flu and is still sick RIGHT NOW as he laboriously types this up.
Largely a bunch of Reno boys, this metal band has been active in the Reno/Sparks metal and hardcore scene for a few years and are getting a lot of great exposure and some following – that will change as soon as this episode leaks, but good luck to ’em anyway! Thoughtful and polite, they are fine upstanding citizens This bunch of foulmouthed motherfuckers were a lot of fun to talk to. How do I know this? because I actually listened to the whole show! That’s how I know Gary broke the Namaste Meter and Chewie was fucking with my sound effects and doing them all wrong!
I’m still sick, like I said and am totally over this. But I do love you all. Check out Victims of the Cave if you are into the METAL BANDS! Because they are Metal As Fuck, representin’ Reno NV
Thanks for Listening!